Jewish Nominee for Treasury May Hit Wall of GOP and Far Left Jack M. Lew, President Obama’s former chief of staff and budget director, and now his nominee to head the U.S. Treasury, will face the Senate Finance Committee Wednesday at the formal vetting stage prior to confirmation. Until several days ago, the nomination seemed […] Barack Obama says he’s not a Muslim, but a Christian. That’s his business, between the president and God. The president clearly has a soft spot in his heart for Islam. He once described the call to evening prayer, which he first heard as a child in a Muslim school in Indonesia, as “one of […] According to a report in the Turkish daily Hurriyet on Monday, Israel has agreed to allow building materials for the construction of a hospital to be transported from Turkey into the Gaza Strip. This relaxation of the naval blockade on the terrorist enclave is part of the Egypt-brokered cease-fire agreement that ended Operation Pillar […] France intervened in Mali to protect its vital interests. For years, al-Qaeda has been trying to overtake the countries of the Sahel region, and Mali is its main target. Without the French military intervention, Mali would have become the first Islamic state of the Sahel region, followed by neighboring Niger, a country on which […]
Department of Excuses: BDS at Brooklyn College BDS—the “boycott, divestment, sanctions” movement—styles itself a “global movement against Israeli apartheid.” The group promotes economic sanctions against Israeli businesses, cultural institutions, and universities in the name of what it calls Palestinian equality. According to BDS founding member Omar Bhargouti, such equality requires at least three things: “ending […] “Do not worry, the muezzin will not shout from the minaret.” — Daniel Abdin, Chairman, the Al-Nour Center. Muslim plans to convert a former Lutheran church in the city of Hamburg into a mosque is generating controversy across Germany. From Berlin to Dortmund to Mönchengladbach, the gradual proliferation of mosques housed in former churches […] What they have delivered is a liberal’s eye diagnosis of why they lost and so they debuted a plan to win over Latinos with amnesty and to end their negative image with a new gentler look. Mostly what they have proven is that they are even more clueless than they were a year ago. […]
“The Muslim who asks himself those questions, becomes an apostate. But there aren’t very many of them running around, are there? That is because Islam is a nihilistic, totalitarian ideology, perfect for anyone who refuses to think. Those who choose to think are marked for a fatwa and termination. They know it. That takes courage and honesty, and a commitment to reality, actions possible only to an individual who chooses to think.They, better than anyone else, more than any non-Muslim scholar who questions the morality and feasibility of Islam, know that Islam cannot be “reformed,” not in its doctrines, not through revolution or régime change or rioting in Tahir Square or fighting each other in Syria.” Republicans have been a minority party for all but twelve of the years since the Second World War, as voters have preferred Democratic promoters of the welfare state over Republican proponents of fiscal restraint. But the same electorate has reversed itself when it came to protecting the American homeland. They have regularly crossed party […]
Tony Bennett: Gun Control or We Become Nazi Germany
This week, 86-year-old singer Tony Bennett sounded off on gun control. “I just believe that assault weapons – they were invented for war. They shouldn’t be on our streets here.” This, in and of itself, would be no surprise; virtually everyone in Hollywood is anti-gun control. But then Bennett went off the rails:
This is the kind of [turn] that happened to the great country of Germany, where the Nazis came over, created tragic things, and they had to be told off. And if we continue this kind of violence and accept it in our country, the rest of the world is going to take care of us in a very bad way. We should learn that we’re the greatest country because we’re all different nationalities, different religions, and we should show the rest of the world how to behave.
This is obviously faulty history. The Nazis didn’t rise to power thanks to an armed population. They secured their power at least in part thanks to a disarmed population. The Weimar government passed gun registration and licensing for all guns in 1928. And the Nazis were the purveyors of mass violence, not the result of it.
Bennett should know better than this. After all, he served in the infantry; he was drafted in November 1944, and was a replacement in the 255th Infantry Regiment of the 63rd Infantry Division, serving in France and Germany. He served in battle, including house-to-house fighting in Germany; he was there for the liberation of the Landsberg concentration camp.
But Bennett became a pacifist after the war, writing, “The main thing I got out of my military experience was the realization that I am completely opposed to war. Every war is insane, no matter where it is or what it’s about. Fighting is the lowest form of human behavior.” Now, America thanks Bennett for his service. But this is an infantile representation of the way the world works. Civilized people abhor war. But uncivilized people often use that