Various Bedouin tribes are waging a full-scale rebellion against Israel. Negev Bedouin tribes are refusing to settle in designated areas developed by Israel’s government, and stealing Jeeps and other equipment from nearby IDF bases. They use the Jeeps to smuggle drugs and other contraband into Israel, from the Sinai. In central Israel and the […] THIS TIME IT IS THE ISRAELIS WHO WILL BOW….TO PRESSURE….RSK After six weeks of intense negotiations, a new Israeli coalition has emerged to greet President Obama when he arrives in Jerusalem on March 20th. It is a product of an obsessive democracy with diverse backgrounds and conflicting views on practically everything. . . The […]
That’s the title of a startling new report out of CUNY Law School. It calls for imams and other Muslim community leaders to “announce to your congregations or membership that informants will not be tolerated in your communities.” The report is co-authored by the Muslim American Civil Liberties Coalition, CUNY’s Creating Law Enforcement Accountability & Responsibility Project, and the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund. They argue that the NYPD’s secret surveillance of Muslim mosques and neighborhoods in the New York area has “marginalized and criminalized a broad segment of American Muslims.”
Let’s take a deep breath here. As NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly noted, his cops adhere to guidelines signed by a federal judge in 1985 and amended in 2002. Last year, an investigation by the New Jersey attorney general backed up the commissioner when it found there were “no violations of law.”
The cops are looking at these communities for one reason: They are a logical place for terrorists to hide themselves. Both the 1993 bombing of and the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center were planned and enacted by Muslims living in New Jersey. So long as New York remains a terror target, there will be active plots against the city.
We saw that in December, when two Pakistani brothers were arrested for targeting New York City landmarks to avenge comrades killed in US drone attacks. The FBI didn’t know the two had come to New York from Florida — they were located by NYPD surveillance. And the lead cop in the investigation that resulted in the arrest of Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law was an NYPD detective. Today at the United Nations in New York City, the UN’s top women’s rights body, the Commission on the Status of Women, will wrap up its annual session by condemning only one state for violating the rights of women anywhere in the world. Not Syria, or China, or Saudi Arabia. But Israel, for violating […] Anyone, any city, and any governing body that passes laws to ban what you eat and drink has not read the U.S. Constitution. There is nothing in there granting them the power to decide what you eat and how much. Indeed, if you think about it, the Constitution was written to “preserve, protect and […] In the immediate aftermath of the 2012 election disaster, the Republican Party grew extremely introspective, with many of its key figures postulating that the party needed to shift leftward if it was to have any hope of future successes. This effort was encouraged in part by the liberal media along with Democrats, who readily […] Last month President Obama said in a speech, “I’m proud of the fact that under my administration oil production is higher than it has been in a decade or more.” Last year in the second presidential debate, Obama made the same claim, and when Mitt Romney pointed out the facts that debunked it, Obama […] This article originally appeared in the Boston Jewish Advocate. Spring’s coming. Get ready for Israeli Apartheid Week on campuses across the nation. Here in Boston last week, Harvard got off to an early start: the college’s Palestine Solidarity Committee placed mock eviction notices on students’ doors, warning students that their rooms were “scheduled for […] To understand how we got to the point that spending hundreds of millions of dollars to support a government run by people who have been at war with us for almost a century is a policy that most foreign policy experts endorse, it helps to take a brief trip back in time. In the […] On the eve of President Obama’s visit to Israel, the American constituent is concerned about his attitude towards Israel, as reported by the March 4, 2013 issue of The Hill, one of the two newspapers on Capitol Hill. According to The Hill, which features a Pulse Opinion Research poll, “The President’s support for Israel […]