As President Obama stood with Afghan President Karzai to announce the Afghanization of the war, it seems appropriate to weigh the president’s words on the way out against his words on the way in. We were in Afghanistan, of course, long before he got there, but the president’s 2009 address at the U.S. Military […]
State tax collectors will pursue individuals suspected of underpaying their taxes to all ends of the earth (and to the grave as well), but they are rarely so conscientious about refunding those who pay more than they owe. Which is what makes Ohio Governor John Kasich’s decision to begin issuing refunds to such businesses so noteworthy.
Last year Ohio’s Tax Commissioner Joe Testa reviewed the state’s 20 or so tax computer systems to identify and fix inefficiencies. In the process he discovered unexplained credit balances and that 3,500 businesses had overpaid $13.7 million in commercial activity taxes, which are imposed on gross receipts over $150,000.
Rather than hoard the cash, as was the state’s wont, the Governor has instructed the Department of Taxation to refund the hard-earned money extending to the four-year statute of limitations and to audit returns for 184,000 other businesses that may have overpaid their taxes. This no doubt comes as welcome news to the thousands of small businesses that will see their taxes rise this year thanks to President Obama.
Speaking of which: President Obama owes his re-election in no small part to the economic recoveries in Republican-governed states like Ohio, where unemployment has dropped to 6.8% from 9% when Mr. Kasich entered office in January 2011. Job growth nationally has been more tepid, with unemployment falling to 7.8% from 9.1% in the same period. The confirmation process for those slated to guide American foreign policy can profitably be used to clear up at least one point of confusion. What’s at issue is not the degree of their affection for Jews or for Israel—despite the consternation caused by the nomination for defense secretary of Chuck Hagel, who said in […]
In his usual theatrical style, on Wednesday on live television, President Barack Obama revealed his plans to implement his administration’s agenda for a new gun control policy that includes assault weapons bans, more thorough background checks of gun buyers, limited ammunition magazines, and government access to mental health records of potential gun buyers.
“In just one afternoon, the man who is suspected of okaying the smuggling of guns into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels — known as Fast and Furious — has ‘outed’ himself as the king of the gun grabbers. He’s also implementing the strategy of his former chief of staff, Rahm Emanual, by not allowing ‘a good crisis to go to waste,'” said police detective Jose Santos.
Obama’s proposal are allegedly the result of a rushed review process spearheaded by Vice President Joe Biden, that addressed law enforcement, dangerous firearms and ammunition, school and campus security, and keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill.
Surrounded by children and their parents who support Obama’s gun-control agenda, the president recommended requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales; a tougher and more far-reaching assault weapons ban; limiting ammo magazines to 10-rounds; eliminating armor-piercing bullets, also known as cop-killer bullets; hiring more police officers; and instituting a federal gun trafficking statute.
The cost of the package, senior officials estimated, would be roughly $500 million, some of which could come from already budgeted funds.
“Ironically, the price tag for Obama’s gun crime agenda is the same amount lost in the Solyndra scandal by the Obama administration,” said Mike Baker, a political strategist. Prior to the November elections, I received an email that was chilling. It was about the new Obamacare rules. Before I discuss the Obamacare taxes that are kicking in this year and next, I want to share excerpts from it. The email was from an individual whose son-in-law has a brother who is a […] In the wake of Egypt’s newly ratified constitution embracing Islamic religious juridical law, Dr. Essam Al Eryian, the high ranking Egyptian political figure and Vice President of the Freedom and Justice Party, initiated a generous invitation to former Egyptian Jews now living in Israel. In an interview on December 28 with Al-Ahram, the state-controlled […]
A federal district judge, Jane Magnus-Stinson ruled that the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act applies even to convicted terrorists in prison. John Walker Lindh, also known as “The American Taliban” sued the Federal Bureau of Prisons for the right to congregate with other Islamic terrorists in the Communications Management Unit of the federal prison, in Terre Haute, Indiana. Lindh who was captured in 2001 fighting alongside Taliban members in Afghanistan is serving a twenty year sentence for collaboration with the terrorist organization in fighting against U.S. forces.
At his sentencing he told authorities that he went to Afghanistan to help establish an
Islamic state, in accordance with the Taliban ideology. He has been in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons since 2002 held under strict Administrative Measures (SAMs) that control his movement within the prison.
U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett who represented the government in the lawsuit and prison security officials In a few months it will be the twentieth anniversary of the signing of the “Oslo Accord” on the White House lawn. In that signing, Yassir Arafat, on behalf of the so-called “Palestinian Liberation Organization,” committed himself and his “people” to conduct negotiations with Israel that would lead to a peaceful resolution of the […] Shut out of prestigious colleges in north-east America, Jewish academics fleeing wartime Europe found refuge in black colleges—as a forthcoming exhibit in Philadelphia reveals. In Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, an exhibition aptly opening on Martin Luther King Day will highlight a historical moment of mutual respect and cooperation between the African […] Last night, Bill O’Reilly devoted his “Impact Segment” to the Silence of the Non-Fox Media on the Gore-Al Jazeera deal. As noted in the past week of coverage at this website, Fox has been covering the deal with righteous, if micro-targeted indignation (Al Gore, Hypocrite) while overlooking choice hypocrisy (and worse) on its own […]