Saudi Preacher Gets Away with Raping, Torturing 5-Year-Old Daughter to Death

A prominent Saudi Arabian preacher who raped his 5-year-old daughter before torturing her to death because he reportedly questioned the child’s virginity has been spared a death sentence or even a lengthy prison term after agreeing to pay “blood money” to the slain girl’s mother.

Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a former drug addict who rose to national prominence as an Islamic television preacher, was arrested last November and charged with brutally raping and torturing 5-year-old Lama al-Ghamdi to death. According to a medical report, the little girl had been tortured with whips, electric shocks and an iron. She had broken arms, fractured ribs, a broken back and a crushed skull. She died on October 22.

According to social worker Randa al-Kaleeb, Lama had been raped “everywhere.” Hospital staff told the girl’s mother that her “daughter’s rectum had been torn open and the abuser had attempted to burn it closed,” Agence France-Presse reports.

It wasn’t the first time that al-Ghamdi abused his daughter. Last April, he was accused of torturing her so badly that her skull was fractured and she sustained brain damage.

Al-Ghamdi was jailed for a short period, but the judge ruled that the prosecution could only seek to compel him to pay “blood money” to Lama’s mother. The Associated Press cites Saudi media sources claiming that al-Ghamdi paid $50,000 to avoid more severe punishment. That, combined with time served, led to the killer’s freedom.

JOHN FUND: OBAMA IS A MAN OF THE LEFT WHO SEES NO REASON TO HIDE IT The country may be catching on: Barack Obama is our first knee-jerk liberal president. And now that he will never face the voters again, he doesn’t mind showing it. “There is a deep recognition that he has a short period of time to get a lot done,” says Jennifer Psaki, Obama’s 2012 campaign spokeswoman. […]


On Dec 3rd, Naeem Davis, a homeless Muslim man, shoved a middle-aged Korean man in front of an oncoming Q subway train in Times Square. A Muslim photographer snapped a shot of him waiting to die that appeared on the cover of the New York Post and then went around the world. And that was that… except it wasn’t.

On December 28, there was another shoving murder. After the latest round of murders, suicides and accidental deaths, seven people have died under trains in 2013; a number that does not include the deaths previously mentioned. Last week two people committed suicide by jumping in front of trains. Another was killed in a possible accident. One lost a leg. Two others were seriously injured. And this week there was another suicide.

For those who might be wondering, these numbers are not normal. But they are predictable. While the MTA discusses the cost of putting up platform barriers, the actual triggering mechanism was the New York Post photograph of a dying man waiting to be hit by a train. And that photograph has dark implications for school shootings as well.

We like to think that we have free will. That we enter the station, knowing our destination ahead of time so that whatever delays or mistakes crop up, we will get to where we intended to go. And that may be true for most people. But it’s not true for all people. It may not be true for the people who push others under trains or jump in front of them.

Around the same time that the American Revolution was getting underway, the German writer Goethe wrote a book that would become the Catcher in the Rye and Twilight of its day. “The Sorrows of Young Werther” had the dubious honor of being disowned by its author, starting a fashion trend and a grimmer trend as well.

Werther Fever spread around the world. Readers wrote parodies of the book or imagined different endings for the characters. Some wrote themselves into the story or wrote poems about the story. There were unauthorized sequels, people dressing up like the characters and all the usual things that we have now come to take for granted, but that were still somewhat new and surprising then.

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Muslim Brotherhood propaganda will be beamed throughout the U.S. Al Jazeera is now launching 12 offices and bureaus across our nation.

Rather than sell access to Glenn Beck and The Blaze, Al Gore, in a treasonous transaction worthy of Benedict Arnold, handed American broadcast infrastructure over to a Muslim Brotherhood entity. This gives strategic reach and heartland access to the enemy that seeks to destroy “our miserable house*” by our own hands.

Janet Levy,
Los Angeles

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