TORONTO – If left unchallenged, anti-Israel and anti-Zionist propaganda being spread in Canada will result in violence, warned Sohail Raza, director, Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow. “We have a very poisonous situation at hand,” said Raza. “I have no reason not to believe that it’ll turn violent one day: it’s just a matter of […]
Stakelbeck on Terror Show: From Samaria, Israel’s Biblical Heartland
On this week’s edition of the Stakelbeck on Terror show, the world calls it the West Bank but we call it Samaria: Israel’s Biblical heartland.
We’re on the ground in the mountains where Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob walked to bring you the truth about those so-called illegal settlements that Israel is being pressured to abandon.
Click play below to watch. The one thing that Hagel, Kerry and Brennan all have in common, besides being Washington insiders, is that they all agree that terrorism is basically a misunderstanding. All three fancy themselves men of the world who know more than the peasants back home because they have spent a few days being shepherded through high […] The last election has brought on essays bemoaning the conservative disconnect from popular culture and the need to somehow reconnect with it. The means of this reconnection are hardly ever stated, though there is the implication that conservatives would need to “evolve” on certain social issues in the hopes that its economic viewpoint will […]
UN Plan for ‘Palestine’: Israel’s Deterrence Power This article appeared in the print edition of the Jewish Press under the title “The UN Plan for ‘Palestine’ and its Aftermath (Second of Four Parts).” Find part one here. After further codifications of Palestinian statehood, conditions in the Middle East would become markedly less favorable to both […] The Bulgarian investigation into last July’s terrorist attack against Israeli tourists in Burgas points squarely at Hezbollah. Surely, with the report’s release this week, the European Union must finally do the right thing and add the Lebanese group to its terror list. Think again. “There is no automatic listing just because you have been […] Ben Gurion University in Israel is probably best known for being home to many of the worst far-leftist anti-Israel radical faculty members in the country, people like Neve Gordon, Oren Yiftachel, and David Newman. While it has some serious scholars, mainly in the sciences and engineering, the social sciences and humanities departments there are […] Indonesia, once a country of diversity, is now becoming a place for one-way Islam. Although Indonesia, “the world largest Muslim country” with an 87% Muslim population, was once considered a moderate Muslim country, day by day it has been leaning more and more towards conservative Islam and Sharia laws. Initiated in 2009, bylaws in […] I was asked to Brussels to address the matter of what the European Union to tackle anti-Semitism. The answer is easy: “Stop funding anti-Semites.” And so it was that I found myself once again in a meeting in the twilight world of Brussels — an ugly city filled with ugly buildings, ugly overpriced food […] An unsigned and undated Justice Department white paper, obtained by NBC News, reports The New York Times, “…is the most detailed analysis yet to come into public view regarding the Obama legal team’s views about the lawfulness of killing, without a trial, an American citizen who executive branch officials decide is an operational leader […]