The Bizarre Concept of Disproportionate Response by Jerrold L. Sobel

NO URL: JERROLD SOBEL IS AN E-PAL As a young Jewish boy growing up in the Bronx I heard my mother utter the following expression countless times, “there is no anti-Semite like a Jewish anti-Semite. I used to laugh with her all the time and ask her, “Ma is there anyone out there who isn’t […]

MARK LANGFAN: MORSI…A KHOMEINI CLONE ISLAMIST WITH A NECKTIE In January 2011. when the Egyptians in Tahrir Square (“Martyr’s Square”) were violently rampaging against a long-time US ally, President Obama threatened Mubarak by stating “Don’t use violence on your people” and “The transition must begin now!” And, he said Mubarak must “use restraint.” Yesterday, several Egyptians were killed while protesting the “ratification” of […]


IF you read the newspapers on the morning of Dec. 7, 1941, you would have been led to believe that Japan was poised to attack — but in Southeast Asia, not Pearl Harbor. Few experts believed that Japan was prepared to take on the United States; war, they believed, was not necessarily imminent. “In view […]

Unable to Respond, Israeli Soldiers Stoned by Arab Mob Sustain Injuries (VIDEO) !!!!!

IDF Algemeiner Source IDF Hebron mob IDF Kafr Qaddum IDF rubber bullets IDF rules of engagement IDF Soldiers IDF Spokesperson IDF West Bank Israel Palestinians Israel West bank Palestinian Mob
[See the attached file]

Video has surfaced of a confrontation between IDF soldiers and a mob of rock-throwing Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank. The incident took place outside the village of Kafr Qaddum and comes only days after a similar scene played out in Hebron.

In the video the IDF soldiers attempt to disperse a riot before retreating to their posts under a deluge of rocks and stones.

According to Israel’s Maariv three soldiers were injured in the incident, “two by stones, one with a fractured hand and the other in the face with a cut to his head. Another fighter was hurt when a stun grenade exploded and burned his hand. The injured soldiers were evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.”

A source in the IDF told The Algemeiner that soldiers must ask for approval before using force. “Every time you go out on a mission you breach the subject beforehand,” the source said. “Every scenario has its own procedure of how you can engage fire or what they’re going to do in specific scenarios.” The source continued.

Hamas Leader Vows to Continue Israel Jihad The leader of the Islamic militant group Hamas vowed to continue fighting Israel yesterday, as hundreds of thousands of flag-waving Gazans turned out to celebrate the organisation’s 25th anniversary. Khaled Meshaal’s visit to the Palestinian territory – a first since he went into exile in 1967 – underscores Hamas’s rising clout and regional acceptance […]

“Obey The Prophet, Even If He Tells You To Kill” by Raymond Ibrahim Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi—one of the most influential Islamic clerics in the world, author of over 100 books on Muslim doctrine, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood—maintains that Muslims must obey the commands of Islam’s prophet Muhammad, even unto murder. This would be the same Dr. […]

Germany: Image of Islam ‘Devastating’ by Soeren Kern The most sobering finding is that 46% of Turks say they hope that one day Germany will have more Muslims than Christians. Germans are overwhelmingly mistrustful of Islam and Muslim immigration, according to a new research survey, which concludes that the image of Islam in Germany is “devastating.” The findings — which corroborate the […]


I love Hanukkah, particularly in New York City. The days are short and by late afternoon the city glows with Christmas lights, menorahs, and enticing shop windows with extravagant displays. I love crispy potato fritters (latkes) with apple sauce and exchange of presents with my kids and grandchildren. It is a happy holiday with a serious side.

The word Hanukah means “rededication “and celebrates Jewish heroes who rededicated themselves to faith and principles in spite of a wicked king and faithless coreligionists who worshipped Hellenist idols.

In 168 BCE King Antiochus oppressed the Palestinian Jews. He seized and profaned the First Temple in Judea by turning it into a shrine for the worship of Zeus. He forbid recitations of the Torah and observance of Jewish rituals and demanded that Jews bow to idols and forced them to eat proscribed foods. Many frightened and acquiescent Jews adapted to the terms in a false pursuit of peace and acceptance.

Mattathias, a Jewish priest who rejected the Hellenists’ demands was joined by his son Judah Maccabee who led the rebellion against Antiochus the Greek-Syrian monarch.

After a war that lasted close to three years the Maccabees, as they were known, prevailed and reclaimed the Holy Temple. They removed all pagan and Hellenist objects but found only enough oil to light the temple for a single day.A miracle occurred and the scant amount of oil burned for eight days and hence the eight day celebration and lighting of eight candles. Jews returned to their ancient faith and rededicated themselves to the Torah and their ancient rituals.

There is a second miracle. The Babylonians, the Hellenists, the Hittites, the Philistines, and empires that tormented the Jews are long gone, and, in spite of the millennia of oppression, dislocation, forced conversions and genocide Jews have survived…small in numbers but mighty in faith and resolve.

Furthermore, after centuries of misunderstandings and prejudice, Israel’s staunchest supporters are religious Christians who demonstrate this with political support and frequent visits to Jerusalem, Israel’s undivided capital, where Christmas and Easter are observed with the utmost respect and appreciation of their Jewish hosts.

But, while we enjoy the blessings of freedom in many parts of the world, in the Islamic world the holiday is forbidden and Jews are mistreated and oppressed. And, this faith driven racism finds welcome and participation in Western nations that were formerly hospitable to their Jewish populations.

In Israel where the Maccabees won their hard fought war, patrimony and faith are being abandoned in search of a delusional accommodation with enemies bent on erasing Israel. Even the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is being claimed by the same Moslem forces that ransacked and desecrated all non Moslem holy sites in Jerusalem from 1948 until 1967.

Hebron, the cradle of our faith has been turned over to the Arabs; Jewish shrines are routinely defaced throughout the West Bank; patriotic residents of ancient Judea and Samaria are now harassed by the local Arabs while Israeli politicians and police turn a blind eye. Jewish towns and cities are being evacuated to make room for Jihadists whose intentions have been made very clear by their leaders and their recent history in Gaza.

The Hellenists of our day are the pacifists and the dhimmis and the so-called liberals who worship the false and deadly idol named appeasement and every liberal fad and utopian cult. Mindless of Islam’s historic rampage against all “infidels” they indulge in interfaith blather with the purveyors of Jew hatred.They are obsessed with retrofitting the American constitution to protect the rights of criminals and racists while they blatantly dismiss the Ten Commandments which inspired the founding fathers and our constitution.

They buy into the propaganda which is fueled in large part by the oil producing Arab nations that hold the Western nations hostage. What a dour assessment on what should be a happy holiday? Reality bites.

But, here is a third miracle also about oil.

Americans are finally determined to become energy independent, and vast resources of domestic gas and oil are tapped for exploration, drilling and development. This will restore our economy and our pre-eminence in the world. As late as December 5, 2011 there have been announcements that Israel has discovered vast resources in gas and oil this year. The low-end estimate is 49.7 million barrels of oil and the high-end estimate is 343.5 million barrels. That should keep Israel’s lights burning.

Miracles never cease to amaze. Happy Hanukkah to all. Contributing Editor Ruth S. King is a freelance writer who writes a monthly column in OUTPOST, the publication of Americans for a Safe Israel.

The royally outrageous expense of the presidency
National Review
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Last year the U.S. presidency cost American taxpayers $1.4 billion. Over the same period, the entire royal family cost British taxpayers $57 million. There’s nothing royal about the current level of presidential perks: The Obama family costs taxpayers more than every European royal house put together. Read more…

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Obama won’t cancel on Psy despite anti-U.S. rant
The Daily Mail
Saturday, December 8, 2012

“Gangnam Style” rapper Psy will perform as planned at a Christmas concert in Washington, and President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama reportedly will be there to watch him despite the revelation that the Korean once sang about slowly killing American troops. TNT, which will televise the annual spectacle on Dec. 21, told NBC News that the president will attend. Read more…

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Drone strike slays another al Qaeda heavy
NBC News
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Abu-Zaid al Kuwaiti, a senior al Qaeda official and potential successor to the group’s leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was killed Friday morning in a Predator drone strike, according to reports on jihadi Web forums and U.S. officials. Read more…

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DANIEL GREENFIELD: A HOLIDAY OF RESISTANCE The first night of Chanukah marks the beginning of a holiday that for many of its celebrants has no identity, that celebrates ‘celebration’, with no thought to what it is celebrating. For many Americans, Chanukah appears to overlap with Christmas, but there is no similarity between the two other than the season. The more […]