http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203897404578078510673121172.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEFTTopOpinion Voters go to the polls with an unusually clear choice in U.S. economic policy: We can double down on the current approach in the hope that bigger government will create jobs, or we can adopt growth policies that are more market-oriented and less government-centered. Current economic policy will lead to a recession in 2013, […]



“We have no grand schemes or manifestos, no glorious visions of caliphates and socialist republics, our vision is of our homes and our stores, our families and our friends, the communities that we have built and the small things that we have done every day of our lives for the sake of all these things. These small things, the little uncounted freedoms and the self-chosen responsibilities are our manifestos, they are our battle cries and they are what we fight for. They are our world and we hold them now in the light of day against the destroyers who would bring against us the fall of night.”

We face two conflicts in the present day and against the present day. Both conflicts are being fought against ideologies dislocated in time, longing urgently for the past and the future.

Islamism is a reactionary ideology preaching a perfect world to be gained by stepping back to the 7th Century origins of its founding and seeks to recreate it by enslaving women and non-Muslims, making Mohammed’s false treaties with Christians and Jews, this time no longer in Arabia, but around the world, and then subjugating them to usher in an age of perfect peace.

Progressivism looks for its utopias not in the splendors of the past, but in the wonders of the future, its fanaticism fueled by the wonders of the emerging technologies of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries fused with the delusion that these material technologies could be matched by social technologies of equal depth and effectiveness, bringing forth both a technocratic utopia of physical technology and social technology.

Utopianism is a matter of faith and perspective. One man’s utopia is another man’s nightmare. And like many matters of faith, those who cannot be convinced must often be compelled.

The Utopianist is dislocated, feels born out of his proper age and fervently at odds with the tenor of the time.

For the Muslim, this is a matter of pure culture, for Islamic civilizations were left behind in the great rush of forward momentum experienced by Western civilization within the past centuries. The modern world is a Western creature and though it boasts many comforts and achievements, the Muslims who inhabit it can never feel fully at home in it. Unable to dream of a great future, they dream instead of a wonderful past that will sweep away the alien complexities that they could rarely learn to live without, and replace it with the purity of the desert and the simplicity of the sword.

For the Westerner, the dislocation is also cultural, it is the clash between the mechanical accomplishments of the civilization that he lives in and the decay of the spiritual and aesthetic values of its culture. The artist and the sculptor despaired of matching the engineer in the last century. The cleric feels a trembling in his bones when he sees the visions spun by theoretical physicists. Rather than exceeding themselves, the bearers of the cultural traditions of the West have often chosen to diminish themselves, fleeing into ugliness and unbelief, defacing and distorting the traditions they bear, rather than rising to face the challenge of their civilization’s material accomplishments and subsuming their fears of inadequacy in the expansion of their heritage’s possibilities.

The sensitive soul of the middle class child bemoans the industrial revolution without realizing that the only reason that there is a middle class and that he isn’t toiling in the fields and she isn’t at the mercy of any passing knight is the very materialistic technological revolution that the sensitive soul bemoans. For centuries, the dislocated Westerner has physically or philosophically attempted to retreat to a pastoral Eden, to the garden and the field tended by the Noble Savage, erecting complex theories to promote a new simplicity.

The dislocated Westerner finds in the form of the Noble Savage, a fellow dissatisfied soul rebelling against the constraints of civilization, and discovers too late the cost of savagery and the alternative to the new world of freedom that Newton’s Apple and the slide rule, and its rude children, the factory and the company have made. The Muslim is the latest in a long line of noble savages, fellow travelers on the road to a terrible Utopia that only one of them shall ever see.

Why the Taliban Shot a Teenage Girl by DR. LAINA FARHAT-HOLZMAN

http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/why-the-taliban-shot-a-teenage-girl?f=puball The Pakistani Taliban roused the ire around the world with their latest horror, an attempted assassination on a teenage girl for promoted educating girls. They recently beheaded a 7-year-old girl and nobody noticed. But this time, mobs of Pakistanis demonstrated in support of the girl and in criticism of the Taliban. Is this issue […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/fractured-fairy-tales?f=puball Greens hate natural gas and fracking, but costly, parasitic wind energy can’t live without it. Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have boosted shale gas production from zero a few years ago to 10% of all US energy supplies in 2012, observes energy analyst Daniel Yergin. Fracking has also increased US oil production 25% since […]


http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/cover-up-2012 In 1973 there was a feeding frenzy among journalists who could not consume the details of the Watergate break-in fast enough. Pulitzer prizes awaited those with a new factoid or an interview with someone in the administration who broke ranks with President Nixon. In retrospect, this was a clumsy effort to interfere with the […]


There are plenty of ways to cast the divisions between parties and movements, but the elemental act of voting divides rhetoric from motive.

Obama called voting the best revenge, because for a sizable portion of his base that’s exactly what voting is. Their votes are a violent act, a spiteful assault on a country that they can never participate in for economic or cultural reasons. Change for them is not a positive program, but a negative assault on the national majority. Bankrupting the country by robbing it for their own benefit is their revenge.

Voting for us isn’t revenge, it’s resistance. It isn’t a choice that emerges out of reasoned debate between two sets of values, it’s an act of resistance against the revengers, the looters and the destroyers. The voting booth is a form of sabotage against their regime, their corrupt interests and their oppressive regulations.

These last four years we have endured an intensified occupation of our political, religious and personal freedoms. We have been robbed, lied to, ordered around and in some cases even killed. These crimes have been carried out by elected officials and the election will allow us to remove some of them. It will not end the reign of terror, but if successful, our act of electoral resistance will inflict a severe setback on the plans of their ideological movement and the unelected officials who rely on them for funding and political support.

The election will not end the occupation, but it will interrupt the forward momentum of the occupiers. It will force them to fall back into their think tanks and formulate new strategies for dismantling the Constitution, eliminating our civil rights and ending elections as anything but empty shows with no meaning.



The most important thing that non-New Yorkers need to understand about the protracted reign of Mike the First is that he was not elected and reelected because the people liked him, but because the Democratic alternatives were worse. Bloomberg was not only a dead zone when it came to charisma or empathy, he was unlikable and affectless from the start. His only calling card was competence and Sandy may have taken it away from him for good.

Walter Russell Mead has some thoughts on what Bloomberg was up to. “Michael Bloomberg must have hoped that Sandy would be his own 9/11. A population in shock turned to the mayor in their hour of need. He dominated the airwaves; he issued decrees. He seized the occasion to speak out on the big issues: climate change, endorsing a president. He worked to project an air of authority and calm: the Marathon would go on.

It must have looked for a while as if he had done a Rudy and resuscitated a tired mayoralty, relaunching a national career. Perhaps a cabinet appointment in a second Obama administration, perhaps another shot at an independent presidential campaign.”

It’s certainly possible that the perpetually out of touch Bloomberg was thinking that a few tiresome press conferences, empty of content, would show the people his true greatness. That’s something he can tell the people of Sheepshead Bay. And with Christie on the scene hogging the spotlight, in every sense of the word, there was never a chance of Bloomberg or Cuomo getting to turn themselves into the heroes of the hour.

The core difference between Giuliani and Bloomberg, is that the former tried to get a handle on an unprecedented crisis, and did better at it than the governor or the president. While Bloomberg messed up a crisis that the city should have been prepared for, but wasn’t. Like Giuliani, Bloomberg had rubbed New Yorkers the wrong way with petty regulations, but that would have been forgiven if he had shown any ability to handle a big crisis.

Bloomberg blew the snowstorm and that was bad enough. But he blew Sandy and that is much worse. There are too many dead, too many people who feel left alone and isolated, by a mayor who couldn’t get past his uptown mentality to look in on Staten Island, Brooklyn or Queens, who denied access to the National Guard because of his finickiness about guns and kept the marathon going because in his circles that was a thing to do.

Rather than tackling emergencies, Bloomberg has cackled about climate change and obesity, he has tackled trendy Obamanoid causes with rhetoric and micro-regulations, instead of fulfilling core governance obligations by preparing for real emergencies.

The final illusion that Bloomberg is anything but a liberal drone comes from his Nation interview, where he says that, he endorsed Obama “not because I’m thrilled with him, but to me, choice, gay rights, the environment are the real issues, more important than economics.”

That is exactly the mindset of a man who will ban large sodas while letting the flood waters rise.



To order United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror, click here.

In the two-part video interview below, Josh Brewster talks to Frontpage’s editor about his critically-acclaimed United in Hate, his new book High Noon For America: The Coming Showdown, his family’s struggle for freedom, David Horowitz’s influence, and much more. In Part I, the discussion focuses on Jamie Glazov’s parents’ dissident activity in the former Soviet Union and how it molded his battle against the Left. Part II deals with Jamie’s new book, High Noon For America: The Coming Showdown. Both parts of the two part series are below:


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/bruce-thornton/what-the-last-four-years-have-revealed/print/ Whoever wins today’s election, the Obama presidency and his presidential campaign have exposed troubling political and social dysfunctions that bode ill for our future. The Final Corruption of the Mainstream Media Since Watergate and Vietnam, it has been obvious that the media are ideologically liberal. But professional ethics and careerist self-interest still kept at […]

Mob Rule Replaces Rule of Law by Shiraz Maher

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3438/pakistan-blasphemy-mob-rule Politicians who want to challenge the blasphemy law are routinely killed or intimidated, making the government keen to pursue – rather than curtail – the blasphemy laws. Taseer’s assassin was lauded not just by radicals, but by those who would be expected to oppose mob “justice”: lawyers. The ordeal of Rimsha Masih, a Pakistani […]