No Mubarak-Style Condemnation for Morsi Power Grab from Washington Embattled president is shielded from criticism as Obama “investing heavily in Morsi.” The first democratically elected leader of Egypt fled the presidential palace today as fury over his Islamist power grab boiled over in Cairo with protesters clashing with police and demanding the ouster of […]

Eric Holder Cons the Courts to Save Voting Rights Act (PJ Media Exclusive):J. Christian Adams According to Justice Department documents obtained by PJ Media, Eric Holder’s DOJ has launched a legal strategy to uphold the constitutionality of the Voting Rights Act by deliberately disregarding statutory law, and by failing to inform courts about it in collusive litigation. Perhaps the biggest case to be heard this term by the United […]


Remember the “Life of Julia” advertisement that Obama posted before the election? It documented how the government would take care of Julia from the age of three until she was 67 years of age. Even MSNBC’s Willie Geist asserted that “[n]o one wants to think that from the age of three they [sic] are going to need the government to take care of them.”

Though many fell for the “war on women” campaign, it is important to highlight what a crass political move it was and to call Barack Obama out on his alleged concern for women — especially those in the Middle East, who are now under physical as well as psychological assault.

Ruth Whitehead at the Daily Mail explains that “Egypt’s ruling party is paying gangs of thugs to sexually assault women protesting in Cairo’s Tahrir Square against President Mohamed Morsi.” Additionally, “the Muslim Brotherhood is paying gangs to beat up men who are taking part in the latest round of protests, which followed a decree by President Morsi to give himself sweeping new powers.”

Notwithstanding this ongoing development, the Obama administration refuses to comment on Morsi’s totalitarian grip on power. The Egyptian draft constitution, which was passed, includes a measure that will keep sharia law as the nation’s main source of legislation. Without a doubt, this will bring restrictions on freedom of speech and on women’s rights. Christians have already been excluded from the vote concerning the constitution.

Thus, a little Egyptian girl born today named Jendayi (which means thankful) will one day grow to know only the following sharia-enforced laws, as elucidated by Syed Kamran Mirza.

A marriage that can take place any time after birth and be consummated at the age of eight or nine years old.
If Jendayi should be rebellious in any way, this gives her husband permission to beat her and keep her from leaving the home.
Since there is no common property between a husband and a wife, if the husband dies, his property does not automatically go to the wife after his death.
A woman inherits half what a man inherits.
A man has the right to have up to four wives, and the wife has no right to divorce him even if he is polygamous.
The dowry is given in exchange for the woman’s sexual organs. Thus, Jendayi is objectified as simply a reproductive machine.
A man is allowed to have sex with slave women. Indeed, slavery still exists in the Arab world.
If the enslaved woman is married, her own marriage is annulled.
The testimony of a woman in court is half the value of a man — that is, two women are equal to one man.
A woman loses custody of her children if she remarries.
A rapist may be required only to pay the bride-money or dowry without marrying the rape victim.
A Muslim woman must cover every inch of her body which is considered “Awrah,” or a sexual organ.
A Muslim man is forgiven if he kills his wife caught in the act of adultery. However, the opposite is not true for women.
The perpetrators of genocide, mass rape, and plunder will not be punished if they repent.
To prove rape, a woman must have four male witnesses. Furthermore, any woman’s testimony is not accepted.
A Muslim man’s life is worth 33 times that of a Hindu woman in paying “blood money” or compensation.

SHOSHANA BRYEN: ISRAEL IS BACK TO BEING WHAT DANIEL BERNARD CALLED “A SHI.TY LITTLE COUNTRY” Before Israel sat in the UN dock facing Mahmoud Abbas, a man who denied the Holocaust in his doctoral dissertation and denies the link between Jews, the land of Israel, and Jerusalem, the Israeli government said the Palestinian statehood gambit would not be cost free. The UN pronounced itself open to the idea of […]


“This is a chap who probably never saw a firefight, and then at a distance, until very late in his career. Yet he and the Joint Chiefs still need forklifts to get dressed in the morning. Such are the hazards of softening “soldiers” at Princeton instead of hardening them in combat.”

The David Petraeus saga is another urban legend — a myth about a great man felled by a single flaw or indiscretion. The truth is that Petraeus is a bit player in a larger, uglier drama: the political corruption of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and of that exclusive four-star glut that sits atop the military. And the rot didn’t start with Petraeus.

Recall Army Chief-of-Staff George Casey taking to the airways to rationalize the Fort Hood Islamist massacre in 2009. Somehow “diversity” and Muslim sensitivities were more important than the danger of domestic sedition and the threat to troop safety on American bases. Casey was launched at the Sunday chat shows, like the more recent Susan Rice mendacity tour, to spin a politically correct message.

And then there was Admiral Mike Mullen leading the charge for sex with any sex a year later on the E-Ring at the Pentagon. Say what you will about booty call as a “civil right,” but gender choice is not a significant national security issue in the middle of a shooting war. The legality of relationships is a social issue that should be addressed by an elected yet too often cowardly Congress, not by the appointed military brass. And while the JCS was riding point for preferences, nobody seemed to notice, or care about, failure in all those Muslim Wars.

Indeed, a four-star public relations campaign reinvented the English language to avoid words like “victory.” The new word for retreat is “drawdown.” And real goals like winning or victory have been corrupted with terms like “nation-building” or, worse still, military gibberish like “transition.” Euphemism is the first refuge of analytical cowards. The CIA, if not the entire Intelligence community, takes a bow here too. Only a loser needs to create another word for failure.

RAHEEM KASSAM: FOR BRITAIN, ISRAEL’S ACTIONS ARE UNPALATABLE, FOR ISRAEL BRITAIN’S REACTION IS UNCONSCIONABLE Britain has a major problem and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is clearly tied up in knots about it. On the one hand, you have a strong and legitimate will to solve the issue of Palestinian statehood. The problem isn’t going away and last week’s UN General Assembly vote cemented the fact that the […]

LAWRENCE J. HAAS: MORSI SWEET TALKS THE WEST or decades, some of the Arab region’s leading figures have sent sharply different messages to the West than to their own people, hoping to secure the best of both worlds from their rhetorical duplicity. To U.S. and other Western leaders, they portrayed themselves as tolerant and peace-loving, interested in curbing violence and solving problems. […]


The Sigd Festival Comes Home to Jerusalem “Last year,” said Orly Sahalo, a 21-year-old Israeli of Ethiopian descent, “I arrived only at the end, and I missed out.” She was talking about the Sigd festival, which recently took place in Jerusalem. In Amharic, the lingua franca of Ethiopia, “Sigd” means prostration. On the Sigd, Ethiopian […]


Can Faith Win? — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Paul Crowshaw, Mike Finch and Dwight Schultz ponder whether God-fearing conservatives are on the losing side in this culture war.

ANDREW McCARTHY: MORE ON MORSI AND SHARIA AND THE TURKISH MODEL In Spring Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy, which is generously reviewed by VDH in the current edition of NR, I argue that Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood will follow (and is following) the trail blazed by Turkey’s Islamist prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Brotherhood-influenced party, the AKP. This path is called […]