Another Tack: Shelly’s macho-man mentor Hanna Rovina, the late-great first lady of the Israeli theater, once quipped: “people with connections don’t need protectzia” (“favoritism,” in Israeli parlance). This is perhaps why in days bygone retiring IDF generals invariably gravitated to the Labor Party, where they had ample connections which guaranteed them a helpful leg-up to the […]

YORAM ETTINGER: RED LINES AND PREEMPTION IN THE FACE OF NUCLEAR IRAN Just like the role of “Red Lights” in intersections, so would “Red Lines” reduce the probability of a military collision with a nuclear Iran. Clear “Red Lines” would upgrade the US posture of deterrence and enhance preparedness against – and minimizes the cost of – aggression. On the other hand, the absence of “Red […]

“How will we in Israel deal with the election results?
We will do fine. It might get a little difficult. The road might become slippery, rocky, and sometimes seem impassable, but we will engage in the 4X4 mode, put it in low gear, and get through what we need to get through, shoving aside as many obstacles as necessary through the hilly terrain. We are stronger than any candidate, and we have what to show the world.”

I landed in the US on Nov 7… the “day after”. Like many others on my flight, if not the majority, when I checked the results of the election, I was not surprised. I watched as the faces changed from the joy of landing safely and beating out the Nor’easter, to near horror-stricken when realizing that the White House would not be changing hands.
At the same time, I felt a bit of relief. It’s over, results known; time to assess, and to move forward. Reports conveyed that approximately 70% of the Jewish vote went to Obama − again no surprise there. There were statements of shock regarding just how many “religious” Jews voted for a candidate who is in favor of ripping the Jewish heartland from its people. In fact, the chasm between those of us who live in Israel, and those in the US, once again proved to be as wide as ever, with no prospect of attenuating the intensity.
That chasm which is the real problem, that had it been truly addressed, analyzed, and properly challenged would have brought about a different result in the “Jewish” vote, and perhaps even in the election results.
The tens of millions of dollars or more donated to the Romney campaign by our Jewish brethren did little to sway the Jewish vote. Nine percent change in the Jewish voting margin cannot be considered success.
While Israel is not the top swing topic of liberal Jewish voters, it is right up there, next to Women’s and Gay rights and other human rights issues. The Israel/Palestinian peace efforts have affected many of our voters and I find it troubling that 70% of American Jewish voters do not comprehend what’s at stake. Worse yet, if they do comprehend then they presented a clear statement of apathy.
The support for Obama conveys indifference on the part of American Jewry over Israel giving up its heritage and its heartland. Their apathy paves the way for a new Arab state to rise, void of the ideals and values treasured in western culture, a state, which would undoubtedly be hostile to Israel and the United States.
Conversely, polls communicated unmistakably the over 80% of Israeli support for Romney as their choice for US president. Israelis, for the most part, recognize that Obama cannot be trusted with regard to Israel’s security.
We are on our own, and we accept that.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: WHAT WE LOST IN THIS ELECTION Now that we have lost the election of 2012, where our champion, a third-rate imitation of Ronald Reagan, without either his charm or his principles, who believed in absolutely nothing except being the best salesman he could be; let’s pause to reflect on all the things we lost out on through his defeat. When […]


I write this as a proud and patriotic American, a Jew, and a staunch Zionist and supporter of Israel. I have not time or desire to scold the Jews who voted for Obama. I am in too much despair at the calamity that has befallen Jews throughout the world as violent anti-Semitism is not viewed as a “hate crime” but rather as a trendy lefty fad.

And here, in my America, I can no longer feel sanguine that Congress will support Israel. In fact, some of our best supporters lost and the best candidates were trounced. They were targeted by J Street…here is their gloating letter:

“You should feel GREAT today!

All 49 JStreetPAC-endorsed incumbents in the House – elected.

All 7 JStreetPAC-endorsed Senate candidates – elected.

JStreetPAC’s challengers and candidates for open seats – elected in 13 out of 15 races (Ami Bera hanging on to a razor thin lead in his race for a Congressional seat in Sacramento would make it 14 of 15.)

You helped raise and contribute over $1.8 million to these 71 pro-Israel, pro-peace candidates for Congress, and, thanks to you the 113th Congress will have 50 percent more JStreetPAC-endorsed members than are in Congress today. Not only did you help elect champions like Tammy Baldwin, Martin Heinrich and Tim Kaine to the Senate, you defeated some of the most outrageous voices on our issue. Come January the House of Representatives will no longer have One-State Caucus members like Joe Walsh, Allen West, Bobby Schilling, Frank Guinta, or Ann Marie Buerkle.

This is an incredible victory – one that is part of transforming the political atmosphere around Israel in the U.S. that has blocked meaningful American efforts to achieve a two-state solution for decades.

Our work doesn’t end here, of course. We have to spread the word about the incredible success of pro-Israel, pro-peace politics so that more candidates and more public officials in the future will start to speak out in pro-Israel, pro-peace way.”

This is ominous news. There is an old joke about leaders of the three faiths….Jewish, Christian, and Moslem being engulfed by a flood and their last words:

The Imam prays he gets the reward of the virgins.

The Christian prays for salvation of his soul and the world.

The Jew prays that Jews fill find a way to surviv and thrive under water.

Dear e-pals: We are under water.Our life vests are the conservatives, Evangelicals, all Christian supporters of Israel, and each other.




I cannot say that I am not bitterly disappointed about Romney’s loss. I do not blame him–I think he ran an energetic and honorable campaign and gave it his all. His campaign may have made some minor mistakes, but I think that he lost the election because of the bias of the press which resulted in their protecting Obama from any serious criticism.

But he also lost because of several components of his and his party’s platform which I’ll get to in a moment. What is most important in our world view is freedom which means less government and all that that implies (taxes, regulations, etc.)and a strong and vibrant competitive economic system. That is essentially it. The rest is trivial.

It is clear that Romney could have won the election if he had the latino vote and the women’s vote. I think that the new GOP must acknowledge those facts of life and give up on both of those issues. Women’s waist-down issues should not be political matters no matter what religious people would like. They are and should be individual matters. Get rid of it as a political issue.

Whatever GOP is left after this defeat must also revise their views on illegal immigration and make it more possible for the latino to feel included by creating several different routes to citizenship and naturalization. This doesn’t have to lead to abusive entitlements–some compromise can be worked out which involves service for young people and citizenship programs for older people.

Also even though Romney did not win the popular vote I also think that the electoral system is totally antiquated, outmoded, and has no relationship today to what the founding fathers had in mind and that the new GOP should work toward getting rid of it and fostering some popular voting system that would foster the feeling in voters that their vote was important and not just the voters in 8 or 9 so called battleground states.

I don’t think Obama has a mandate to work his evil plans and the congressional GOP should resist him quietly as much as possible all the time sharpening their knives and planning for 2014 and 2016 to accomplish those important values mentioned above. Although I might not be around to see it happen.

Your friend and blogmate

Yale Kramer

AWR HAWKINS: THE ELECTION IS PAST AND THE BENGHAZI INVESTIGATION MUST CONTINUE Now that the election is behind us, it’s time for a serious investigation into what did and didn’t take place in Benghazi: an investigation that seeks clear, on-the-record answers to some very important questions. Questions like: 1. What did Obama know and do (and not do), and when did he know? 2. When did […]

The Hollow Force, Version 2012 by PETER FARMER In the post-Vietnam era of the late 1970s, a weakened and demoralized United States military was sometimes referred to as a “hollow force.” Already on the defensive because of the debacle in Vietnam and deep cuts in military spending in the face of Soviet aggression in Afghanistan, the humiliation of the Carter-era military was […]

CLIFF KINCAID: THE INFILTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT At the recent “Pumpkin Papers Irregulars” dinner in Washington, D.C., author and commentator M. Stanton Evans joked about his “Law of Inadequate Paranoia,” which says, “No matter how bad you think something is, when you look into it, it is always worse.” The comment generated nervous laughter among a crowd of people concerned about […]

Friendship? Hardly: Rabin, Arafat & the Oslo Accords by DARLENE CASELLA Chief Rabbi of Israel Eli Ben-Dahan, a candidate for the Knesset, believes it is time to officially put an end to the Oslo process. The Hamas terrorist organization, in violation of the Oslo Accords, does not recognize the State of Israel, and uses violence against it. Meanwhile tax money transfers from Israel to the […]