The Obama-Morsi Dance — on The Glazov Gang

Don’t miss this special episode of The Glazov Gang in which Ann-Marie Murrell, the National Director of, Mike Finch, the Chief Operating Officer at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and Dwight Schultz, a Hollywood actor who played Murdock on NBC’s The-A-Team, discuss: The Obama-Morsi Dance. The discussion occurred in Part II, during which the Gang tackled why the U.S. president has taken sides with an Islamist Jew-hating tyrant. The discussion included an analysis of Islam’s cannibalism problem and Obama’s immigration reform policy. In Part I, the Gang focused on Ann-Marie’s courageous confrontation with Suhail Khan at CPAC 2012. Watch both segments of the two-part series below:


I arrived in Amsterdam last week for a brief visit, an excited acquaintance informed me of the day’s big news: the highly popular Queen Beatrix, who has been on the throne for more than three decades, had just announced her intention to abdicate in favor of her imperially bland son Willem-Alexander. The first thought that came to mind when I heard the tidings was Her Majesty’s disgraceful conduct after the 2004 jihadist butchering of Theo van Gogh. Refusing to attend the funeral of the accomplished author, journalist, and filmmaker, Beatrix instead rushed off to a Moroccan youth center to assure those present that she was their pal. According to Reuters, Beatrix didn’t want to leave the throne until she was sure “that anti-immigrant, euroskeptic politician Geert Wilders, of whom she disapproved, was in no danger of assuming real political influence….Wilders’ poor showing at the last election and loss of influence in politics, could well have contributed to her decision to abdicate.” Willem-Alexander, whom van Gogh once described as something of a royal dummy, is no Wilders fan either, sneering in 2007, apropos of the politician, that “Speech is silver, silence is golden.” (The dim-bulb prince appeared not to grasp that under the rules of the Netherlands’ constitutional monarchy, it’s his job, not that of an elected official like Wilders, to keep his mouth shut.)

Walking the streets of Amsterdam in recent days, I thought about the sudden, horrible way in which van Gogh had been struck down, shot and stabbed, on an ordinary November morning on one of those very streets. I thought about how many years it’s been since that day. And I thought about the fact that things on that front have been relatively silent lately: it’s been a while since the last high-profile killing, or attempted killing, of an Islam critic. I reflected about the fact that each of these events causes instant shock and consternation, a brief preoccupation on the part of many Europeans with the reality of the domestic Islamic threat, and is followed by a gradual forgetfulness and return to complacency about Islamization. And I found myself thinking that it was only a matter of time until the next such assassination attempt. Where would it be? Who would be the target?

No sooner had I returned home to Scandinavia that the news came. My longtime friend Lars Hedegaard, a fearless critic of Islam, founder of Denmark’s Free Press Society, and defendant in the most disgraceful trial in postwar Danish history, had just escaped being killed by a thug who came to the door of his home in Copenhagen pretending to be a mailman. The incident took place at about 11:00 on Tuesday morning. The would-be perpetrator was wearing a standard mailman’s uniform.

ROBERT SPENCER: ISRAEL AND THE EVER ELUSIVE MUSLIM UNITY It was a momentous occasion: the first visit to Egypt by a President of Iran since the founding of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in Egypt Tuesday to an enthusiastic welcome from Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi and top Egyptian officials. Yet underneath the kisses and expressions of mutual […]

ROGER KIMBALL:Retaliation: Justice Dept. Lashes Out at Standard and Poor’s

I have been thinking about the Roman orator and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero lately. Like many people of my generation, my first recollection when hearing the name “Cicero” is of interminable Latin sentences where the critical word is parked like a caboose about thirty words later than you would have expected it, and in a gerundive construction suggesting causation or obligation. Or was it a double dative? In any event, in school Cicero was someone to be deciphered rather than understood. He didn’t like Catiline, whoever that was, but what has that to do with the market in ablative absolutes?

Now that I look back to Cicero’s life and work, however, few figures from any age seem as searingly pertinent to our own social and political life.

There is a reason Cicero’s work made such a profound impression on the American Founders. John Adams, reacting to a biography of Cicero, cut to the chase: “I seem to read the history of all ages and nations in every page — and especially the history of our own country for forty years past. Change the names and every anecdote will be applicable to us.”

Consider this passage from Cicero’s On Duties:

Whoever governs a country must first see to it that citizens keep what belongs to them and that the state does not take from individuals what is rightfully theirs. … As for those politicians who pretend they are friends of the common people and try to pass laws redistributing property and drive people out of their homes or champion legislation forgiving loans, I say they are undermining the very foundations of our state. They are destroying social harmony, which cannot exist when you take away money from some to give it to others. They are also destroying fairness, which vanishes when people cannot keep what rightfully belongs to them. For as I have said, it is the proper role of government to guard the right of citizens to control their own property.

It’s hard to believe that was written circa 44 BC, not the day before yesterday.

I intend to come back to Cicero at greater length on another occasion. For now, I simply want to wave the Ciceronian flag a little and suggest that his magnificent attacks on corruption and the abuse of state power have many lessons for Americans at the dawn of the twenty-first century.

ED LASKY: A WAY OUT OF THE WILDERNESS FOR THE GOP Republicans hold a weak hand in Washington but a stronger grip in states where voters have entrusted them with power. Performances there can boost not just the Republican image but bring the party back to power in Washington. More importantly, they can show conservative principles work. The “Red State Model” can, in the Wall […]

Top Ten Problems with that Skeet Shooting Picture By Marion DS Dreyfus It was a picture dredged up to prove the assertion the President had made in January to the breezy effect that the President is indeed acquainted with firearms, since, as he stated (roughly paraphrased), We’ve often shot skeet when we’re at Camp David. It took a few days, where conservative media baited the press […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: FAILED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT AGAINST LARS HEDEGAARD The intrepid, erudite journalist/historian Lars Hedegaard, head of the Danish Free Press Society, whose free speech travails I have written about here, miraculously survived an assassination attempt earlier today in a Copenhagen suburb. According to the English version of the Copenhagen Post, police commissioner Lars-Christian Borg, stated A man shot at the victim but […]

DIANA WEST: CHUCK HAGEL AND US FOREIGN POLICY Watching yesterday’s morning session of his Senate confirmation hearings on C-SPAN made me nothing if not uneasy. There are, I have to confess, aspects of Hagel’s foreign policy that intersect with my own beliefs: those that stem from his apparently sincere drive not to see US troops wasted in foreign interventions that have nothing […]


Vive la Resistance: A Call to Arms!

During World War II, in an effort to combat Nazi totalitariansm, men and women of good will in France formed a resistance movement against the Nazis. They came to be known as the Resistance fighters who bravely fought against the tide of the Nazi invasion. Today, once again there is a new growth of totalitarian supremacist ideology in the name of Islam and it is presently receiving protective status under the guise of religion; yet, today its legitamacy is derived on our own soil. The definition of “Islam” is submission and while we may state that we are not at war with Islam, Islam has declared war on us.

Mein Kampf (My Struggle) was the instrumental book that incited Germans to wage war against the Jews and incited millions in surrounding countries to submit to its supremacist totalitarian quest for world domination. Not unlike Mein Kampf, we now have on American soil an Islamic doctrine (Quran) that commands its practioners to wage war against all non-believers until Islam reigns supreme. “Slay the pagans(Christians) wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush” (Surah 9:5) and “So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone (in the whole world).” (Quran: 8:39) These are just a few of the many passages littered throughout Quranic doctrine with the call for Jihad. Unlike Judeo/Christian doctrine, the violence in Quranic doctrine is instructional violence without a specific time frame. Those of us in today’s Resistance Coalition have been referred to as Islamophobics, bigots, racists, and hatemongers, but in an upside down world it is we who are combatting the hate spewed by a doctrine that places all non-believers in what is referred to in Islam as Dar Al Harb (the House of War). Yes, the Quran segrated the world into Dar Al Islam (the House of Islam) and Dar Al Harb, reserved for all non-Muslims.

For the first time in American history we are providing a sanctuary to a doctrine that seeks our demise. The Quran which commands each Muslim to slay the unbelievers wherever they may find them is housed in every mosque. There are now over 2000 mosques funded by Saudi Arabian oil money throughout the United States. The colonization by the Umma (prosletyzation) is encouraged and financed by oil money and it matters not one iota that not all Muslims are Jihadists. It is a threat and affront to our existence and liberty that we give sanctuary to a dangerous doctrine that calls for our submission at best and slaughter at worst.

We in the West have been relatively safe from Islamic warfare by a distance that seperated us from its practioners. With the current influx of mass immigration from Islamic countries, we too will be impacted not only by Jihad, but a cultural degradation of women, homosexuals, Christians and Jews not unlike those that we witness throughout the globe wherever Muslims reside. If American campuses with active Muslim Brotherhood groups are a glimpse of the future, we only need to cast our eye on them to see how hostile they have become for Jewish students. We should expect nothing less for the general American population when their numbers become sufficiently large in cities throughout the country.

As an American, a Jew, and a woman I now feel threatened. The question I am often asked is how could we have let this happen? Where are our government officials? Where are our clegymen? Where is the media? Where are our intellectual elites and who is looking out for us? Why must we be subjected and expected to tolerate a political doctrine that calls for our demise?



The news that the skeleton of King Richard III has been found under a parking lot in Leicester, a city 100 miles north of London, should finally end half a millennium of winters of discontent for the most maligned monarch in English history. It proves that it is never too late to save one’s reputation.

In William Shakespeare’s “Richard III,” the king is shown facilitating the deaths of King Henry VI and his son Prince Edward; of Richard’s brother George, Duke of Clarence (drowned in a butt of malmsey wine); of the Second Duke of Buckingham; of Richard’s own wife, Anne Neville; and especially of the Princes in the Tower of London, the 12-year-old King Edward V and his 9-year-old brother Richard, Duke of York. It is the greatest example of theatrical overkill since the Tarantino-like closing scenes of “Hamlet” and “Macbeth,” yet there is absolutely no evidence that Richard was guilty of any of it. Shakespeare even has Richard killing the Duke of Somerset at the battle of St. Albans, which took place when Richard was 2 years old.

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