I think that organized Jewish opposition to the nomination of Chuck Hagel is misplaced and misapplied. It particularly peeves me that some of those offended by his remarks on the “Jewish Lobby” or his general opinions on Israel, are the same folks who still flog the notion of a two state (dis)solution which would place jihadists at Israel’s throat. It also peeves me that they do not recognize the poison at the top. The President’s hostility to Israel is on the record and he will set the policy not the Secretary of Defense.
More important than Hagel’s fumbling and actually stupid pronouncements are the cuts the Department of Defense will make in every branch of our military. Last night I attended an excellent briefing sponsored by The National Security Roundtable ( http://nsroundtable.org/) a worthy and informative non partisan organization, on Missile Defense in America and Israel. It was off the record so I respect that request.
The speaker has an impressive record in the issue of defense, and outlined the various aspects and success of strategic anti-missile defenses including Israel’s Iron Dome. He also described and demonstrated in a power point presentation the development of deadly and sophisticated missiles in North Korea, Lebanon, and Iran, and the concomitant installations to detect and give early warnings on potential launching. We also saw videos of actual targeting and destruction of several types of missiles launched from Unite States navy vessels and land based installations.
The point I want to make is that this anti-missile defense system keeps us relatively safe and ahead of the enemy curve…..but the entire mission will face severe cutbacks with “sequestration” and general cuts in defense spending.
Repeat…..the entire anti-missile defense system will face severe cutback with “sequestration” and general cuts in defense spending and we and Israel and all our allies will be more vulnerable to the enemies’ threats.
That, to me is the main issue…not Hagel’s oafish opinions….We have to choose our battles wisely. We have to oppose the president’s intention to hollow out our military. rsk