FORMER DEMOCRAT SHELDON ADELSON EXPLAINS WHY HE WILL VOTE FOR ROMNEY (SPEAKS FOR MANY OF US) When members of the Democratic Party booed the inclusion of God and Jerusalem in their party platform this year, I thought of my parents. They would have been astounded. The immigrant family in which I grew up was, in the matter of politics, typical of the Jews of Boston in the 1930s and ’40s. […]


Some of my fellow tribesmen, particularly those stuck like glue to the Democratic Party have short term memory loss when it comes to Barak Obama and his relationship to Israel. With the selective amnesia they have shown over the recent tragedy and coverup in Benghazi, they forget or wish not to remember the diplomatic hostility […]

Politicians Promise to Help Israel: Will It Be Too Little, Too Late? By Steve Feldman “If Israel is attacked” is a phrase heard often by mostly well-meaning politicians from both American parties when they are out on the campaign trail, or even while holding office, to express their intent to come to the aid of the Jewish state. But as anyone who both follows current events and has any […]

TIMOTHY WILSON: CRITICAL UNANSWERED QUESTIONS ON BEGHAZI Another successful attack on Americans is a devastating blow to or standing and strength as perceived by foreign nations and nationals. Unlike 9/11/01 the clear story of what transpired in Benghazi has been slow to come out, with unclear, obfuscatory, contradictory and even false information “releases” from our government. With one incandescent exception, the […]


Obama and Terror: A Four-Year Scandal

– Abstract

From the outset, the Obama administration’s handling of the most sensitive secrets of the war on terror has been worrisome. In April 2009, the Justice Department released previously classified memoranda that described the standards of the CIA’s interrogation program, thereby making known to our enemies the limits of what they might face if captured. The release also demoralized those within the intelligence agency who were told they could no longer rely on the memoranda—and would, therefore, be judged by a standard different from the one in place when they acted.

Two years later, following the killing of Osama bin Laden, revelations about the intelligence recovered in the raid on his Pakistan compound rendered much of that intelligence useless, because terrorists found out what we had learned. A few months after that, administration officials confirmed to the media that the United States had been involved along with Israel in implanting a computer virus in Iranian nuclear-enrichment centrifuges that caused physical damage, thereby justifying by our own professed standards any retaliation Iran might undertake. And, most recently, newspaper reports have disclosed planning for retaliatory operations against the terrorists who murdered our ambassador to Libya and military and other personnel present in our consulate in Benghazi.


Melanoma can be cured – in Israel. Patients in an advanced stage of metastatic melanoma are being given a new lease of life at the Ella Institute of Sheba Medical Centre in Tel Aviv. Sheba’s innovative Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TIL) trials have patients from Europe coming to Israel to be rid of the deadly cancer.

Crohn’s medication works. Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals has reported success in the Phase IIa clinical trial of Laquinimod in moderate to severe Crohn’s disease. The announcement was made at the 20th United European Gastroenterology (UEG) conference in Amsterdam.

Ultrasound treatment for bone cancer patients. The US Food and Drug Administration has given pre-marketing approval for ExAblate targeted focused ultrasound treatment from Israel’s InSightec Image Guided Treatment Ltd.. The approval is initially for bone cancer patients who cannot undergo radiation therapy.

Israeli spinal surgery – in Vietnam. Mazor Robotics has received its first order in Vietnam for its Renaissance robotic navigation system for spinal surgery. The system will be installed at the Viet Duc Hospital in Hanoi, the country’s largest surgical hospital, with 1,000 beds.

Genetic link for autism. New Tel Aviv University and Sheba Medical Center research has found that Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) share a root cause with psychiatric illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The research accessed anonymous records from over one million Israeli soldiers.

Natural medicines from Jerusalem. The Natural Medicine Research Unit for the Study of Complementary, Alternative and Integrated Medicine at Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem is exploring some ancient methods to cure modern day ailments. The centre even germinated a 2,000-year-old Judean date palm seed.

DANIEL MANDEL: NINETY FIVE YEARS SINCE THE BALFOUR DECLARATION A mere sixty-eight words helped alter the course of history. Ninety-five years ago (as of November 2), the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James, Lord Balfour, sent the following communication to Walter, Lord Rothschild, one of the most prominent Jews in England, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland: His Majesty’s […]


A note to a stiff-necked people

To those Jews planning to vote for Obama: Are you prepared to explain to your children not the principles upon which your vote is cast, but its probable effects upon them?

Irrespective of your endorsement of liberal sentiments, of fairness and “more equal distribution,” will you explain to your children that top-down economic policies will increasingly limit their ability to find challenging and well-paid work, and that the diminution in employment and income will decrease their opportunity to marry and raise children?

Will you explain (as you have observed) that a large part of their incomes will be used to fund programs that they may find immoral, wasteful and/or indeed absurd? And that the bulk of their taxes go to no programs at all, but merely service the debt you entailed on them?

Will you tell your children that a liberal government will increasingly marginalize, dismiss and weaken the support for and the safety of the Jewish state?

Will you tell them that, in a state-run economy, hard work may still be applauded, but that it will no longer be rewarded?

Will you explain that whatever their personal beliefs, tax-funded institutions will require them to imbibe and repeat the slogans of the left, and that, should they differ, they cannot have a career in education, medicine or television unless they keep their mouths shut?

Will you explain to them that it is impossible to make a budget, and that the basic arithmetic we all use at the kitchen table is not practiced at the federal and state level, and to suggest that it should be is “selfishness?”

Most importantly, will you teach them never to question the pronouncements of those in power, for to do so is to risk ostracism?

Are you prepared to sit your children down and talk them through your vote on the future you are choosing for them?

Please remember that we have the secret ballot and, should you, on reflection, vote in secret for a candidate you would not endorse in public, you will not be alone.

=David Mamet is a Pulitzer Prize-winning and Tony- and Oscar-nominated playwright, essayist, screenwriter and film director. His latest book is “The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture” (Sentinel).

STELLA PAUL: OUR LONG OBAMA NIGHTMARE IS ALMOST OVER If you’re reading this, you’ve almost made it through the Obama years. God knows it hasn’t been easy holding on this long. If you’re like me, there were days you felt as if you’d aged ten years, just trying to bitterly cling to your leaky life raft. Maybe you’re one of the 23 million […]

SOS to CIA may have been sent way before attack
Fox News
Saturday, November 3, 2012
SOS to CIA may have been sent way before attack
Despite a carefully narrated version of events rolled out late this week by the CIA claiming agents jumped into action as soon as they were notified of calls for help in Benghazi on Sept. 11, security officials on the ground say calls for help went out considerably earlier — and signs of an attack were mounting even before that. Read more…

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Sunshine for Romney: Up 6 in Florida
Tampa Bay Times
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Sunshine for Romney: Up 6 in Florida
Florida continues to look good for Mitt Romney. The Republican holds a six-point lead in the state essential to his hopes of defeating President Obama on Tuesday, according to a new Tampa Bay Times/Bay News 9/Miami Herald poll. Nearly every key indicator in the poll reveals Romney’s advantage in a state Obama won four years ago. Read more…

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Former Hillary aide backs Romney
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Mitt Romney has been making a pitch for bipartisanship in the closing days of the race, and Saturday morning he rolled out an endorsement from Hillary Clinton’s former Senate state director, Gigi Georges, who said: “I know what it means to work across the aisle on issues that are important to the American people. And that’s why I am supporting Mitt Romney.” Read more…

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Special forces PAC demands Libya investigation
Special Operations Speaks
Saturday, November 3, 2012
The political action committee Special Operations Speaks called for an independent investigation of President Obama in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 massacre in Libya. “It remains uncertain if the tragedy in Benghazi was caused or compounded by Obama’s reckless inaction, gross negligence or incompetent leadership,” said Joe Stringham, a retired Army brigadier general, former Ranger and now chairman of the PAC. Read more…

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