BRUCE BAWER: THE FOREIGN AID RACKET Are you one of those people who look askance at foreign aid because you think most of it ends up in the pockets of dictators, warlords, terrorists, and the like, and because even when it does get into the right hands, it tends to encourage dependency and work against economic growth? Well, have I […]

STEVEN PLAUT: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE EVE OF OBAMA’S VISIT TO ISRAEL **** Q: With Obama about to visit the country, should Israel agree to attend new negotiation sessions with the Palestinian Authority? A: No. Nothing positive can come out of it. For twenty years Israel has been attending “talks” with the Palestinians and these have achieved absolutely nothing other than Israeli capitulation. In each round of […]

Fact-Busters and the “Mosque-Buster” Posted By Janice Fiamengo Gavin Boby is a British lawyer who established the Law and Freedom Foundation in 2011 to work with communities to resist Islamization, particularly the campaigns of harassment and dominance that mosques routinely bring in their wake. Dubbed the “mosque-buster” because of his success in defeating 16 of 17 mosque applications in British neighborhoods, Boby […]

P. DAVID HORNIK: EUROPE A STAGING GROUND FOR ANTI-ISRAEL TERROR? This week the Bulgarian government announced that Hizballah was behind the terror attack in Burgas, Bulgaria last July 28 that killed five Israelis, including a pregnant woman, and a Bulgarian bus driver. Bulgarian interior minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov said the perpetrators—one of whom died in the attack—were an Australian and a Canadian who had moved […]

LIVE BY THE SWORD AND DIE BY THE DRONE? DANIEL GREENFIELD Ronald Ernest Paul, the nation’s last best hope for Internet gambling and the gold standard, responded to the murder of a Navy SEAL by saying, “He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.” But the question is whose sword is it? To the anti-war movement, all conflicts between the free world and […]


“The Square of the Hypotenuse is a right triangle is equal to the sum-of the squares of two adjacent sides- You’d not tolerate letting your participle dangle,so please effect the self same respect for your geometrics slides–Old Einstein said it, when he was getting no where-giv him credit He was heard to declare,-“Eureka”- -The Square of the Hypotenuse os a right triangle is equal ro the sum-of the squares of two adjacent sides- You’d not tolerate letting your participle dangle,so please effect the self same respect for your geometrics slides- -Sure as shootin’, when problems get in your hair-Be like Newton Who was heard to declare,”Eureka”!- The Square of the Hypotenuse os a right triangle is equal ro the sum-of the squares of two adjacent sides- You’d not tolerate letting your participle dangle,so please effect the self same respect for your geometrics slides– The two Wright brothers, before they conquered the air-Like those others Orville holers, “Lookheah!-Wilbur- The Square of the Hypotenuse os a right triangle is equal ro the sum-of the squares of two adjacent sides- You’d not tolerate letting your participle dangle,so please effect the self same respect for your geometrics slides-” FROM THE IMMORTAL DANNY KAYE IN “MERRY ANDREW” IN 1958 LYRICS BY JOHNNY MERCER

California will no longer require eighth-graders to take algebra — a move that is line with the Common Core standards being adopted by most states, but that may leave students unprepared for college.

Last month, California formally shifted to the Common Core mathematics standards, which recommend that students delay taking algebra if they aren’t ready for it. Previously, algebra class was a requirement for all eighth-graders in the state.

The Common Core State Standards Initiative, which is sponsored by the National Governor’s Association, is an effort to unify diverse state education curricula. Forty-five other states and the District of Columbia have signed on so far.

But some education experts worry that the change will further damage struggling students’ college chances, since early proficiency in Algebra I is an excellent predictor of college graduation, according to the Mercury News.

Black and Latino students in California are significantly more likely to fail eighth-grade algebra, and 80 percent of those who fail it once will fail it again when they take it in high school.

A study published by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area claims that some minority students who score well enough to place into advanced math classes are often mistakenly held back.

“School districts have been disproportionately requiring minority students to repeat Algebra I even after they scored proficient or advanced on the Algebra I California standardized tests,” said Kimberly Thomas Rapp, executive director of the committee, in an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The new standard is a step back for California, and may leave students, particularly minority and low-income students, unprepared for college, said Rapp.

ALAN KORNMAN: WHO IS LUCAS DA SILVA…IMMIGRATION ACTIVIST? The Da Silva family came to America 23 years ago on a temporary visa. Lucas Da Silva was twelve months old at the time and was several years later blessed with a sister. Although living in America illegally, the Da Silva’s lives would forever change in 2009. In 2009 Lucas’ father was deported back […]


Stop Lying About Us!

So, are you happy now, left wing extremists and fellow journalists, now that Lars Hedegaard was very close to being killed? You who have done everything you could, seeking with your lies to smear Dispatch International as a racist and Muslim-hating newspaper, rather than telling the truth – that we are critical of the totalitarian ideology of Islam. Are you aware that it is due to your support of the ever stronger demands for the Islamization of the West that these killers can operate freely in our society?

Last Tuesday I got the worst shock of my life. My fellow editor-in-chief Lars Hedegaard called me and said that to his regret he would not be able to come to the editorial office in Malmö, for he had just been the target of an assassination attempt.

None of us are stupid. We know quite well that what we are doing is dangerous – the worst thing one can do in Sweden of 2013 is to criticize Islam and the reckless immigration policy conducted by the current Reinfeldt cabinet. But we are fighting to remain able to live in an open and democratic society with 100 percent free expression.

If we were to capitulate to the forces of darkness that seek to draw the Western world down into the midnight of totalitarianism, it would be the end. NOW is the time when we must do things to defend our way of life.

We at Dispatch International will be forced to be even more careful and worried for our security. But we will never, never, never give up and concede victory to the forces of totalitarianism. They would have to kill us, one by one.

I hereby encourage all my journalist colleagues to stand up for the free word and for the right of our newspapers to write the articles they deem necessary for their readers. Stop calling us “Muslim-haters” – we are not the ones who hate or who seek to shoot and kill those of differing opinions. We are critical of the totalitarian ideology of Islam, which today constitutes a threat to the free world, a threat of a magnitude equal to those earlier posed by National Socialism, Communism and Fascism.

Stop lying to your readers, listeners and viewers. Tell them that we are standing for democracy and freedom, which you ceased to do long ago.

STELLA PAUL: AMERICA GIVES UP **** The other day, I learned that President Obama has canceled our Mars Rover explorations, along with all other planetary missions. NASA’s science mission chief just quit in disgust, and who can blame him? Apparently, even robots’ lives are too precious for us to risk these days, so America is giving up the thrill of […]

The Real Problem With Obama’s Drone Memo
The U.S. has dropped the clarity of the rules of war for the vague balancing tests that govern cops on the beat.

President Obama’s antiterrorism policies are drawing new fire after this week’s leak of the administration’s legal memo defending the targeted killing of Americans. According to the Justice Department white paper obtained by NBC News, the U.S. can kill a citizen who is “continually planning attacks” for al Qaeda when an “informed, high-ranking” official decides that the target “poses an imminent threat” and capture is “infeasible.”

Members of certain congressional committees will learn more about the policy after the White House announcement on Wednesday—in a move to stave off trouble on Capitol Hill—to let them see long-sought secret memos on the legal justification for targeted killings. From the leaked white paper, though, we get the drift: Americans may have constitutional rights, but the realities of war and the right to national self-defense trump individual rights when the executive branch is picking targets.