http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/playing-politics-with-tax-records/2013/05/10/e36dfe5a-b9b7-11e2-aa9e-a02b765ff0ea_story.html A BEDROCK principle of U.S. democracy is that the coercive powers of government are never used for partisan purpose. The law is blind to political viewpoint, and so are its enforcers, most especially the FBI and the Internal Revenue Service. Any violation of this principle threatens the trust and the voluntary cooperation of citizens […]



Outspoken Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg has further fanned the flames of the Europe debate by calling for an electoral pact between the Conservatives and Ukip.

And Mr Mogg went further, suggesting the two parties could merge.

His comments will make uncomfortable reading for David Cameron who is coming under increasing pressure to call a referendum on Europe.

With Tory ministers warning they could not act without the support of their Liberal Democrat coalition parties, North East Somerset MP Mr Rees-Mogg had more advice for Mr Cameron.
He wants Ukip leader Nigel Farage to replace Nick Clegg as Deputy Prime Minister.

“I think that would be a better bet for Conservatism and the right wing in British politics,” he said on the BBC yesterday.

Senior Conservatives have urged the Prime Minister to hold a “mandate referendum” on his plan to re-negotiate the terms of Britain’s EU membership as early next spring in a bid to halt the rise of Mr Farage’s rampant UK Independence Party.

Which brings us to the eternal question: Will this be good for the Jews and Israel?….So far it is reassuring that the British Left has labeled UKIP as being “Zionists.”….rsk



British Member of Parliament chirps up conspiracy crackpottery from his Press TV pulpit

It was reported several months back that the unhinged Member of Parliament for Bradford West, George Galloway, was working for al-Mayadeen TV, a propaganda outlet thought to be sponsored by Syrian and Iranian sources.

Galloway has worked for the Iranian-state media outlet Press TV for a while, but he further entrenched himself with al-Mayadeen and in recent weeks, appears to have been going to bat harder and harder for Assad’s murderous regime in Syria.

Indeed, even the British Prime Minister had to recently put the ‘honourable gentleman’ in his place.

But Galloway has now nailed his colours to the mast further, as if possible, by trotting out a line that can only really be heard in the most fringe of Assad-loyalist corners of the internet (when they’re not disconnecting it, of course).

Apparently, Israel is working with Al-Qaeda to help bring down the Assad regime. Yes. Apparently Israel is stupid enough to arm a terrorist group that would arguably work much harder to wipe the Jewish state off the map than Assad’s lot ever did.

Watch for yourself, as Galloway explains his ‘theory’:


http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3496/saudi_arabia_beheads_pakistani_drug_smuggler Saudi Arabian authorities have reportedly beheaded a Pakistani national for smuggling drugs into the country. A report in The Express Tribune stated that the man was caught attempting to smuggle an amount of heroin hidden inside his stomach. The statement was made by a spokesperson for the country’s interior ministry. The unnamed man was beheaded in […]



Here’s the latest article by Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst David Singer.

He writes:

‘Google has spoken – Palestine is now indeed recognized as a country by the internet giant following the change of tag line on the homepage of its Palestinian edition from “Palestinian Territories” to “Palestine”.

In a statement given to the BBC, Google spokesman Nathan Tyler said:

“We’re changing the name ‘Palestinian Territories’ to ‘Palestine’ across our products. We consult a number of sources and authorities when naming countries.

In this case, we are following the lead of the UN, Icann [the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers], ISO [International Organisation for Standardisation] and other international organisations.”

Dr Sabri Saidam, advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, told the BBC:

“This is a step in the right direction, a timely step and one that encourages others to join in and give the right definition and name for Palestine instead of Palestinian territories

Most of the traffic that happens now happens in the virtual world and this means putting Palestine on the virtual map as well as on the geographic maps”

Tom McCarthy – a journalist for the Guardian US – has reported Google’s announcement under the following headline:
“Palestine now recognised by greater power than US or Israel – Google”

Certainly Mahmoud Abbas assumed the title “President of Palestine” and disbanded the Palestinian Authority on 3 January.

Yet no map has been produced by President Abbas indicating where the country he presumably heads is located. Nor has he called for the disbandment of the refugee camps run by UNRWA and extended a call to all Palestinian Arabs around the world to come and join him in the task of building and developing this newest country in the world.

ADAM SHAY:Successes and Failures of the BDS Campaign

http://www.jcpa.org/.        A concerted and well-organized campaign calling for “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” (BDS) against the State of Israel has been in effect for several years. In spite of its constant use of belligerent, violent, and deceitful tactics, the BDS movement has very little to show in the way of success regarding sanctions or […]


http://pjmedia.com/blog/sen-chris-murphy-d-ct-credentialed-not-educated/?print=1 Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) is exposing his ignorance of American history for all to see. On MSNBC, he recently called laws passed in Alabama and Kansas [1] that sought to prevent enforcement of any new federal gun control laws “laughable.”  (Other states are preparing to pass similar laws.) While there are certainly legitimate questions as […]


Carnegie Mellon University: Bigots and Turds


Two men who built America into a great nation, Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Mellon, helped build a great university — Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. But like so many other American campuses, it has descended into rot.

Consider the products of the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon, commonly called CMU.

The first CMU student in the news seeking an art degree is the anti-Catholic bigot Katherine O’Connor. O’Connor thought it would be edgy to walk around campus half-dressed as the pope, and half-dressed in nothing. The order of those halves gave her the opportunity to creatively employ her art studies in a way you can read about here. Her bottom half being naked allowed her to add to the “costume.”

There’s a problem with parading around campus half-dressed — it’s illegal in Pittsburgh. O’Connor is going to learn the hard way that while her bigotry isn’t illegal, her antics were. She was arrested along with Robb Godshaw, her criminal co-conspirator. She now faces charges of indecent exposure.

O’Connor is an art student at CMU (for now), and some Google work will reveal much about her life which I won’t reveal here. It also reveals much about CMU’s art program.

Consider Professor Golan Levin’s class that O’Connor was taking in the School of Design: Electronic Design II. Not only did O’Connor take this class, but so did Connie Dai.

Dai’s final project for CMU credit, which she describes here, is a “lovely be-jeweled turd that talks.” For this she received academic credit from (purportedly) one of America’s elite universities.

Andrew Mellon should be a household name. In addition to financing the industrial growth of America, he made one of the most philanthropic gifts to the United States ever — his art collection and the building to hold it on the National Mall, the National Gallery of Art. Here you will find original works from Mellon’s collection by da Vinci, Monet, Rembrandt, van Gogh, Raphael, and more. There are no talking be-jeweled turds.

Survey Says: Islam is a Global Menace By Andrew E. Harrod

http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2013/05/survey_says_islam_is_a_global_menace.html In an exclusive for the German conservative newspaper Die Welt on April 26, 2013, the German Bertelsmann Stiftung released international survey results concerning popular perceptions of Islam.  The polling of 14,000 people in 13 countries during November and December 2012 indicates broad-based concerns about the compatibility of Islamic beliefs and behaviors with free societies.  […]

Libya’s ‘Classical Liberal’ Sharia Supremacist Leader Andrew Bostom


This past week’s Benghazi hearings [2] re-focused attention on statements made by Libyan leader Muhammad al-Muqaryaf [Magariaf] in the immediate aftermath [3] of the murderous 9/11/2012 attacks on the vulnerable US Benghazi diplomatic mission compound. Al-Muqaryaf, head of Libya’s National Congress, reiterated (and elaborated upon) his contentions to Al-Hayat’s Raghdah Durgham during an interview [4] published October 1, 2012.

[Durgham] Were you the first to make the mistake of considering what happened to be among the reactions to the anti-Islam film, instead of considering it a terrorist operation?

[Al-Muqaryaf] Since the first seconds after this incident happened on 9/11 I was completely convinced that this act was a premeditated and intentional terrorist act. This video (film) was not disseminated before [could be typographical error for “was disseminated before” as stated in an answer to the question following next], but it is possible that it was taken as justification and pretext. Still, the truth of the matter is that what happened was premeditated and planned according to previous arrangements.

[Durgham] When did you say this to the Americans?

[Al-Muqaryaf] From the first seconds, in my first reaction to what happened.

[Durgham] Then they chose not to believe you?

[Al-Muqaryaf] They certainly have their own way of calculating, assessing, and viewing matters. One can only respect this. But for me, as soon as I learned that this video was disseminated six months ago, it became clear to me that the issue was contrived and that the timing was chosen.

[Durgham] But you told the Americans from the beginning that this was a terrorist act. Why then did they not believe the official word from Libya instead of…

[Al-Muqaryaf] They have their reasons. I do not know these reasons and I have no knowledge about them. But I completely rule out the possibility that this might have been due to a specific intention. I have knowledge and information of course about the presence of these elements in Libya, elements linked to Al-Qa’idah since an early stage, since the days of the revolution itself and the days of the war. I also have information about the presence or infiltration by non-Libyan elements with certain ideological affiliations during a phase months prior to it [revolution].

Al-Muqaryaf’s candor [4] has proven to be a useful adjunct to the concrete e-mail evidence which emerged from the Benghazi hearings [2] (and beyond, see here [5], here [6]) exposing the Obama Administration’s deliberately mendacious narrative. But notwithstanding Al-Muqaryaf’s steadfast refusal [4] to abide the Obama Administration’s deceitfully redacted, false scenario—constructed to uphold its politically-contrived Big Lie about “the demise of Al Qaeda”—unwarranted hagiographic assessments of the Libyan leader have been put forth by typically informed conservatives. For example, although nested within a harsh overall critique of the Libyan intervention, this romanticized assessment of Al-Muqaryaf himself was provided by National Review’s Andrew McCarthy [7]:

He [Al-Muqaryaf ] was among Qaddafi’s most prominent enemies, and is reputed to be a liberal in the classic sense, supporting free elections and free speech, as well as equality among citizens and between the sexes.