Seeming to give credence to Orwell’s observation that “some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could believe them,” on April 6th and 7th, Boston University will be hosting a Students for Justice in Palestine-run “Right of Return Conference,” yet another example of how purported scholarship about the Middle East is frequently biased […]
A report prepared by groups in the various Nordic countries has proposed instituting a legal ban on anti-Feminist “hatred,” comparing this to “racism.” Representing the left-wing coalition government in Norway, Ahmad Ghanizadeh from the Socialist Left Party (SV), the State Secretary in the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion, was positive towards the proposal, and promised that the government would look into it.
My initial thought upon hearing this is that Leftism is now officially a religion, and that its proponents desire a “blasphemy statute” to ban any serious discussion of left-wing doctrines and their consequences as “hate speech.”
Writer and fellow online dissident Takuan Seiyo commented that not even George Orwell could have come up with anything that tops this scenario. Yes, there is a serious proposal afoot in Norway to ban “anti-Feminist hatred”. Yes, the ministry really has the Orwellian name of Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. And yes, this State Secretary in Norway really is called Ahmad Ghanizadeh, originally from Iran.
In 2013, Norway’s Minister of Culture is Hadia Tajik, whose Muslim family came from Pakistan. One must assume that Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg of the Labour Party appointed her partly to remind the native population that they no longer have a culture, only “Multiculture,” but mainly in order to appeal to the Muslim and other Third World immigrant voters whose support his left-wing coalition depends upon in order to stay in power.
PM Stoltenberg in his prestigious New Year’s Speech for 2013 promised that his government would seek to ban “hateful utterances” on the Internet. The year before, Stoltenberg used his New Year’s Speech, always broadcasted on prime-time national TV and watched by a large proportion of his countrymen, to launch a frontal attack on alleged “totalitarian seducers” who use the Internet to spread unfounded “hatred.”
I was shortly afterwards contacted by the journalist Ragnhild Sleire Øyen from the state broadcaster NRK, the local equivalent of the BBC, who considered it obvious that the Prime Minister was referring to me personally. I’m sure many other citizens got the same message, and that may well have been intentional.
This week’s Glazov Gang had the honor of being joined by Borek Volarik, a Czech Defector, Kevin Gonzales, the producer of the upcoming documentary: “Martyred in the USSR,” and Leon Weinstein, a Soviet emigré and author of “Capitalism 101.”
The Gang members gathered to discuss: The Strange Death of a Putin Foe. The dialogue occurred in Part II and dealt with the peculiar recent “suicide” of Boris Berezovsky and its significance in the context of the opposition to Russia’s ruthless thugocracy getting smaller and smaller. The segment also focused on why there were no Nuremberg-trials for Marxist mass murderers, why the KGB still retains power in Russia, the impotence of the West in confronting Putin, and why people should read “Mein Kampf” to gain insight not only into Putin’s propaganda, but also Obama’s. This article first appeared at National Review Online. People who ask how it is possible that a convicted killer — a participant in a failed plot to blow up a social dance attended by 18-year-old draftees and their dates; a murderess who abetted the cold-blooded massacre of three law-enforcement officers, including the first African-American […] When Tuaregs and Islamists swarmed in to seize Northern Mali, one of the old grievances animating their campaign was slavery. The Tuaregs were not former slaves, they were, and in some cases still are, slaveholders. The French invasion of Northern Mali, liberating towns and villages under Islamist rule, was a historical echo of the […] Decades before Plato wrote The Republic and his Socratic dialogues, (in fact, when he was a babbling infant), Herodotus, the father of history, recorded the first known political debate. It was between three Persian princes about what was the best form of government: democracy, oligarchy, or monarchy. Otanes, the wealthiest prince, argued for “democracy.” […] Shakespeare wrote, “Hell is empty, and all devils are here.” He could have been writing about the Middle East. Ancient Persia extended from the Persian Gulf, to the Caspian Sea to the Euphrates River; with dominion over Egypt and Greece. Cyrus the Great conquered the Babylonian Empire, and was welcomed by the Jews, as […] The March issue of Al Qaeda’s Inspire Magazine is now out and is this time featuring The Lone Mujahid Pocketbook-drawing heavily on past issues-and emphasizing home-grown, lone wolf and softer target attacks with instructions to make them accessible to many. While on some levels it’s laughable -it also brings up some troubling issues to […]
The new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, who reportedly discovered only in adulthood that his paternal grandfather was Jewish, has been described as “a good friend” to Jews.
THE Archbishop of Canterbury has said that he should have voted against a General Synod motion that endorsed the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI).
Archbishop Welby abstained on a private member’s motion on Palestine and Israel that was passed by the Synod last year (News, 29 June 2012, Synod, 13 July 2012). The Board of Deputies of British Jews objected to the motion’s calling for the Synod to “affirm its support” for EAPPI. It said that EAPPI’s “ecumenical accompaniers”, who monitor human-rights abuses of Palestinians, had “almost no grasp of the suffering of normal Israelis”.
In an interview with The Jewish News, published on Thursday of last week, Archbishop Welby, who is scheduled to visit Israel in June, said: “On reflection, I’d have voted against. I wasn’t quite up to speed when I went into that vote. I think the situation in the Holy Land is so complicated . . . and I don’t think the motion adequately reflected the complexity.”
He said that he would have added to the motion that Israel had the right to “live in security and peace within internationally agreed bor- ders, and the people of the region have the right to justice, peace, and security, whoever they are”.
Dr John Dinnen, the Synod member for Hereford diocese who proposed the motion, said on Monday that he was “sad” that Archbishop Welby “now feels he should have voted against my private member’s Measure”.
Home The rugs under President Obama’s vows to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons are being pulled out constantly. Last Monday, former EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, pointed out that the negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group (Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States), scheduled to begin […]