Egypt’s Islamists Sexually Assaulting Women by Mudar Zahran An Arab girl whose honor or chastity has even been questioned automatically becomes a social outcast, regardless of whether or not the accusation was well-founded. “All that happened,” she added, “while the police were watching…A police officer even told a Muslim Brotherhood member, ‘Whatever you wish to do, sir.’” It is a tough time […]

Islam: Fastest-Growing Religion in Britain by Soeren Kern Hundreds of Britons are converting to Islam every month. Many youngsters in prison are becoming attracted to Islam by the prospect of getting better food and superior treatment. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in England and Wales, according to new census data that the British government says “describes the defining characteristics of the population, […]

SHARIA BY A LANDSLIDE: ANDREW McCARTHY It is hard to keep a straight face hearing and reading the mainstream media’s accounts of Egypt’s constitutional referendum. Reuters is typical: Yes, the sharia constitution is going to pass, but Islamists achieved only a “slim vote win” which should “embolden” the “opposition” going forward. Cases of spring fever abound in the West, but […]


Last time I checked there is a war against America…an ongoing war against our institutions, our values, our academies, our culture and our faith.

Can it be that the new cabinet will include Chuck Hagel and John Kerry, people who have demonstrated exquisite understanding of America’s enemies with barely concealed disdain for our own endangered institutions and our allies.

And who will become the new “Women’s Issues” Czarina? Jane Fonda?

And if John Kerry is nominated, look who is touted to replace him…
Dukakis floated as likely Kerry replacement
The Hill
Monday, December 17, 2012


Former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, the 1988 Democratic presidential nominee, may be headed back to the political spotlight as he’s considered a likely interim replacement for Sen. John Kerry. Read more…

Read more:

The Islamization of Copenhagen Posted By Bruce Bawer

In recent years, life in the city of Copenhagen has hardly been free of, shall we say, problems related to Islam. But for the most part, the worst of it has been confined to Muslim neighborhoods such as Nørrebro. And residents of Copenhagen have at least been able to console themselves that conditions in their city were nowhere near as bad as those right across the Øresund Bridge in the now notorious Swedish burg of Malmö.

Well, as an editorial in Jyllands-Posten acknowledged last week, “conditions such as those in Malmö…are beginning to appear in Copenhagen.”

In a news story that appeared on the same day as the editorial, Jyllands-Posten reported the latest example of these “conditions”: both the Israeli ambassador to Denmark, Arthur Avnon, and the head of Copenhagen’s Jewish community are now advising Jews in that city to stop wearing yarmulkes and Stars of David and speaking Hebrew loudly in public – even in neighborhoods that they think of as “safe.” Asked about this advice, Police Commissioner Lars-Christian Borg told Jyllands-Posten that Jews – and gays, too – should stay away from parts of the city where there is a recognized “risk of clashes and harassment.” (Nice euphemism for “Muslim neighborhoods,” that.)

ARI LIEBERMAN: OBAMA CABINET PICKS BODE POORLY FOR US/ISRAEL RELATIONS In March 2012 during a discussion about U.S.-NATO missile defense, President Obama informed his Russian counterpart, President Medvedev that he needed some “space” and would have more “flexibility” after his election. Medvedev, understanding the obvious implication gleefully responded, “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.” The conversation, meant for Medvedev’s ears only, […]

FRAUD AND RACKETEERING AT CAIR: DANIEL GREENFIELD 35,000 Pakistanis have been killed in Muslim terrorist attacks since September 11. The death toll in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, which mostly consist of Muslim-on-Muslim violence, is swiftly rising through the tens of thousands. While it’s obvious that Islamists victimize non-Muslims, it’s not always noted that they victimize Muslims first. The first goal […]

OLIVER STONE’S AGITPROP: BRUCE THORNTON Editor’s note: The following is an introduction written to a series of articles Frontpage will be running in the days ahead in response to Oliver Stone’s revisionist documentary series, “The Untold History of the United States,” currently airing Mondays on Showtime. Frontpage will be reviewing each episode of the Stone series, exposing the leftist […]

SHATTERED INNOCENCE: JENNY TANABAUM It could have been any town right here in New Jersey. Newtown looks like my town – tree lined streets, a quaint downtown, a community with roughly 26,000 people, where everyone is a friend or a friend of a friend. It’s the sort of town where you arrive a few minutes early at school […]

“Sharia Thirsty” Take Solid First Round Lead in Egypt’s Constitutional Referendum Posted By Andrew Bostom

s A female Morsi supporter ( “Fatima” Cousin Itt ?) holds aloft a placard that reads: “yes to the constitution” Al-Ahram is reporting the ten individual governorate [2] and pooled final [3] results, noting that all these unofficial tallies, are from governorates’ presiding judges, except Cairo’s, which are from the tallies of the Freedom and […]