ANDREW McCARTHY: WHY OBAMA MUST BE DEFEATED I don’t pretend to be without a strong preference in tomorrow’s election. I am voting for Mitt Romney and, without apology, I urge everyone to do the same. Nevertheless, trying to be as objective as I can after a week of living Sandy’s aftermath, two things – by themselves, even without the many others […]

JED BABBIN: WHAT’S AT STAKE TOMORROW Just imagine where’s we’ll be in 2017 after a second Obama term. Tomorrow we go to the polls in the most important election of our lifetimes. If that seems an overstatement, the following should erase any doubt. RealClearPolitics has the race essentially tied, with Obama leading by a hair. My favorite political guru — […]

DAVID GOLDMAN: BARACK OBAMA AND AMERICA’S DECLINE Barack Obama and America’s decline By Spengler America is in incipient decline, and this week’s presidential election might be the last chance to reverse it. We are becoming a different sort of country, with a different people and different beliefs. Another four years of Barack Obama well might take us past the point of […]


Is there a promise that in a second term Joe Biden will retire and she will become Vice President on her way to candidacy in 2016? Otherwise, why is she taking the fall for Benghazi and why is her husband in name only strutting around as a surrogate for Obama whose crowds have cooled and thinned out?

Well David Axelrod has pledged to shave his mustache off is Obama loses…Here is hoping.

I pledge to give up pastrami if Romney wins. That is a far greater sacrifice than Axelrod’s.

BEN SHAPIRO: OBAMA’S CELEBRITY FRIENDS PARTY IN HURRICAN AFTERMATH Every poll shows that the aspect of Barack Obama’s persona that Americans like least is his addiction to celebrity. Now we know why. Less than 48 hours after Hurricane Sandy swept through New York City, shutting down the subway system, leaving people starving and driving law enforcement through flooded homes in search of bodies, […]

HUMBERTO FONTOVA: THE DEMS ARE FURIOUS WITH CUBAN AMERICAN VOTERS As we go to press, polls are showing America’s largest swing state in a dead head between Romney and Obama. Florida has 29 electoral votes and the third largest “Hispanic” population in America. Normally this means a cakewalk for any Democrat. But whoops! Turns out that about a third of these Florida Hispanics (Cuban-Americans) […]

OBAMA HONORS RADICAL ISRAEL HATER: JOSEPH KLEIN “It’s the ‘People’s House,” said First Lady Michelle Obama. “It’s a place that is steeped in history, but it’s also a place where everyone should feel welcome. And that’s why my husband and I have made it our mission to open up the house to as many people as we can.” The Obama administration […]

MATTHEW VADUM: OBAMA’S ARMY OF ILLEGAL ELECTION WORKERS Democrats have enlisted thousands of young illegal immigrants to drag their supporters to the polls on Election Day tomorrow. These get-out-the-vote workers may or may not be breaking the law by helping with voter mobilization. Because the workers are already unlawfully present in the United States, presumably all employment they engage in –including electioneering— […]


Red Flag Over the Atlantic
China is angling to take over a U.S. airbase in the Azores.

On June 27, a plane carrying Wen Jiabao made a “technical” stop on the island of Terceira, in the Azores. Following an official greeting by Alamo Meneses, the regional secretary of environment of the sea, the Chinese premier spent four hours touring the remote Portuguese outpost in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Wen’s Terceira walkabout, which followed a four-nation visit to South America, largely escaped notice at the time, but alarm bells should have immediately gone off in Washington and in European capitals. For one thing, Wen’s last official stop on the trip was Santiago, the capital of Chile. Flights from Chile to China normally cross the Pacific, not the Atlantic, so there was no reason for his plane to be near the Azores. Moreover, those who visit the Azores generally favor other islands in the out-of-the-way chain.

Terceira, however, has one big attraction for Beijing: Air Base No. 4. Better known as Lajes Field, the facility where Premier Wen’s 747 landed in June is jointly operated by the U.S. Air Force and its Portuguese counterpart. If China controlled the base, the Atlantic would no longer be secure. From the 10,865-foot runway on the northeast edge of the island, Chinese planes could patrol the northern and central portions of the Atlantic and thereby cut air and sea traffic between the U.S. and Europe. Beijing would also be able to deny access to the nearby Mediterranean Sea.

And China could target the American homeland. Lajes is less than 2,300 miles from New York, shorter than the distance between Pearl Harbor and Los Angeles.

When your opening act is an accused rapist and molester of women, a man who lied to a grand jury and was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice, a man who actually stood in the Rose Garden of the White House and lied as follows:

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time — never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people.

When that man is your opening act, and then you climb on stage as President of the United States and people walk out halfway through your speech three days before the vote for your reelection, that’s not good.

But that’s what happened yesterday to Barack Obama in Virginia. Famous liar, womanizer, and accused rapist Bill Clinton kept the audience in their seats, but as Obama was speaking, many people had had enough; they got up and left so they could beat the parking lot traffic.

As Charlie Spiering of the Washington Examiner tweeted:

Wow. Steady stream of cold people trotting towards the exit in the middle of Obama’s speech.

And even Obama’s hot air wasn’t enough to hold them.