WSJ EDITORIAL: THE HAMAS VICTORY The cease-fire leaves the terror group intact and politically stronger. Regarding America’s war in Vietnam, Henry Kissinger once noted that “the guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.” Regarding Israel’s latest war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the same considerations apply. No wonder Wednesday’s […]


Hat tip to reader Jean Vercors of Ashdod for this photo of an Israeli mother in Ofakim shielding her child as sirens blare the warning of an incoming rocket from Gaza during the recent crisis:

RUTHIE BLUM: AND THE WINNER IS…..MORSI After eight days of intensive long-range rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli population centers and retaliatory Israeli airstrikes against Hamas terrorist chiefs and infrastructure, a cease-fire was declared on Wednesday evening. This temporary truce was not reached between the parties, however. Rather, it was brokered and announced by the United States and […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS:More (Real) News Again..Another Round of “Peace In Our Time”

Newsletter Once again, here’s yet more information about the war between Hamas and Israel that unaccountably you may not have come across in today’s UK mainstream media. Peace in our time! On BBC Radio’s Today programme this morning, I heard a correspondent say that most Israelis were ‘relieved’ by the ceasefire in Gaza. I also […]

EGYPY’T PRESIDENT MORSI CONSOLIDATES FAR REACHING POWERS FOR HIMSELF Egypt President Morsi grants himself far-reaching powers Associated Press CAIRO – Egypt‘s president on Thursday issued constitutional amendments that placed him above judicial oversight and ordered the retrial of Hosni Mubarak for the killing of protesters in last year’s uprising. Mohammed Morsi also decreed immunity for the Islamist-dominated panel drafting a new constitution from […]



The Wahhabi Kingdom is one ass-backward place.

(AFP) – Denied the right to travel without consent from their male guardians and banned from driving, women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements.

Since last week, Saudi women’s male guardians began receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country, even if they are travelling together.

Manal al-Sherif, who became the symbol of a campaign launched last year urging Saudi women to defy a driving ban, began spreading the information on Twitter, after she was alerted by a couple.

The husband, who was travelling with his wife, received a text message from the immigration authorities informing him that his wife had left the international airport in Riyadh.

“The authorities are using technology to monitor women,” said columnist Badriya al-Bishr, who criticised the “state of slavery under which women are held” in the ultra-conservative kingdom.

Women are not allowed to leave the kingdom without permission from their male guardian, who must give his consent by signing what is known as the “yellow sheet” at the airport or border.

Another Tack: A-Dawla ma’ana: Sarah Honig

Another Tack: A-Dawla ma’ana When the blood-curdling battle cry exhorting the masses to slaughter the Jews, “Itbach al-Yahud,” was first shouted on April 4, 1920, by Arab marauders rampaging through the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, it was accompanied by another mantra: “A-Dawla ma’ana” – the government is with us. That was the first brazen […]

Hamas’s Victory: How Muslims See It by Harold Rhode The loser has no say in the terms; only the victor has. The current agreement emboldens Israel’s and America’s enemies. Do Americans understand the Muslim view of war? Throughout the Muslim world, there were celebrations with people singing and dancing and giving each other sweets, celebrating Hamas’s victory over the Israelis. Hamas suffered serious […]

More Trouble in Jordan by Mudar Zahran “They will not tolerate the king any longer…. It is too late for him to make any reforms.” — Opposition leader, who preferred to remain anonymous Last week, protests broke out in Jordan after a government decision to raise fuel prices. While protests have been taking place in Jordan for almost two years now, […]

NIDRA POLLER: JEAN FRANCOIS COPE WINNER TNE NEW PRESIDENT ELECT OF UNION FOR A POPULAR MAJORITY IN FRANCE Let them eat their pain au chocolat…… Breaking news: Jean François Copé is officially declared the winner of the hotly contested November 18th election of the president of the UMP (Union for a Popular Majority) by a slim margin of 50.03 percent against François Fillon’s 49.97 percent PARIS. The media are having a feast […]