
Hollywood has no problem being dumb, sleazy and violent. Those are all known and marketable qualities. What it does not look is appearing desperate. Desperation however is what the Oscars of this year and last year have in common. They stink of an industry desperately racing its own age and irrelevance reaching for gimmicks to try and hang on to a younger audience.
The dirty little secret is that Hollywood hardly exists anymore. The industry is bigger than ever, but its bread and butter consists of 200 and 300 million dollar special effects festivals filmed in front of green screens and created in Photoshop and three-dimensional graphics programs. They star obscure or mildly famous actors and they do two-thirds of their business abroad.

America is still the official headquarters of the global entertainment industry, but many of the bigger projects are filmed internationally with foreign money and intended for foreign markets. What the American corporations bring to the table is the intellectual property which is why the latest spasm of mergers and buyouts has focused on taking control of every treasury of classic marketable properties.

Disney has put Star Wars, Mickey and Marvel Comics under one roof. It’s impressive from a business standpoint, but bankrupt from a creative standpoint. Old Americana is being milked dry for the sake of turning out another disposable movie starring familiar characters. The movies are actually still the same.

The blockbuster has mutated into its final stage. The “individual” movie is almost dead. Forget Jaws or Raiders of the Lost Ark. The modern blockbuster is seamless and soulless. An impersonal work that renders the director and cast irrelevant. The criticism has been made before, but what is new now is the percentage of special effects and the cost. The more expensive a movie becomes, the more risk averse its producers are.

If a movie is going to cost 200 million dollars to make, then it has to be identical to the other 200 million dollar movies that were profitable. The template is there. All that’s left is to plug in another talented Korean, British, Russian or even perhaps American director, and then roll out the same movie with characters from another property.



BBC reporting on the Middle East is no longer even biased, it’s just a joke…

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink.

This is a lesson that for some reason or another, we were persistently taught as children. The BBC seems keen on it too, dedicating an entire webpage to it, here.

It’s no wonder then that their journalists employ such tactics, leading readers to the water in the hope that they’ll partake of the flagrantly anti-Israel bias that comes with almost every BBC report out of the region.

If you haven’t yet heard, ‘militants’ (terrorists) in Gaza have broken the ceasefire from November after the intensive Operation Pillar of Cloud which struck at the very heart of terrorist infrastructure in the Gaza strip. Somehow though, this is Israel’s fault.

Of course, the BBC report here doesn’t overtly state it. But it leads the horse to the water. Observe:


“A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip has landed in southern Israel – the first such attack since shortly after a ceasefire ended eight days of clashes in November, Israeli police say. The rocket caused some damage to a road in Ashkelon but no injuries.

The strike follows confrontations in the West Bank between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters. Riots broke out across the West Bank at the weekend after a Palestinian man died in Israeli custody.”

Wait. Did you see what happened there? Blink and you may have missed it. In fact, many of the millions of people who consume BBC reports such as this do indeed miss such things. Instead, their worldview is shaped by this passive propaganda. Read the second paragraph again. This time with our emphases:

“The strike follows confrontations in the West Bank between Israeli forces and Palestinian protesters. Riots broke out across the West Bank at the weekend after a Palestinian man died in Israeli custody.” (no mention of who he was, what he did, or the ongoing investigation around his death).

And now, read what a more accurate report of the circumstances should have read.




Galloway’s latest comments on Israel come straight out of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s playbook on the Jewish state

In a Facebook update from just two hours ago, the Member of the British Parliament for Bradford West, George Galloway, released a statement on the incident that saw him walk out of a debate with an Israeli student last week.

Galloway, who is known for his crude demeanour, channelled the words of the Iranian tyrant Mahmound Ahmadinejad, stating that, “Israel is a cancer at the heart of the middle-east”.

It was reported last year that Iran’s president said that Israel was an “insult to humanity” and “a cancerous tumor” and called for “a new Middle East with no trace of Americans or Zionists”. The remarks were widely condemned by the international community, only to be repeated a day later by Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who said: “The great powers have dominated the destiny of the Islamic countries for years and… installed the Zionist cancerous tumour in the heart of the Islamic world.”

Galloway’s comments being so closely linked to that of the Iranian leadership will come as little surprise to some, given the Member of Parliament’s fawning over Ahmadinejad on previous occasions, and his links to Islamist-linked television networks.

The statement, it seems, comes on the back of messages to Galloway demanding an explanantion for his behaviour last week. His reference to the ‘conservative establishment’ is thought to be a veiled nod at The Commentator, which urged readers to contact Galloway last week, resulting in a number of e-mails being sent to Galloway’s parliamentary inbox.


Me and the Palestinian cause: A number of questions have recently arisen I need to deal with.

Firstly if people want to talk to the Palestinians they need to contact the Palestine Liberation Organisation. This is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and has been for many decades.

Secondly, an organisation calling itself “BDS” does not own the words or the concept of boycott, divestment or sanctions. They are entitled to their own interpretation of these words but they don’t own or control me. I will make my own interpretation. And it is this – no purchase of Israeli goods or services, no normal contacts with individuals or organisations in Israel who support the existence of the racist Apartheid creed of Zionism. That’s what I mean by boycott. That’s what I do.

Israelis who are outside of and against the system of Zionism are comrades of mine – like Prof Ilan Pappe. My opponent at Oxford University did not meet this test. The organiser of the event momentarily lionised by the liberal as well as the conservative establishment needs to know this, especially as he is a medical student.

To compare Israeli Zionism to “Vegetarianism” is like a doctor not knowing the difference between a pimple and a tumor. Apartheid Israel is a cancer at the heart of the middle-east. Only it’s replacement by a bi-national democratic state from the Jordan River to the sea will cure this. That is what I am fighting for.

George Galloway MP

House of Commons

State-Dept-Issues-License-For-Sale-Of-Tear-Gas-To-Muslim-Bros-Led-Egypt: Kerry Picket

http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2013/02/25/State-Dept-Issues-License-For-Sale-Of-Tear-Gas:-To-Muslim-Bros-Led-Egypt The United States federal government has approved the export of tear gas to the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled government of Egypt, the State Department stated Monday. A reporter asked Deputy Spokesman Patrick Ventrell about the sale of tear gas canisters from a U.S. manufacturer at a midday press conference, and Ventrell confirmed the State Department had […]

Morocco Film Searches out Jews Who Left for Israel Causes Protests….By PAUL SCHEMM


RABAT, Morocco (AP) — Hundreds of members of Islamist and left wing political groups demonstrated outside the Tangiers Film Festival earlier this month against a documentary about Moroccan Jews living in Israel. They claimed that director Kamal Hachkar was promoting “normalization” with the Jewish state.

But Hachkar was not expelled from the artists’ union, nor was his film banned, and he wasn’t ostracized from Morocco’s intellectual class, as has happened in similar cases in Egypt and elsewhere. Instead, directors and actors circulated a petition of support, and his film went on to win best work by a new director at the festival.

Once home to some 300,000 Jews, the largest population in the Arab world, Morocco is increasingly taking a fresh look at its long history with Judaism and is spurning the flat rejection of all things Hebrew found in so many other Arab countries.

In the film, “Tinghir-Jerusalem: Echoes from the Mellah,” Hachkar talks to people in Berber villages high in the Atlas mountains about their memories of the Jews suddenly leaving for Israel in the 1960s. He then travels to Jerusalem and finds many of these Jews, still speaking Moroccan Arabic and the Berber language, fondly reminiscing about the land they left behind.

“It tells the story of a forgotten part of Morocco’s history, a history that is not taught at school,” Hachkar told The Associated Press. “My goal is to tell the human story and to defend the plurality of Moroccan history and identity.”

The director, who was born in Tinghir but left to live in France with his father at the age of 6 months, has toured all over Morocco showing the film to what he says were packed houses. Most people were initially suspicious, but warmed to the subject when they saw Jews speaking Moroccan Arabic and even the Berber dialect of the High Atlas, he said.

According to Zhor Rehihil, the curator of the Museum for Moroccan Judaism in Casablanca — founded in 1997 and unique in the region — Jews have been part of Morocco since Jewish merchants came to North Africa with the Phoenicians hundreds of years before the birth of Christ.

For centuries they were found in the mountain villages alongside Morocco’s Berbers — the original inhabitants of North Africa — who mostly converted to Islam with the arrival of the Arab tribes in the 7th century.

Morocco’s Jewish population was invigorated in 1492 when Spain expelled Muslims and Jews, most of whom fled to Morocco and brought with them the sophisticated urban culture of Andalucia.

“The Jews in Morocco were everywhere, in the cities, in the small villages. It was a country with a large and vibrant community of Jews and with their departure, Morocco lost a large part of its history,” said Rehihil.

At its peak in the 1950s, there were an estimated 300,000 Jews in Morocco out of a population of some 8 million.

With the establishment of Israel and the encouragement of Zionists, Morocco’s Jews left. Some went for religious reasons to seek the long promised land, some for a better life than in economically troubled post-colonial Morocco, still others who feared persecution.

Unlike elsewhere in the Arab world, the creation of Israel did not spark widespread animosity or attacks on Jews. There were isolated incidents but no national campaign. Many Jews left, however, after being told by Zionist agents they were in danger, said Rehihil.

“Each time there was an Arab-Israeli war, there would be tensions and the Jews would become afraid and some more would leave,” she said, adding that most had left by the 1973 war.

Some 5,000 now remain, almost all in Morocco’s commercial capital of Casablanca.

As in the rest of the region, however, there has been a heavy focus in Morocco on the plight of the Palestinian people and many Moroccans have started equating Jews with Israel. In May 2003, a series of al-Qaida-inspired bombings in Casablanca attacked, among other targets, a Jewish cemetery and a community center, which was empty at the time.

Protests against Israeli military actions are a regular occurrence, the most recent in November over the latest clashes in Gaza. Tens of thousands marched through Casablanca and Rabat in demonstrations attended by members of the governing moderate Islamist party.

“It’s not a matter of denying the history of Moroccan Jews nor attacking freedom of expression, but defending one of the principal foundations of the nation, which is to say, no to normalization with the Zionist entity,” said Mohammed Khiyi, a member of parliament with the Islamist Party for Justice and Development who demonstrated against Hachkar’s film on Feb. 5.

He contended that the film “is trying to do Zionist propaganda. The real Moroccan Jews were those which stayed in their country and were proud, not those the film tries to portray as victims of deportation to Palestine.”

A surprising critic of the film is one of Morocco’s Jews, Sion Assidon, a leftist activist, former political prisoner and a member of a group advocating the boycott of Israeli products.

Denmark: A Century and Three Quarters of Telling the Truth about Islam Andrew G. Bostom

http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/02/denmark_a_century_and_three_quarters_of_telling_the_truth_about_islam.html Over the past two years, I have chronicled the ongoing travails of my intrepid colleague Lars Hedegaard, the Danish journalist and historian, most recently, his narrowly surviving an assassination attempt by a likely Muslim assailant. Hedegaard’s plight, and his voiced (and written) opinions on Islam whetted my curiosity about what the profound 19th century […]


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324338604578324463371635292.html?mod=opinion_newsreel If you’re a reporter at the Washington Post and you aspire to write unsigned editorials, just send an email to the ombudsman. That’s a lesson one might draw from yesterday’s extraordinary column by Patrick Pexton, the veteran journalist who, according to the Post’s website, “represents readers who have concerns or complaints” about “accuracy, fairness, […]


http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323884304578326662314131202.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_BelowLEFTSecond In a couple of weeks, New York’s Gotham Opera will stage Francesco Cavalli’s baroque tale of a sex-addled Italian ruler infamous for hosting elaborate orgies, consorting with prostitutes and appointing women to senior government posts solely on the basis of their looks. No, it’s not about Silvio Berlusconi. The subject of the opera is […]


http://spectator.org/archives/2013/02/25/happy-sequester-week   The federal spending monster needs to be trifled with. Is Tom Coburn the only Republican willing to do so? You made them do it. They’re angry about it. And if it happens on Friday, they’ll punish you for it. That’s the attitude around Washington. The “it” is the sequestration of about $85 billion […]


http://www.barenakedislam.com/2013/02/25/new-york-based-muslim-extremist-group-demands-court-halt-publication-of-book-that-exposes-terrorist-training-camps-in-upstate-new-york/ New York-based Muslim extremist group demands court halt publication of book that exposes terrorist-training camps in upstate New York The Muslims of America based in Hancock, Delaware County, is suing Martin Mawyer and his Christian Action Network for $3 million in federal court in Syracuse, seeking to halt the continued publication of his book, […]