MARK STEYN: THE DOCTOR WON’T SEE YOU NOW A few years ago, my small local hospital asked a Senate staffer if she could assist them in obtaining federal money for a new building. So she did, expediting the process by which that particular corner of northern New Hampshire was deemed to be “under-served” and thus eligible for the fed gravy. At the […]

BLASPHEMY AND ISLAM: ANDREW McCARTHY In Cairo on Wednesday, a Coptic Christian blogger named Alber Saber was convicted of blasphemy and “contempt of religion.” There’s a tragic irony: As any of the country’s Christians can tell you, contempt of religion is not merely permitted but encouraged in the new, post-Mubarak Egypt. What is criminal, what has become increasingly perilous, […]

ELI HERTZ:Applying Double Standards by Requiring of Israel a Behavior Not Expected or Demanded of any Other Democratic Nation **** The leniency with which the European Union (EU) judges Palestinians’ reforms compared to the strictness of EU demands for reform by the Turks reveal Europeans’ duplicity and lack of integrity, and should disqualify the European Union from playing any significant role in the Middle East peace process, under the guise of being an honest […]

LORI LOWENTHAL MARCUS:Lawmakers: Obama Watering Down Iran Sanctions, PA Punishment

Lawmakers: Obama Watering Down Iran Sanctions, PA Punishment There are some in Congress who are fed up not only with the unilateral actions taken by the Arab Palestinians to subvert the agreed-upon path to Middle East conflict resolution, but also with this administration’s repeated efforts to create unlevel footing such that Israel is doomed to […]

DIANA WEST: THE MEDIA ODDLY SILENT ON WIKILEAKS PROCEEDINGS Some thoughts about Army Pfc. Bradley Manning’s pretrial hearing, which concluded this week. Manning, of course, is charged with leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to the website WikiLeaks and, at his trial in March, will be pleading guilty to certain charges while rejecting the military’s contention that he “aided the enemy” in […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: HADD TIMES AHEAD FOR EGYPT?   Ahmad al-Zind, Egypt Judges Club chairman, said his judicial body has decided to reject overseeing Dec. 15th and 22nd 2012 constitutional referendum. He also said this on November 26, 2012: “The judges have a burning desire to instate shari’a laws regarding Islamic hudud punishments”   **   Today (12/14/12), the senior Egyptian judges […]

Czech Ambassador Tomas Pojar Discusses the Similarity Between Israel Today and Czechoslovakia in 1938 **** In interview following ‘Post’ Conference, Czech ambassador warns against relying too much on international community. Czech Ambassador Tomas Pojar was in the hall attending The Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference in Herzliya on Wednesday when Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman made an example of his country, saying Israel was not about to become “the second Czechoslovakia.” […]

AMB. (RET.) YORAM ETTINGER: THE ARAB STREET….QUO VADIS The assumption that the rising tide of the Islamist forces, on the Arab Street, is led by politically-pragmatic and moderate Islam, is divorced from reality. The supposition that the surging Islamic forces, on the Arab Street, aim to eschew violence, moderate the Arab Street, focus on economic growth rather than the spread of Islam […]

Into the Fray: Ill-Considered, Inappropriate and Inadequate By MARTIN SHERMAN **** In response to the Palestinians UN initiative for non-member statehood, Israel must impose permanent penalties, not make provocative proclamations You never let a serious crisis go to waste…. What I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. – Rahm Emanuel The Palestinian leadership, abetted by […]


FBI: Jews are the Victims of Nearly Two-Thirds of Religious Hate Crimes The release of the FBI’s annual Hate Crime Statistics Act (HCSA) report indicated a promising new trend in America, with overall hate crimes overall falling by 6 percent in 2011. However, despite the improvement, anti-Jewish hate crimes still remain disproportionately high, the report […]