RICH LOWRY: THE BROTHERHOOD DELUSION The great, acerbic 19th-century satirist Ambrose Bierce defined a revolution as “an abrupt change in the form of misgovernment.” He would understand events in Egypt since the fall of Hosni Mubarak very well. In the signature revolution of the Arab Spring, the country turned its back on a secular dictatorship only to fall into […]

SHOSHANA BRYEN: WHY TREAT SUDAN LIKE A NORMAL COUNTRY? Iran has made common cause with similarly nasty countries around the world to promote an anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-Western agenda. This includes the transfer of weapons as well as the training of terrorists who return to their places of origin ready and able to blow themselves up. While the U.S. focuses almost exclusively on […]

RON RADOSH: WHEN GOOD GUYS MAKE FOOLS OF THEMSELVES…..SHAME ON GOV. MIKE HUCAKBEE FOR PRAISING OLIVER STONE Governor Mike Huckabee Sings the Praises of Oliver Stone A simple question: Why? Governor Mick Huckabee, now a TV and radio talk-show host, seems to be a nice guy. He is kind to everyone and seemingly wants everyone to like him. Unlike other media hosts, he regularly features as guests those with whom conservatives […]

Palestinians Win Their ‘Venomous’ Status Upgrade at the UN: Bridget Johnson Congress unleashes punitive responses, the White House is quiet, and Susan Rice acts mad. The Palestinian Authority was finally successful today in its attempt to achieve nonmember observer state status, provoking criticism from both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill and especially vociferous outcry from embattled UN Ambassador Susan Rice. The vote was […]

CLAUDIA ROSETT: MEANWHILE UNESCO CHIEF IS ROMANCING CUBAN EDUCATION When UNESCO — the UN’s Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization — admitted the Palestinian Authority as a full member last year, the decision triggered a U.S. law that forbids American funding of any UN outfit that grants the Palestinians membership before they reach a negotiated peace deal with Israel. Since then, UNESCO’s Director-General Irina […]

Resolution for Genocidal Palestinian Muslim State Put Forward by Other Genocidal Muslim State Posted By Daniel Greenfield

Sudan, a genocidal Muslim state, run by a monster convicted of crimes against humanity, put forward the resolution to upgrade the status of “Palestine”, a genocidal Muslim entity backed and funded by genocidal Muslim states with the aim of ethnically cleansing Israel’s population through a campaign of murder, terror and intimidation.

As Chair of the Arab Group at the UN, the monstrous Sudanese regime of President Omar al-Bashir introduced the resolution, reminding us all once again of what the Arab Group and the UN truly stand for.

Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, Sudan’s UN representative, who put forward the resolution, has been the front man for defending the Bashir regime against charges of genocide.

While European countries gathered to support Sudan’s proposal, here is what Sudan was up to.

Sumaya Ismail Hundosa, 34, was abducted from near her house on October 29, 2012, later to be found thrown inside a mud pit in a remote area in Khartoum on November 2, 2012, five days after her abduction.

The journalist was tortured for writing articles criticizing Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir. She was severely beaten up until she subsequently lost consciousness, had her head shaved because her hair ‘belongs to the Arabs’, and was iron-shocked on several parts of her body. She was called a slew of racist insults by her captors, including whore and slave

This photo below is what Sudan stands for. This is the country that France, Italy and Spain gathered behind in order to upgrade the status of Palestine. One racist genocidal state to another.


U.N. Says ‘Aye’ to Palestinian Terror State Late Thursday evening, Israel time, the UN General Assembly voted to confer nonmember statehood on the Palestinian Authority by a sweeping majority. Even Israel’s hopes of putting together a “moral minority” of Western-country nays had crumbled, with France and Italy pronouncing themselves in favor of the Palestinian […]

Iran tries to conceal Muslim killing of Jew
Thursday, November 29, 2012
A Jewish woman was stabbed to death in Isfahan, Iran, in what her family said was a religiously motivated crime. Iranian authorities attempted to cover up the killing and have yet to return the woman’s body to her family. Read more…

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Egypt’s draft constitution keeps Sharia as law
Friday, November 30, 2012
Egypt’s Islamist-run assembly has backed a draft constitution, including a measure keeping sharia, or Islamic law, as the main source of legislation. Read more…

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Stevie Wonder pressed to halt Israeli concert
Daily Caller
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Stevie Wonder has decided to withdraw from a commitment to headline a Dec. 6 benefit for the Israeli Defense Forces, according to JTA, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Read more…

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Israel must withdraw from the United Nations
Israel National News
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Israel has a simple option in response to the U.N. upgrade of a “nation” bereft of history that is intent on stealing our Land to nonmember state status: Immediate withdrawal from the United Nations. If the U.N. would know in advance that Israel would respond by withdrawal, this preposterous idea would never have gotten off the ground. Read more…

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Israel vs. Hamas — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Bill Whittle, Tommi Trudeau and Leon Weinstein shed light on the path Israel now has no choice but to take.


I am ashamed that my country could vote for the PLO, an organization of murderers and Holocaust deniers, that tortures inmates in prison and more.

At the United Nations we are witnessing the creation ex nihilo of a foreign country, which never existed, and accepting the claims of the “Palestinian Arabs”, by giving them the land whose memory kept the Jews together as a people and brought them back to Jerusalem after the Holocaust.

The Western community at the United Nations, including my miserable Italy, just adopted the Nazis’ strateg. Cunning in wickedness, the Germans dangled before their victims the possibility of saving themselves at the expense of other Jews.

In this case, the Jews to be sacrified are all of those living in Judea and Samaria, but ultimately it is the entire State of Israel, since a Palestinian State would only arise upon the fall of Israel.

I am ashamed that my country will vote for the first step towards officially prohibiting Jews or any other faith from living in a certain area, the first since Nazi Germany, which sought a country that was “jüdenrein”, or cleansed of Jews.

I am ashamed that my country will vote for those who plan to take down Theodor Herzl’s picture from the wall of the Knesset, remove the seven-branched candelabra which is the expression of Am Yisrael, abolish the Chief Rabbinate and turn the name of the state into Falastin.

I am ashamed that my country will vote for the PLO, an organization of murderers and Holocaust deniers now officially dedicated to the mass deportation of Israel’s Jews.