
David Sayers is a Viet Nam Veteran that served in the U.S. Army for 13 years, is airborne qualified. He Served with 82nd Airborne and 101st. D

The left would have us believe placing women in direct combat roles is a problem in search of a solution. They are not only wrong but dangerously so. It is not part of a necessary military evolution such as going from a battleship Navy to a carrier Navy. As the old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Since the early days of mankind, the male role has traditionally been that of the protector /provider and the woman’s role that of mother/nurturer. Despite outcries from the left, especially the feminist, and with the understanding that there are exceptions, this is the way of nature and what has sustained civilization for eons.

The primary role of the military in combat is not to provide a remedy for their perceived gender inequality or any other form of PC social experimentation. The sine qua non of front line combat troops is to prevail in combat and simply put, men are far better equipped both physically and mentally to accomplish that role! This is in no way meant to speak adversely of women’s courage or their willingness to go in harm’s way; rather, it is a matter of the most effective way to accomplish the mission of combat troops. Unfortunately, too many of those advocating this proposed new role for women are more interested in advancing the cause of gender equity rather than preparing combat troops to defeat the enemy. This is a dangerous aspiration with deadly consequences!

While there are isolated cases of women placed in combat roles (the Israelis, Soviets, and Germans, when in desperate need of front-line troops, placed women in combat, but later barred them) these have been rare and there were extenuating circumstances. Those conditions simply do not exist in our military.

Europe’s Hezbollah Dilemma by MARK SILVERBERG

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/europes-hezbollah-dilemma The long-awaited results of the Bulgarian investigation into the Burgas terrorist bombing last July 18th has placed enormous pressure on the European Union to proscribe Hezbollah as a terrorist organization – a classification repeatedly called for by the US, Canada and Israel, but so far rejected by EU member states except the Netherlands. Hezbollah’s […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/classic-hagel I think it is pretty amazing that AIPAC is keeping mum on the fact that Obama has nominated a Jew hater and Israel basher to serve as the next Defense Secretary. As I’ve said before, Hagel’s appointment is a far greater threat to the US military than it is to Israel. But still, it […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/340377/obama-s-benghazi-success-rich-lowry The Obama White House is to be congratulated. It has executed one of the most effective stonewalls in recent memory over the Benghazi attack last September 11 that killed our ambassador to Libya and three others. Its handling of the aftermath of the debacle is a model example of the power of obfuscation and […]


http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/340376/obama-s-hypocritic-oath-victor-davis-hanson Barack Obama has a habit of identifying a supposed crisis in collective morality, damning the straw men “them” who engage in such ethical lapses, soaring with rhetorical bromides — and then, to national quiet, doing more or less the exact things he once swore were ruining the country. Washington will always be a city […]

Building Bridges Between Christians and Muslims: A Case Study Robert Spencer

http://pjmedia.com/lifestyle/2013/02/10/building-bridges-between-christians-and-muslims-a-case-study/ While Christians face escalating persecution from Muslims in Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and elsewhere, the Catholic Church temporizes, ignores the victims, and plays at “dialogue” with Islamic supremacist groups whose announced intent is to “build bridges” with non-Muslims. Such bridges are really just proselytizing mechanisms to convert them to Islam, not an attempt […]



Climate Astrology: Blizzard blamed on global warming?! Is there any weather event that is inconsistent with global warming? — Climate Depot Round up

Here we go again. Global warming activists and some warmist scientists are linking the massive blizzard to man-made global warming.

Global Warming Causes Less Snow, Except When It Causes More Snow’

Jersey News Outlet Cries ‘Global Warming’ as Blizzard Approaches

Warmist Brad Johnson tries to make the pending East Coast blizzard about the ocean ‘warming –Fails

Rebuttal: Bob Tisdale shows how ‘Forecast the Facts” Brad Johnson and now Dr. Heidi Cullen are fecklessly factless about ocean warming and the blizzard — Dear Chicken Little: ‘The Sky Is Falling (It’s Snowing) But Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies Off New England Are NOT Unusual’

Rebuttal: Global Warming To Bring Colder/Warmer Winters – Analysis by Paul Homewood – ‘It seems that every time we get some snow, another “scientist” is wheeled out to explain that, no matter how cold it gets, it is all down to global warming’

New paper finds warming causes less snow: Paper published in the Journal of Climate — Study ‘finds that warmer temperatures cause less snow, and conversely, colder temperatures cause more snow. According to the authors, ‘Using a simple multivariate model, [increased] temperature is shown to drive these trends by decreasing snowfall almost everywhere.’ The paper refutes the claims of climate alarmists that global warming causes more snow, and every other possible weather event’

UN IPCC 2001: ‘Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms’ — Also, The UN IPCC Draft in 1995: ‘Shrinking snow cover in winter’ — Analysis: ‘In 2010-2011, heavy snow was due to global warming. Then in 2012 the lack of snow in the Eastern US was due to global warming, and now in 2013 heavy snow is again due to global warming’

Settled Science: Global Warming To Bring Colder/Warmer Winters — ‘It seems that every time we get some snow, another ‘scientist’ is wheeled out to explain that, no matter how cold it gets, it is all down to global warming…But let’s, for one moment, remind ourselves of some of the ‘scientists’ who have said the exact opposite’




I admit that I was taken aback when the young prime channel weatherman, showing pictures of animals frolicking in the snow on Sunday, laughingly interjected that he tried to take his cat out to play but his husband wouldn’t let him. Just like that – a throwaway remark brought home how enormous the change in our acceptance of gay lifestyle has become – it’s less the legality of gay marriage than the freedom to proclaim it unexpectedly in a very public workplace , in a completely random context. Later that morning, in reading the Sunday Times, I came across two more references by men to their husbands: one was in the Advice Column and was irrelevant to the subject of the letter, as was the second in a column by the noted writer Andrew Solomon. In other words, nobody was campaigning for gay rights – these were simply gay men talking about other things and by the way, referencing their spouses. The very casual use of this familiar term, “my husband,” had a greater impact on me than all the debates I’ve seen and heard and all the admonitions concerning civil rights. It signaled the type of comfort people feel when they’re not concealing secrets and therefore, aren’t worried about revealing them.


http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2013/02/11/obamas-friends-of-hamas/ Last week, twenty-five Republican Senators wrote a former member of their caucus and the man President Obama wants to lead the Defense Department a letter demanding full disclosure of his financial dealings. To date, Sen. Chuck Hagel has demonstrated afresh his contempt for the legislature by declining to do so. To their credit, the […]

Fertility, Faith, and the Decline of Islam: Strategic Implications: David Goldman

http://pjmedia.com/spengler/2013/02/11/fertility-faith-and-the-decline-of-islam-strategic-implications/?print=1 The liberal establishment has finally taken note of the elephant in the Muslim parlor, namely the closing of the Muslim womb. A year after the American Enterprise Institute’s Nicholas Eberstadt reported the precipitous fall in Muslim fertility in a widely commented paper, and seven years after I reported the trend and its strategic implications […]