If the 2nd Amendment is responsible for Newtown, Conn. then let’s have a look at what really kills Americans. Guilty and innocents alike. Let’s legislatively ban the obviously responsible parties in each category of unnecessary death. (using Left-think)

Smoking related deaths – 434,000+

We have to immediately punish all tobacco retailers for these deaths. And the people who smoke tobacco. And who manufacture matches and cigarette lighters. In fact, we must immediately ban all forms of combustible weeds.

Obesity related deaths – 300,000+

Ban all food. Now. It’s nearly too late.

Medical mistake-related deaths – 225,000+

Appoint VP Joe Biden to Chair a Blue Ribbon Panel to determine what must be done to prevent medical mistakes, Funeral Directors cheer. Casket manufacturer stock prices soar.

Poor or non-existent health care-related deaths – 100,000+

Know who’s getting your healthcare? Prisoners, illegal aliens and welfare recipients. That’s why Grandpa can’t have nicer catheters.

Vehicle related deaths and costs – 42,000+

Maybe this is the secret to Government Motors, et al. Eliminate vehicles and thus eliminate unplanned death. Note I said unplanned death.

The top five accidental death categories are – Choking (2,500 p/annum) Fire (2,700 p/annum) Falling (25,000 p/annum) Poisoning (39,000 p/annum) and vehicle (already listed) Obviously we must rid our culture of things that choke, any means of combustion, we must all slither on our bellies like snakes to keep from falling and well, as to poisoning? Hard to reconcile with the Left’s predilection for drugs and illegal drugs.

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Heart of Hollywood Darkness — on The Brewster Gang

Heart of Hollywood Darkness — on The Brewster Gang

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