President Obama’s highly controversial gun control proposal is being split into several bills that Senate Democrats hope will be easier to pass. Expanded background checks, limits on the size of weapon magazines and California Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s “assault weapons” ban may all be brought up for a vote. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., wants to […] Like Garbo, President Obama wants to be left alone. The world annoys him. His personal interests and political agenda are domestic in focus: “An economy that works for everybody” (without everybody working for the economy, of course) is his dream. But foreign-policy crises will be his second-term nightmare. Obama and his party behave as […] In September 1993, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin received a request from the U.S. commander in Somalia for extra tanks, armored vehicles, and AC-130 Spectre gunships to support U.S. operations in Mogadishu. Aspin refused the request. The White House was not involved in the decision. Days later, 18 U.S. soldiers were killed in Mogadishu, […] AIRO— (TCSM) John Kerry arrived in Egypt on his first visit since becoming secretary of state amid criticism that the US has reverted to an old pattern of behavior in Egypt: overlooking abuses of the president. Some opposition leaders refused to meet Secretary Kerry, protesting what they see as unreserved US support for Egypt’s […] So what’s Rupert Murdoch’s Saudi Prince Moneybags up to lately? March 13, 2013, “Prince Alwaleed Receives Lebanese Deputy Head of Mission to Discuss Economic Issues”: The meeting began as Mr. Anouti thanked Prince Alwaleed for giving him the opportunity to meet with him. February 26, 2013, “Prince Alwaleed Receives Outgoing Head of European Commission”: […]
Will Big-Drama Obama Backfire? With all the nonsense that came out of the White House about the sequester, it could be that President Obama’s credibility has taken a serious hit. Perhaps it’s not just the Republicans who are going to get blamed here. Because when Saturday Night Live opens its show satirizing The One, you […] Fox News reports that following Senate fury (when?) over a heavily redacted set of White House documents pertaining to the 9/11/12 attack on the US compound in Benghazi, a second set of documents “were delivered to Capitol Hill Thursday night which had only minimal redactions.” … Senators have asked to see the documents as […]
That these two people were once on our government’s National Security Council is a disgrace.
There is an influx of new “useful idiots” these days — the term attributed to Lenin which refers to all the Western dupes who buy the lies of the Communists and who do their bidding without realizing it. But this time, since the Soviet Union no longer exists and a love affair with Communist Cuba has become somewhat passé, the shift in support of repressive regimes has turned to none other than that of the mullahs’ Iran.
This was made clear in a recent issue of The Nation, which featured an article [1] by our country’s two most notorious apologists for the brutal Iranian regime: Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett. Titled “The Real Challenge from Iran,” the mullahs’ new American spokespeople argue that most people are spreading myths about Iran, calling the regime “irrational, illegitimate and vulnerable.” Rather than being “despised by its own people,” they argue, the current regime is based on “participatory politics,” “elections with the principles and institutions of Islamic governance, and a commitment to foreign policy independence.”
It is, they conclude, “what a majority of Iranians living inside the country want.”
Reading this, I get a feeling of déjà vu, since it reminds me of the scores of articles the magazine used to run from the 1930s through the 1960s about how wonderful and progressive Stalin’s Soviet Union was. The fellow travelers of the Old Left always argued that the people supported the Soviet regime; that all the stories of executions, a vast secret police, repression, and a huge prison system were lies spread by the right-wing press and by anti-Communist émigrés. If some of their claims turned out to be true, it was the fault of the West and the United States, who forced them to turn to repression to protect the revolution always under fire from the oppressors of the capitalist nations.
Threatening Woodward — on The Glazov Gang
Morgan Brittany, Ann-Marie Murrell and Dwight Schultz reflect on the thought crime of a journalist in the Obama-era. The UN and its arms across the world have become a platform for some of its member to spew propaganda and racial hatred against the U.S. and Israel while cloaking their own crimes against humanity. At a recent UN Conference in Vienna, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan used the podium to address the […]