Blasphemy Mucho—How Sharia Kills Free Speech: Andrew Bostom [1]Losing free speech via the toxic synergy of mainstream, supremacist Islam, and Western self-loathing *** Al Qaeda’s English language magazine “Inspire [2],” in its latest edition, has expressed the jihad terror organization’s outrage over the “Innocents of Muslims” video trailer, an amateurish production, which merely depicted some of the less salutary aspects [3] of […]

Israel’s Ongoing Public Diplomacy Fiasco By David Isaac On Feb. 28, at a meeting of something called the U.N. Alliance of Civilizations, Turkey’s Prime Minister Tacip Erdogan called Zionism “a crime against humanity.” Another day, another vicious slur on Israel, in this case from the leader of a country that only yesterday had been its strategic ally in the region. All that […]


Spring is coming, and so is Israel Apartheid Week to campuses across the country.Here in Boston, Harvard students already got an “eviction notice” pasted on their doors by the Palestine Solidarity Committee who likened the notices to the “Illegal displacement of Palestinians” in Israel. At Northeastern University a full week of activities, films, an “apartheid wall,” etc. is being planned starting next week. At Boston University, an “academic” panel on “Right of Return” is being set up.What can our side do?Tell the truth: that this is a lie and that the real apartheid in the Middle East is Arab Apartheid, where women, gays, Christians, Jews and other minorities are subjugated, humiliated, raped, and slaughtered.We need the Jewish students on campus to use THIS argument – not to say, as some of our feckless leaders are telling them to say: “We are not so bad as they say we are.”You can help make Arab Apartheid a meme (an idea that spreads). Here’s how:Read this wonderful article by Professor Ephraim Karsh that explains it all very simply and with easily remembered facts and arguments.Then spread it around to everyone you know. Charles Jacobs

In light of Israel Apartheid Week, which hit cities and campuses throughout the world recently, supporters of the Jewish state find it difficult to agree on the best response to this hate fest. Some suggest emphasizing Israel’s peacemaking efforts, others propose rebranding the country by highlighting its numerous achievements and success stories. Still others advocate reminding the world of “what Zionism is – a movement of Jewish national liberation – and what it isn’t – racist.” Each of these approaches has its merits yet none will do the trick.

Peace seeking and/or prosperity are no proof of domestic benevolence and equality. The most brutal regimes have peacefully coexisted with their neighbors while repressing their own populations; the most prosperous societies have discriminated against vulnerable minorities. South Africa was hardly impoverished and technologically backward; the United States, probably the most successful and affluent nation in recent times was largely segregated not that long ago.

Nor for that matter is the apartheid libel driven by forgetfulness of Zionism’s true nature. It is driven by rejection of Israel’s very existence. No sooner had the dust settled on the Nazi extermination camps than the Arabs and their western champions equated the Jewish victims with their tormentors.


SEN. FEINSTEIN’S HUBBY…A POINT MAN ON GORE’S TV SALE TO AL JAZEERA Via Drudge, a Hollywood Reporter story on a $5 million lawsuit filed by a consultant who was cut out of a share of the Current TV/Al Jazeera deal. What is even more interesting is the key role David Blum, Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s […]



Waste, fraud and US-taxpayer-abuse.

The final Special Inspector General’s Iraq Report (SIGIR) is out this week. Curl up with it and find out where $60 billion taxpayer dollars went in Iraq (spoiler alert: down the drain). Boosters point to the relative success of Iraqi security forces in “keeping order” (trained at a cost of $20-plus billion) — and Petraeus and Crocker, in their introduction to the report, still burble on, old Western-serial-style, about providing “new opportunity to the citizens of the Land of the Two Rivers” — although somehow it seems relevant to note that Iraqi security forces under dictator Saddam Hussein also “kept order,” sans such costly US training.

Out of Afghanistan, the waste, fraud and abuse story is even more grotesque. Afghanistan’s Special Inspector General estimates that Americans have spent $100 billlion (and counting) on construction projects. After all, there was little to re-construct, except the Kajaki Dam, which we first built back in the 1950s. Now, USAID is pulling the plug on it.

Enough said? Not on your life.


Yesterday, March 6, 2013, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), embarked on a filluster to block the nomination of John Brennan to director of the CIA pending confirmation from the Obama White House that it agrees the president is bound by the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees Americans’ right to due process, and therefore will never use drones to kill American non-combatants on American soil.

To date, the White House answer is silence.

Here are Paul’s opening remarks, which began at 11:47 am, excerpted from the uncorrected transcript to be found at Paul’s official website. Paul’s dramatic, public, and instructive defense of Constitutional rights against executive overreach is the best thing to have happened to America in a long time.

BRUCE BAWER: NATIVE NORWEGIANS WILL SOON BECOME A MINORITY IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY NRK has done it again. I’ve written before about Norway’s state broadcasting service, which magically converts Norwegians’ compulsory “license fees” into – as I put it last October – “outright, shameless, and (not infrequently) downright vile propaganda.” Propaganda, for example, against the critics of Islam. Propaganda, a few weeks back, about a gypsy lady […]

The Hollywood Left Mourns Its ‘Great Hero’ Chavez: Mark Tapson Tuesday was a dark day for socialist totalitarians everywhere, including among the Hollywood elite. Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez finally succumbed to cancer, and a pair of Hollywood heavyweight supporters mourned him openly and proudly. “Today the people of the United States lost a friend it never knew it had,” declared Sean Penn, Hollywood’s most […]

Reign of Evil: A Look Back at the Vicious Rule of Hugo Chavez Posted By Arnold Ahlert

URL to article: It is no accident that the death of Hugo Chavez, while mourned by the usual suspects on the left, was celebrated by thousands of his fellow countrymen. In the Doral section of Miami, FL, home to the largest enclave of Venezuelans living in America, the strongman’s demise was met with unrestrained […]


On this week’s Glazov Gang, Morgan Brittany, Ann-Marie Murrell and Dwight Schultz gathered to discuss CPAC 2013: Expectations. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on the politics surrounding the upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference in D.C., March 14th-16th. The segment also highlighted Hagel heading to the Pentagon and MSNBC hiring Axelrod and Gibbs. Part I focused on Threatening Woodward, dealing with the thought crime of a journalist in the Obama-era. The segment also included an analysis of Texas Kids Forced to Wear Burqa, shining a spotlight on the troubling Sharia education in Texas’ public school system. To watch both parts of the two part series, see below:

HANS VON SPAKOVSKY: ROBERTS AND SCALIA ARE RIGHT ON THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT Why are liberal activists exerting themselves so fervently to attack the points made by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Antonin Scalia last week during the oral arguments in the Shelby County v. Holder case? Perhaps the justices’ critics are desperate to retain the unconstitutional preclearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act, which have […]