Iran Fears May Be Compelling Saudi Arabia to Begin to Tell the Truth About Israel by Evelyn Gordon…see note please

I have the highest regard for Evelyn Gordon….but this is more of that cliche about the enemy of my enemy….the Saudis are cunning practitioners of deceit, advocates of strict Sharia, Black belt anti-Semites and enablers of Jihad….rsk

If there were a prize for the Arab country that has done most to promote Arab-Israeli peace recently, I’d seriously consider nominating Saudi Arabia. Admittedly, that’s a counterintuitive choice: Riyadh doesn’t even recognize Israel and shows no signs of doing so anytime soon; moreover, it finances the spread of extremist Islamic ideology. But Saudi-funded papers have been doing something that may be far more important than another handshake on the White House lawn: providing a platform for Arab journalists and public figures to challenge the dominant Middle Eastern narrative of Israel as the root of all evil.

Consider, for instance, a column published last month in Asharq Al-Awsat, a paper owned by a member of the Saudi royal family and known for its support of the Saudi monarchy. Written by the paper’s then-deputy editor-in-chief, Adel Al Toraifi, and titled “Who holds Hamas’ terrorism to account?” the column blamed not Israel, but Hamas, for Palestinian casualties during both the second intifada and the recent fighting in Gaza.

During the intifada, wrote Al Toraifi, “Only a small number of Palestinians died in the first weeks.” But then, “Hamas and other factions decided to militarize the intifada through the use of suicide attacks, costing the Palestinians nearly 2,000 lives in less than two years.”

Similarly, when smaller factions began “sabotaging the truce in Gaza,” Hamas “did not condemn their attacks, rather its leaders talked about the victory that was achieved through the missile fire.” Consequently, “a hundred Palestinians have died and what remains of the dilapidated infrastructure there has been destroyed.”

WES PRUDEN: TAKING AIM AT AN EASY TARGET….PIETY ON PARADE “What we must have is a national debate about guns.” So goes the media cliché of the moment. Everybody on the left is saying it, but nobody there means a word of it. All these wayward worthies really want is an opportunity to put piety on parade (and take your guns). Everybody agrees that […]

Why Is Boehner Negotiating with Obama at All? By Frank Salvato

As the nation stands ready to plunge over the so-called “fiscal cliff,” it has become obvious that no matter how many ways House Republicans find to “increase revenue,” in an effort to meet President Obama and his Progressive brethren in compromise, nothing short of complete capitulation will placate the spendthrifts existing on the Left side of the aisle. It is abundantly clear that Mr. Obama and Congressional Democrats intended all along to allow sequestration to occur, resulting in both the slashing of the budget at the Pentagon (an ongoing quest of both Democrats and Progressives) and gaining political capital in being able to con low-information voters into believing Republicans caused the problem in the first place.

One point that needs to be made – and understood – by even the most apolitical among us is this: Congress, and specifically the US House of Representatives, is where all legislation concerning revenue is mandated to originate. Article I, Section 7, of the United States Constitution reads:

“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”

And while the verbiage that follows outlines the processes by which the presidential veto and congressional veto overrides are to be executed, nowhere is the power of the purse – the ability to create legislation that raises revenue – extended to any other branch of government or congressional body.

I bring this fundamental tenet of our system of government to the forefront because I am puzzled as to why House Republicans, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH), are negotiating budgetary financial matters, a responsibility and purview exclusively vested in the US House of Representatives, with anyone outside that body, let alone the Executive Branch, which only has the constitutional power of the veto over said legislation?

Such are the questions that arise when the bully pulpit is used to usurp the constitutional order of our government.


Fatah and Hamas appear to have more that unites them than divides them.
A Senior Hamas official said that his organization wants reconciliation efforts with the PLO to be based on the Palestinian Arab demand for a right of return, a demand that if implemented would effectively bring about the end of Israel as a Jewish state, as well the absence of recognition of Israel’s right to exist.

Ahmed Bahar made the statements Thursday, according to Ma’an News Agency.“We want a real unity among the Palestinian people in order to stand in a row in front of the Israeli occupation and prevent it from carrying out its settlement projects and Judaization of Jerusalem,” Bahar said, according to a translation.

Since the end of the recent conflict in November between Israel and terrorists in Gaza, Hamas and the PA have made no secret of their interest in reconciling after their acrimonious split in 2007. Recent polls have shown support for the reconciliation process, as well as for Hamas’s leadership, has grown in recent months.

Bahar also stressed his mantra that resistance was the only path, saying that a return to negotiations would be futile as attempts at talks in the past twenty years “did not achieve anything.”

MARK LANGFAN: IRAN’S “THIN MAN” GUN-TYPE…PLUTONIUM AND DIRTY BOMB The gun-type plutonium bomb mechanism is small, cylindrical, and very physically robust technologically; the manners of delivery of such a nuclear device are infinite. Guess who has the technology. On December 5th, 2012, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published an article entitled “From Bushehr to the Bomb.” The blockbuster WSJ article reported that Iran […]


Post Election Stress Disorder: What to do Until 2024

by DR. YALE KRAMERDecember 27, 2012

All loss is traumatic to human beings. The consequences of severe loss–the loss of a loved one–may be life-long and inconsolable. A lesser loss–loss of a job perhaps, or a fortune–may take months or years to overcome. A World Series wager? A couple of bourbons and a good night’s sleep.

But isn’t it time you closed the book on the 2012 election? Good grief, it’s been more than seven weeks now. Isn’t it time you stopped replaying that first debate? Gave up re-analyzing the DVR of Karl Rove’s 3-2-1 strategy of the Romney victory; and seeing Dick Morris declare again for the hundredth time that Romney was going to win with 300 electoral votes.

Isn’t it time we gave up revisiting those horrible three hours on election night after the polls closed in Connecticut. Watching Brett Baier, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, as he proudly introduced the statisticians who would make the winning calls, and the guru strategists who would tell us what counties to follow as Romney’s vote total mounted and it became clear that he had beaten Obama.

And when did the collars begin to wilt and spirits begin to sag? Ten? Ten-thirty? The swing states began to slide away. New Hampshire? What? What’s going on? Virginia? We’ll make it up with Iowa, and probably Wisconsin, right? Ohio looks bad…Florida slipping away further and further. Then it was suddenly clear–all of our hopes, our strategies, our future fantasies–all illusions…childish wishes.


My e-pal P. David Hornik,( reminds us today how the West, not content with dividing Israel’s capital now seeks actual Jew-free zones in Jerusalem, the locus of the prayers of Jews for centuries. Once, among Jews and their supporters -even leftists and pacifists- considered the city undividable. Candidates and platforms of both major political parties in America issued strong calls for moving the American embassy there. Where has that support vanished? Where are the leaders? Where is the outrage?

Psalm 137

“If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her skill. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.”

Hillary not seen in public since December 15
The Weekly Standard
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
On December 15, State Department officials notified the press that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had fallen ill. Since then, Clinton does not appear to have been sighted in public. Read more…

Read more:


2012.12.26 (Khost, Afghanistan) – Three Afghans are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2012.12.25 (Nalchik, Russia) – Suspected Islamists shoot a non-Muslim twice in the head.
2012.12.25 (Peri, Nigeria) – A pastor and five worshippers are slaughtered in a Religion of Peace attack on a Christmas morning church service.
2012.12.25 (Karachi, Pakistan) – An attack on a Sunni cleric leaves six dead.
2012.12.24 (Maiduguri, Nigeria) – Six people are killed in a Christmas Eve church attack by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2012.12.24 (Samarrah, Iraq) – Suspected al-Qaeda assassinate two guards at a Shia shrine.

The Continuing Bad Advice of Thomas Friedman: Bad for the United States and for Israel: Ron Radosh On Christmas Day, Tom Friedman [1] gave his readers what may possibly be his worst columns ever (having written so many bad columns, this is of course a judgment call). Here he joins the less influential John B. Judis of The New Republic [2] in defending the status of Chuck Hagel as the leading […]