The Arrest of a Filmmaker — on The Glazov Gang

The Arrest of a Filmmaker — on The Glazov Gang
Jim Horn, Shari Goodman and Leon Weinstein analyze why the Obama administration is carrying our Islamic blasphemy laws.

Germany: Co-ed Swimming in Court by Soeren Kern The court also noted that the family had chosen to live in Germany, where mixed swimming classes are the norm. “Besides, we live in a Western society in which we do not live by the rules of the Koran. And as on the street, the youngster can can close his eyes to the girls… […]

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: A REVIEW OF ROGER KIMBALL’S BOOK ‘THE FORTUNES OF PERMANENCE” In some 21 essays, Roger Kimball [1] — author of seminal books like Tenured Radicals [2] and The Long March [3], editor of the The New Criterion [4], and publisher of Encounter Books [5] — lays out a general indictment of what we might loosely call “modernism” in the West. By that term, Kimball […]

CLAUDIA ROSETT: THE WRECKAGE OF BENGHAZI On Thursday, an FBI team finally arrived in Benghazi, Libya, to visit the sites of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. It took the FBI more than three weeks to get there. During that time, the ruined consulate remained only minimally secured, if that. A few days […]

Free Speech, Muhammad’s Character — And Ours: Andrew Bostom

Following violent Muslim reactions to the amateurish Innocence of Muslims video, international and domestic Islamic agendas are openly converging with vehement calls for universal application of Islamic blasphemy law. Following violent Muslim reactions to the amateurish Innocence of Muslims [1] video, which depicted some of the less salutary aspects of Muhammad’s biography [2], international […]


I have received the below announcement to “community leaders” from Al Sharpton. In it, Sharpton announces that his race-baiting tour is coming to the Commonwealth of Virginia. He plans on teaching people how to “combat” new “restrictive” voting requirements such as Virginia voter ID, which was approved by his allies in Eric Holder’s Justice Department. One wonders how he plans to “combat” the law.

Sharpton probably won’t mention his role in the deaths of Angelina Marrero, Cynthia Martinez, Luz Ramos, Mayra Rentas, Olga Garcia, Garnette Ramautar and Kareem Brunner. His allies and friends (like Eric Holder) don’t like to think about the time Sharpton’s race-baiting preceded the fiery murder of these people at Freddie’s Fashion Mart. Fashion Mart?

Yes, for those of you who don’t know and don’t click the link, this says it all:

The Sharpton-led protests began in August and came to a head on the morning of Friday, December 8th when Roland James Smith, Jr., who had been part of the Sharpton’s protests, walked into Freddy’s Fashion Mart, pulled out a gun, ordered all the black customers to leave, spilled paint thinner on several bins of clothing and set them on fire.

Sharpton is a reprehensible race baiter who should never escape his past unless he publicly atones. That Eric Holder associates with Sharpton’s sort tells us even more than that racialist quote Holder carries around in his wallet.


Chavez, Castro, Putin: Four more years!
Gerard Direct
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Should Americans be concerned that three of the world’s top dictatorships — also renowned for violating human rights — are endorsing President Obama? Read more…

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Poll: Virginia voters trade Obama for Romney
The Washington Examiner
Friday, October 5, 2012
A day after his commanding performance in a presidential debate that attracted historic levels of TV viewership, a new Virginia poll has Mitt Romney up slightly over President Obama in the battleground state both camps say they need to take the White House. Read more…

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Calif. gas pumps shut off as refiners start rationing
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Gasoline station owners in the Los Angeles area including Costco Wholesale Corp. are beginning to shut pumps as the state’s oil refiners started rationing supplies and spot prices surged to a record. Read more…

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ANDREW McCARTHY: OBAMA UNFILTERED Do you think Barack Obama knows who Ernie Banks is? Count me a skeptic. The purported White Sox fanatic couldn’t name a single player for the home team on the South Side, so I doubt he knows Wrigley Field from his beloved “Cominskey Field.” But even if the president was never gripped by the […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: …ON LIBYAGATE Spring Fever Update: Wascally Webels’ New Libya Promotes Sharia, As State Department Runs for Cover By Andrew C. McCarthy October 5, 2012 5:27 P.M. From One day after Libya’s top lawmaker appeared to back down – under criticism from fundamentalists – over the need for a secular state, the country’s prime minister-elect on […]

RAEL JEAN ISAAC: FAILING THE MENTALLY ILL Rael Jean Isaac interviews Clayton E. Cramer, author of My Brother Ron: A Personal and Social History of the Deinstitutionalization of the Mentally Ill, 2012, available from Amazon. As terrible stories of random murders of innocents (for example, the mass shootings at the Batman showing in Aurora, Colorado) follow one another with frightening regularity, […]