Will the Senate Confirm a CIA Director Who Denies the Existence of What the Secretary of State Called “the Global Jihadist Threat”?
In observations conveniently made on the way out the door, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton acknowledged that the United States faces “a spreading jihadist threat,” led by al Qaeda. [For those who may have forgotten, that would be the jihadist network the Obama administration heretofore told us had been crushed thanks to the president’s steely resolve.] Again and again, Madame Secretary told a senate committee that the administration was now gravely concerned about this growing “jihadist threat” — worried that Syrian chemical and biological weapons could “fall into the wrong hands, jihadist hands”; worried about migrant al Qaeda operatives “who are in effect affiliates, part of the jihadist syndicate”; and worried about the “complicated set of allegiances between jihadist groups.”

Sounds like a huge national security challenge, no? Only problem is that President Obama’s nominee to head the nation’s premier intelligence agency denies that there is a jihadist threat.

Our enemies, John Brennan insists, “are not jihadists, for jihad is a holy struggle, an effort to purify for a legitimate purpose, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing holy or pure or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.” In fact, Brennan, the White House counterterrorism czar through the first Obama term, maintains that the president agrees with him on this point:

President Obama [does not] see this challenge as a fight against jihadists. Describing terrorists in this way, using the legitimate term ‘jihad,’ which means to purify oneself or to wage a holy struggle for a moral goal, risks giving these murderers the religious legitimacy they desperately seek but in no way deserve.

Brennan’s confirmation hearing is today. As Steve Emerson recounts in a comprehensive post on the dreadful nomination, Brennan has repeated the trope that there is no violent jihad numerous times. In shaping Obama’s national security policy, his top agenda item has been to deny the palpable nexus between Islamic doctrine and Islamist brutality, and thus to blind our intelligence community to the ideological underpinnings of the threat against our nation, the West and Israel. Say what you will about Obama’s other nominations, including the hapless Chuck Hagel. Never has there been a more monumental mismatch between man and mission than Brennan and CIA director.

As I have explained here and elsewhere, Brennan’s meanderings about jihad are frivolous. On their face they are silly because Islam and the West do not have a single, consensus value system. In fundamental ways, we don’t agree on what a “legitimate purpose” is.

Even those who buy into the revisionist attempt to evolve the concept of jihad into a personal struggle to “purify oneself” or attain “a moral good” must, if they are being honest, concede that Muslims mean “purity” and “morality” as determined by sharia, Islam’s societal framework. To sharia-compliant Muslims, “purifying” oneself or one’s community might include demanding the killing of apostates and homosexuals, or demanding the suppression of speech that exposes some of the other draconian and iniquitous elements of Islamic doctrine. We in the West would regard these as morally monstrous … but that they are sharia desiderata cannot be credibly denied. A “personal struggle” to achieve them would thus be a legitimate “jihad,” even under Brennan’s interpretation.


Good evening to all of you from California. Tonight, I’d like to talk to you about issues. Issues which I think are involved–or should be involved in this primary election season. I’m a candidate for the Republican nomination for president. But I hope that you who are Independents and Democrats will let me talk to you also tonight because the problems facing our country are problems that just don’t bear any party label.

In this election season the White House is telling us a solid economic recovery is taking place. It claims a slight drop in unemployment. It says that prices aren’t going up as fast, but they are still going up, and that the stock market has shown some gains. But, in fact, things seem just about as they were back in the 1972 election year. Remember, we were also coming out of a recession then. Inflation had been running at round 6 percent. Unemployment about 7 [percent]. Remember, too, the upsurge and the optimism lasted through the election year and into 1973. And then the roof fell in. Once again we had unemployment. Only this time not 7 percent, more than 10. And inflation wasn’t 6 percent, it was 12 percent. Now, in this election year 1976, we’re told we’re coming out of this recession just because inflation and unemployment rates have fallen, to what they were at the worst of the previous recession. If history repeats itself, will we be talking recovery four years from now merely because we’ve reduced inflation from 25 percent to 12 percent?

The fact is, we’ll never build a lasting economic recovery by going deeper into debt at a faster rate than we ever have before. It took this nation 166 years until the middle of World War II to finally accumulate a debt of $95 billion. It took this administration just the last 12 months to add $95 billion to the debt. And this administration has run up almost one-fourth of the total national debt in just these short 19 months.

Inflation is the cause of recession and unemployment. And we’re not going to have real prosperity or recovery until we stop fighting the symptoms and start fighting the disease. There’s only one cause for inflation— government spending more than government takes in. The cure is a balanced budget. Ah, but they tell us, 80 percent of the budget is uncontrollable. It’s fixed by laws passed by Congress. Well, laws passed by Congress can be repealed by Congress. And, if Congress is unwilling to do this, then isn’t it time we elect a Congress that will?

A Nation of Pill-Takers by ILYA GALAK…..see note please


Why is it that our Nation is stricken time and time again with mass shootings? What can be done to counter and prevent future tragedies? In that discussion two central issues arise: gun control and mental health. I won’t touch the issue of guns here; instead I want to focus on the latter. There is a gaping flaw in our mental health system that needs to be addressed.

In way to many cases, when a person has some mental ailment, or is just in a really bad mood, doctors and psychiatrists put them on medication as quickly as possible. Amongst the most popular and commonly prescribed types of medications are SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor). Serotonin is a chemical in the brain which when is not produced in balanced amounts can lead to things like depression, anxiety disorders, and OCD symptoms. Some notorious examples of SSRI’s include Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft, and Celexa. This is not Tylenol or aspirin we’re talking about here; SSRI’s carry with them some serious side effects. Here’s a quote from

“Prozac is one of the few antidepressants approved for the treatment of depression in youths. Unfortunately, however, studies on children have linked the drug to increased suicidal thoughts and behavior. As a result, the FDA issued a public warning in October 2004, and two years later extended the advisory to include young adults as old as 24. In 2007, the FDA took an even stronger stance. The agency required antidepressant manufacturers to update existing black-box warnings about the increased risks of suicidal thoughts and behavior during initial treatment, which the FDA defined as the first one to two months.”

The big problem is that these drugs are prescribed without any sort of tests to see if the patient really needs them. In most situations, before a doctor prescribes something – like say insulin – they run a blood test for said substance before coming to the conclusion that the patient needs that particular chemical worked on. Why isn’t the same happening for these drugs? There are so many risks to just stuffing chemicals into the body without knowing all the details. What if for instance, one has normal levels of Serotonin in their brain, and now they are getting even more? I don’t know the technicalities, but I’m sure nothing good or even safe will come of it.

DAVID GOLDMAN: THE MORSI DIET TO REDUCE CHOLESTEROL AND POPULATION Eat Less, Egypt’s Government Tells Its People “Even Islamists have to eat,” I wrote under the headline “Food and Failed Arab States” in February 2011. Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government takes a different view, the Washington Post reported yesterday. The trouble, the government says, is that Egyptians are eating too much. In a separate report, […]

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TIPPING THE SCALES IN ARROGANCE: CHRIS CHRISTIE…THE GOP’S NEXT CRUMMY NOMINEE? TOM BLUMER Sensible conservatives have had to put up with a lot since Ronald Reagan left the White House — and to be clear, Reagan also had a few very weak moments [1]. But expecting us to get enthusiastic about the sadly realistic prospect of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie becoming the Republican Party’s next presidential […]

JAIME DARENBLUM: ARGENTINA’S BETRAYAL Last week, Argentina and Iran jointly agreed to establish a “truth commission [1]” that will investigate the 1994 Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AMIA) bombing. Imagine if Franklin Roosevelt had partnered with the Japanese to investigate the truth about Pearl Harbor. Or if George W. Bush had partnered with al-Qaeda to investigate the truth about […]

Another Anti-Muhammad Filmmaker Could be Deported to Pakistan to Face an Imminent Death John-Pierre Maeli

After being granted asylum in Spain to escape threats to his life, Imram Farasat, might be deported back to Pakistan.

Why would he be deported after being granted asylum? Well it’s all because he had the guts to voice his opinion. More specifically, he created a film on Mohammad titled, “The Innocent Prophet” which goes through Muhammad’s life and reveals the real Muhammad.

Now most of you who are familiar with Islam know the true story of Muhammad, but for many Muslims and non-informed individuals the truth can be revolting to say the least. And that’s what happened to Farasat. The simple act of speaking out against Islam has put Farasat in a dangerous situation.

If he is sent back to Pakistan he will most likely be assaulted or killed by those who don’t take criticism of Islam lightly. Even his attorney, Same Nunberg, fears for his life.

Farasat has, in addition to creating an anti-Muhammad film, also described Islam as “political dictatorship which persecutes and teaches to persecute.” He has also spoken out against such persecution saying that:

“Christians are being persecuted in Islamic countries to the maximum level of suffering and torture and Islam is trying to invade the Western world and kill our values… It is time that citizens of the Western world should stand up and speak the truth against something that is wrong. The Bible teaches us to speak the truth in any situation. And for me the truth is that Islam is a man-made religion which was created in order to govern the world. It has several contradictions in itself. It teaches killing (Jihad), [hatred of] non-Muslims, [discrimination against] women, rule the world at any price, etc.”

The fact that Imram Farasat might be deported back to Pakistan shows the complete lack of concern that the Spanish authorities have for Imram’s security. But then again, most government authorities don’t want to realize the fact that some Muslims can actually be a danger to non-Muslims. Denial is never healthy, especially when it comes to someone’s life.


I think that organized Jewish opposition to the nomination of Chuck Hagel is misplaced and misapplied. It particularly peeves me that some of those offended by his remarks on the “Jewish Lobby” or his general opinions on Israel, are the same folks who still flog the notion of a two state (dis)solution which would place jihadists at Israel’s throat. It also peeves me that they do not recognize the poison at the top. The President’s hostility to Israel is on the record and he will set the policy not the Secretary of Defense.

More important than Hagel’s fumbling and actually stupid pronouncements are the cuts the Department of Defense will make in every branch of our military. Last night I attended an excellent briefing sponsored by The National Security Roundtable ( a worthy and informative non partisan organization, on Missile Defense in America and Israel. It was off the record so I respect that request.

The speaker has an impressive record in the issue of defense, and outlined the various aspects and success of strategic anti-missile defenses including Israel’s Iron Dome. He also described and demonstrated in a power point presentation the development of deadly and sophisticated missiles in North Korea, Lebanon, and Iran, and the concomitant installations to detect and give early warnings on potential launching. We also saw videos of actual targeting and destruction of several types of missiles launched from Unite States navy vessels and land based installations.

The point I want to make is that this anti-missile defense system keeps us relatively safe and ahead of the enemy curve…..but the entire mission will face severe cutbacks with “sequestration” and general cuts in defense spending.

Repeat…..the entire anti-missile defense system will face severe cutback with “sequestration” and general cuts in defense spending and we and Israel and all our allies will be more vulnerable to the enemies’ threats.

That, to me is the main issue…not Hagel’s oafish opinions….We have to choose our battles wisely. We have to oppose the president’s intention to hollow out our military. rsk


Pressure on EU to Label Hezbollah Terrorists after Bulgaria Bombing Following the bus bombing that killed five Israeli tourists in Bulgaria last summer, the government of Bulgaria engaged in an extensive investigtation to determine how the terrorist attack took place in their country. On July 18, 2012, as Israeli tourists vacationing in Bulgaria began to […]