Something like 6% of Israelis, or one in 16, begins his or her morning each day with a little serving of treason du jour known as Haaretz. Not only is this the Palestinian newspaper printed in Hebrew, its ideological line no longer differs in any noticeable way from the party line of the Israeli communist party, except when it comes to economics. (In bizarre only0in-Israel manner, Haaretz’ business section is the most strongly pro-market in all Israeli media.)

In the darkest days of Stalinism, communists and Soviet “citizens” would open Pravda (and its clones) each morning to discovery just what it is that they think and are expected to think. In some cases, what they were commanded to think might change throughout the day. The infamous example was the day when the morning edition of all communist papers in the world gushed about the deep friendship and lasting trust between Comrade Stalin and his ally and friend Adolf Hitler. Then the afternoon editions screamed denunciations of Nazi Germany and Hitler for invading the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa.

The Israeli radical Left works pretty much the same way. It opens Haaretz each morning in order to discover what it thinks. And it then spends the rest of the day mouthing these opinions and advocating what its gurus have instructed it to advocate.

Of the 6 percent of Israelis who read the “newspaper,” my guess is that 4 out of the 6 read it for the business/economic supplement, which is the best on these subjects in Israel. Go figure. Of the remaining 2 percent, some like me read it so they can see just what the enemy is thinking and planning. The remaining 1 to 2% are the true believers, the goose-stepping rank and file of the ultra-Left, many of these of course being tenured leftists.

Haaretz is openly anti-Zionist and pro-terror and pro-jihad. It opposes any sanctions and aggressive policy against Iran. Every day the paper is filled with mailman-bites-dog stories, about how settlers supposedly attack Arabs or vandalize Arab property. If Haaretz were reporting on World War II using its staff of today, the paper would be filled with reports about the sufferings of innocent German and Japanese civilians as a result of the aggressions of the Western imperialist powers: America and Britain. With no comment at all about Axis aggression.

The newspaper of the thinking Israeli, as it likes to dub itself, openly cheers on Palestinians who throw rocks and molotov cocktails at Jews. After all, the Palestinians have grievances. The paper only uses the “T” word “terrorist” to refer to Jews, never to Arabs. This week Jack Teitel, the mentally ill ex-American who killed two Arabs and placed a small explosive device near the home of radical anti-Israel professor Zeev Sternhall, was denounced by Haaretz (he was just sentenced to two life terms in prison) as a “Jewish terrorist.” The rest of the left repeated the mantra in unison. Teitel is not a terrorist but a mentally ill person.

Vast Majority of Jordanian Parliament Calls for Release of Man Who Murdered 7 Israeli Schoolgirls

Christian and Muslim women are being raped in Tahrir Square in Cairo. Hindu girls are being kidnapped, raped and sold as slaves to Muslim men. Muslim girls have been incinerated for attending school.
All of these activities “please Allah.”

This is the hate ideology masquerading as a religion that we have allowed to expand into our midst.

Janet Levy, Los Angeles

P.S. Note below that the VAST MAJORITY of the Muslim Parliament calls for the release of the murderer. This is NOT A CRIME in their unholy book!

Vast Majority of Jordanian Parliament Calls for Release of Man Who Murdered 7 Israeli Schoolgirls by Daniel Greenfield

This is yet another reminder that meaningful peace of any kind is utterly impossible. The issue isn’t territory. It’s bone deep hatred to a degree that is inconceivable among normal human beings.

Peace is impossible.

The Island of Peace massacre was a Mass murder attack that occurred at the Island of Peace site in Naharayim on March 13, 1997 in which Ahmed Daqamseh, a Jordanian soldier opened fire at a large group of Israeli schoolgirls from the AMIT Fuerst School in Beit Shemesh who were on a class field trip, killing seven of them and injuring six others.

The shooter, who expressed pride for his actions, was imprisoned by Jordanian authorities, but was later called a “hero” by the Jordanian Justice Minister and Parliament, who called for his release.

Speaking on Al Jazeera in May 2001, Ahmed Daqamseh’s mother said, “I am proud of my son, and I hold my head high. My son did a heroic deed and has pleased Allah and his own conscience. My son lifts my head and the head of the entire Arab and Islamic nation. I am proud of any Muslim who does what Ahmad did.

“When my son went to prison, they asked him: ‘Ahmad, do you regret it?’ He answered: ‘I have no regrets.’ He treated everyone to coffee, honored all the other prisoners, and said: The only thing that I am angry about is the gun, which did not work properly. Otherwise I would have killed all of the passengers on the bus.”

In an interview Daqamseh gave in 2004 to Jordanian weekly a-Shahed, he expressed pride in his actions and said that “if I could return to that moment, I’d behave exactly the same way. Every day that passes, I grow stronger in the belief that what I did was my duty.”


Immune cells prevent and cause brain degeneration. Weizmann Institute’s Professor Michal Schwartz and her team have discovered that immune cells at the edge of the brain travel an extraordinary route to repair brain trauma. In the elderly, the cells no longer do their function, which could open up new treatments for dementia.

Immune cells fight or cause liver disease. Sounds familiar? Professor Rifaat Safadi’s team from Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem has identified that the normal function of Neuroliglin 4 in the immune system is to fight cirrhosis of the liver. But in patients with Hepatitis or alcoholics, the cell changes and attacks the liver.

Sweetner could treat Parkinson’s. Researchers from Tel Aviv University have found that the sugar substitute mannitol protects the brain against the effects of Parkinson’s disease. Laboratory trials are to be completed before human clinical trials can commence.

Pediatrician delivers baby in elevator. On her way to give a lecture at Kaplan Medical Center Dr. Hanni Olivestone found a woman in labor in a public bathroom. She took the woman in a wheelchair to the delivery room but as they entered the elevator, the baby’s head emerged.

Top US award for Israeli cancer specialist. The American Association for Cancer Research has awarded Professor Alexander Levitzki of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem its 2013 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry in Cancer Research. It recognizes Prof Levitzki’s work on signal transduction therapy and the development of tyrosine kinase inhibitors as effective agents against cancer.–media/aacr-in-the-news.aspx?d=3073

Repairing the damage from acne. (Thanks to Atid-EDI) Israel’s Syneron Medical is launching its unique bi-polar fractional radio-frequency (RF) energy device to remove acne scars. 22% of adults 18 years and older are adversely affected by acne scars and 77% of them want a low-cost, quick and painless way to remove them.

Review of Choosing Life in Israel, by P. David Hornik (Ontario: Freedom Press, 2013). * By Edward Alexander

*Reprinted, with permission, from the Chicago Jewish Star.       The first two words of the title Choosing Life in Israel, by P. David Hornik,  are fraught with double meaning for any literate Jew.  In  Deuteronomy 30: 19, Moses calls heaven and earth “to witness against you this day,  that I have set before thee life […]

What Would the US Do if Israel Defied It by Attacking the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program? Max Singer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: If Israel strikes Iranian nuclear weapons facilities, the paramount American national interest would be dissuading the Iranian regime from rebuilding its nuclear program – not punishing or isolating Israel. Washington should signal to Iran that despite America’s strong objections to an Israeli attack, after such an attack it would support Israel and […]


We’ve forgotten what belongs on Page One.

Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven’t heard about these sickening accusations?

It’s not your fault. Since the murder trial of Pennsylvania abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell began March 18, there has been precious little coverage of the case that should be on every news show and front page. The revolting revelations of Gosnell’s former staff, who have been testifying to what they witnessed and did during late-term abortions, should shock anyone with a heart.

NBC-10 Philadelphia reported that, Stephen Massof, a former Gosnell worker, “described how he snipped the spinal cords of babies, calling it, ‘literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.” One former worker, Adrienne Moton, testified that Gosnell taught her his “snipping” technique to use on infants born alive.

Massof, who, like other witnesses, has himself pleaded guilty to serious crimes, testified “It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.” Here is the headline the Associated Press put on a story about his testimony that he saw 100 babies born and then snipped: “Staffer describes chaos at PA abortion clinic.”

“Chaos” isn’t really the story here. Butchering babies that were already born and were older than the state’s 24-week limit for abortions is the story. There is a reason the late Democratic senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan called this procedure infanticide.

A few hours after Margaret Thatcher’s death on Monday, the snarling deadbeats of the British underclass were gleefully rampaging through the streets of Brixton in South London, scaling the marquee of the local fleapit and hanging a banner announcing, “THE BITCH IS DEAD.” Amazingly, they managed to spell all four words correctly. By Friday, “Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead,” from The Wizard of Oz, was the No. 1 download at Amazon U.K.
Mrs. Thatcher would have enjoyed all this. Her former speechwriter John O’Sullivan recalls how, some years after leaving office, she arrived to address a small group at an English seaside resort to be greeted by enraged lefties chanting “Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher! Fascist fascist fascist!” She turned to her aide and cooed, “Oh, doesn’t it make you feel nostalgic?” She was said to be delighted to hear that a concession stand at last year’s Trades Union Congress was doing a brisk business in “Thatcher Death Party Packs,” almost a quarter-century after her departure from office.
Of course, it would have been asking too much of Britain’s torpid Left to rouse themselves to do anything more than sing a few songs and smash a few windows. In The Wizard of Oz, the witch is struck down at the height of her powers by Dorothy’s shack descending from Kansas to relieve the Munchkins of their torments. By comparison, Britain’s Moochkins were unable to bring the house down: Mrs. Thatcher died in her bed at the Ritz at a grand old age. Useless as they are, British socialists were at one point capable of writing their own anti-Thatcher singalongs rather than lazily appropriating Judy Garland blockbusters from MGM’s back catalogue. I recall in the late Eighties being at the National Theatre in London and watching the crowd go wild over Adrian Mitchell’s showstopper, “F**k-Off Friday,” a song about union workers getting their redundancy notices at the end of the week, culminating with the lines:

Elusive Arab-Israeli Peace? I hate To Break The News… by Gerald A. Honigman But if Barack Obama is not the main reason for a lack of progress (and that’s indeed a possibility), he’s certainly not been a major constructive force either. Secretary of State John Kerry recently carried Team Obama’s old/new schemes to the Middle East–with predictable results. The Arabs swear they won’t budge in any “negotiations” […]



French Budget Minister caught dodging taxes

President Hollande’s government of exemplary virtue shattered

PARIS. One week after President Hollande spoke to the nation in a tepid sleep-inducing TV interview, a sort of fireside chat without a hearth, the Jérôme Cahuzac scandal exploded in his face, shattering his pretentions to govern with exemplary virtue. The disgraced Budget Minister, working under the authority of Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici and responsible for tracking tax evaders, does in fact have an undeclared account in a tax haven. The scandal was revealed on December 4th by Mediapart, a hard-hitting online newspaper to the left of the left, that digs up the truth and delivers it in strong righteous doses … available only to paid subscribers. Why did it take the Hollande government four months to confirm the rumor and rid itself of the offender? Commentators are tossing a coin to see if it comes up ineptitude or attempted cover up. It may be both.

Jérôme Cahuzac was a handsome young cardiac surgeon in 1988 when he was appointed head of the pharmaceutical division in the Health Ministry of the Mitterand government. After his first stint in politics he became a consultant to drug companies. He opened the Swiss bank account in 1992—the socialist Mitterand was still president—using as straw man a tax lawyer who is a friend of National Front leader Marine Le Pen.

In association with his wife, also an M.D. (divorce proceedings are currently underway), Cahuzac opened a hair transplant clinic while pursuing his political career. He campaigned with the socialist Lionel Jospin in 1995, was parachuted to Villeneuve-sur-Lot and elected deputy in 1997, voted out in 2002, re-elected in 2007, and has served as mayor of the town since 2002. After heading up the Finance Commission of the National Assembly under the previous administration, Cahuzac was brought into the squeaky clean government of François Hollande. He was known for rigorous, sometimes harsh budget management and relentless pursuit of tax dodgers. Making the rich pay their fair share is the very foundation of the Hollande government. The failed attempt to impose a 75 percent tax on yearly individual income over a million euros was glorified as a call for “fiscal patriotism”.

For the past four months Cahuzac has been vehemently denying the Mediapart accusation: face to face with his fellow cabinet ministers and the President, publicly to the media and Parliament. When the lumbering official investigation finally confirmed the tax evasion, Cahuzac confessed and resigned. He was excommunicated from the Socialist Party and enclosed within a sky-high firewall as calls arose for new elections (from the National Front’s Marine Le Pen), resignation of the PM and formation of a new government (Jean-François Copé, head of the UMP), dissolution of the entire operation and creation of a 6th République (Jean-Luc Melenchon of the Front de Gauche).


Note a couple of things in the short video (follow the link):
1) The dhimmi reporter and the victim both use the politically correct modifiers “radical,” “fundamentalist” and “extremist” rather than just “Islam” or “Muslim.” It is clear that their free speech has already been compromised as they fear using accurate terms and descriptions of those who practice a hate ideology. (Very restrictive hate speech laws were instituted in the UK in 2006, but only to protect Muslims).
2) The Muslims are free to criticize the Christian woman, threaten her and state that Islam will take over the UK but the Christian woman is fired for defending her friend and her religion.
3) The UK has 85 Shariah courts.
4) The state you “don’t mess with” – Texas – has had a shariah court since 2002.
Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

Persecution of Non-Muslims Spreading To UK From OIC Countries – The Case of A Heathrow Airport Worker
By ICLA Admin • on April 11, 2013

ICLA has written about how Muslims who want to frighten Christians in places like Pakistan merely have to accuse them of blasphemy in order to turn their lives upside down. Increasingly it seems that this kind of mentality is beginning to thrive in places like the United Kingdom. Read more & see video: