MATTHEW VADUM: OBAMA’S BENGHAZI INVESTIGATOR IS AN IRAN SYMPATHIZER The freshly appointed chairman of a federal investigation into the Benghazi massacre is an apologist for Islamic terrorism who has a cozy relationship with Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. And to add insult to injury, at press time Tuesday evening the chairman of this new State Department panel, former Ambassador Thomas […]

Whoopi Goldberg’s Assault on Ann Romney and Mormonism — on The Glazov Gang

Whoopi Goldberg’s Assault on Ann Romney and Mormonism — on The Glazov Gang

On this week’s Glazov Gang, Nonie Darwish, Dwight Schultz and Diane Zinn discussed: Whoopi Goldberg’s Assault on Ann Romney and Mormonism. The discussion occurred in Part II and focused on whether Whoopi would condescendingly interrogate a Muslim cleric about Qur’anic verses. Part I dealt with Why Obama Gambled With American Loves, shedding light on the reasons the president engaged in Benghazi Denial. Both parts of the two part series can be seen below:

DANIEL GREENFIELD: A VOTE FOR EVRY MURDERER AND A BALLOT FOR EVERY RAPIST It’s no secret that civil rights groups are running short of civil rights issues. The NAACP is outdated as its name and there’s only so much time that it can spend fundraising off its ancient history. The NAACP has drifted so far off its mission that its advocacy programs include promoting gay marriage, fighting […]


The Obama Campaign, that strange 4 year marriage of Generation X hipsters, inner city bosses, suburban college educated boomers longing for racial healing, Big Green businessmen and shady Saudis, appears to be finally sinking beneath the waves. It isn’t going out in a blaze of glory, but with mumbles of trending topics.
Obama was always a petty man and his campaign has descended into pointless pettiness, into Team Big Bird, binders full of women and bayonets and horses. Like so much hipster culture, it exists so that the participants can entertain each other with something that no one else thinks is funny or clever. And that elitism is precisely the point. It’s the last resort of losers who hide from their lack of taste behind walls of exclusivity.

Abandoning mass appeal, Obama is getting back to his roots of entertaining upper middle class college kids with his ‘hipness’; both actual college kids and the overgrown middle aged variety that make up the professional class of the mediacracy who treat the rest of the country the way that they treated the natives on their Peace Corps assignments.

The Obama Campaign was never serious, but it once aspired to an Oprah level of seriousness, to the dignity of the self-help sections where trite observations are recited with great solemnity so that they sound like they must mean more than they do.

For the Northeastern New York Times reader, Obama held out the promise of atonement for the country’s grave racial sins. For the San Francisco wind farm executive, he offered the prospect of a presidency that would be one long endless TED talk with plenty of subsidies for the cunning Greenvestor. And the college student would finally have a president who watched the same shows, listened to the same music and got the same jokes making him the perfect Resident Adviser for the country.

J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS: SEE THIS VIDEO…A REPORTER ASKING QUESTIONS IS THREATENED BY ERIC HOLDER’S BODY GUARD After a visit by Attorney General Eric Holder to the Justice Department Voting Section yesterday, a reporter attempting to ask Holder questions about the visit was threatened by one of Holder’s bodyguards. Holder was visiting the Voting Section of the DOJ to pose for photographs with the attorneys who will be enforcing federal election […]


Barack Obama won the Presidency in 2008 as the anti-George W. Bush and in 2012 he’s been trying to win again as the anti-Mitt Romney, without elaborating much of a second-term agenda. Two weeks before Election Day, we now know why. His new ambitions look a lot like his old ambitions, except stuck on repeat.

On Tuesday Mr. Obama finally tried to give the future more definition with a new plan, except it isn’t new and barely qualifies as a plan. “I’ve laid out a plan for jobs and middle-class security,” he claimed in Delray Beach, Florida, brandishing a 20-page brochure titled “A Plan for Jobs and Middle-Class Security” and going on to invoke his “plan” another dozen-odd times. “I won’t be running the okey doke on you,” he added.

Voters may okey doke themselves if they believe this document, which is heavy on backward-looking and discredited factoids and light on economic specifics. For example, Mr. Obama wants to spend money to hire 100,000 math and science teachers for public schools. Isn’t that what happened in 2009? And didn’t his own Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, say that class size barely matters to education outcomes?

The President says he’ll use community colleges to train another two million workers “for good jobs that actually exist,” perhaps to distinguish these from the jobs he said the 2009 stimulus would create but actually didn’t. And he says he’ll create a million new manufacturing jobs by 2016 via a new temporary tax credit for U.S. companies that expand domestic hiring.

All of this is merely a kind of Junior Achievement version of the stimulus, trying to create jobs with more government spending that isn’t affordable, or temporary tax favors that fail because they are, well, temporary. Businesses hire based on total employee costs, not one-off tax benefits. Since 2009 the country has lost 610,000 net manufacturing jobs, despite such preferences.

LUKE COFFEY: OBAMA…LEAVING AMERICA WEAKER IN A MORE DANGEROUS WORLD efending President Obama’s foreign policy track record is no easy task. After almost four years of his presidency, not only is America’s standing in the world weaker, the world is also more dangerous than before. Obama has not made his view of America’s role in the world a secret. As The Heritage Foundation has […]

EILEEN TOPLANSKY: THE WAGES OF RE-ELECTING OBAMA As a soldier, I want to thank you for ensuring that I will have less than adequate protection in a field of military action now that the president has reduced military expenditures. In fact, “Aerospace Industries Association, a trade group, released a study that projected the sector would lose in the neighborhood of 350,000 […]


Qatari emir visits Gaza in boost to Hamas rulers By IBRAHIM BARZAK

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — The emir of Qatar received a hero’s welcome in Gaza on Tuesday, becoming the first head of state to visit the Palestinian territory since the Islamist militant Hamas seized control of the coastal strip five years ago.

The landmark visit by Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani handed the ruling Hamas — branded terrorists by the West and isolated by an Israeli blockade — its biggest diplomatic victory since taking power. It was also a strong sign of the rising power of oil-rich Qatar, and the mounting influence of Hamas’ parent movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, since last year’s Arab Spring uprisings.

While Gazans celebrated the emir’s arrival, the rival Palestianian government of Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank was less enthusiastic.

Hamas wrested control of Gaza from Abbas’ Fatah forces in 2007, and West Bank officials fear the emir’s visit will give the Iranian-backed Hamas a lift in their feud and make the split between the two territories more permanent.

While Abbas has welcomed Qatar’s plans to deliver hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to impoverished Gaza, he also stressed in a phone call with the Qatari leader this week that he is the internationally recognized leader of the Palestinians.

Israel, which brandishes Hamas as terrorist for its suicide bombings and strikes on Israeli civilian targets, denounced the visit.

“It is quite strange that the emir of Qatar should take sides with Hamas, that he will favor Hamas over Fatah that he would even decide to take sides in the Palestinian internal conflict,” said Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Yigal Palmor. “This is more than strange, especially since Hamas is internationally recognized as a terror group … by hugging Hamas publicly, the emir of Qatar has thrown peace under the bus.”

In Gaza, white and maroon Qatari flags flapped in the streets and a song called “Thank you, Qatar” played on the radio and on TV. In the border area, Hamas set up a large, carpeted greeting tent, reminiscent of a luxurious desert camp and staged an honor guard ceremony after the emir crossed into the territory from Egypt.

Thousands of cheering and waving Palestinians lined the main road to Gaza City to greet the emir, who rolled down the window of his armored car to shake hands with dozens of people. Women on balconies threw flowers and rice on his convoy.

“This man is bold. I like him. At least he came and visited us, and didn’t play games promising like the others,” said Majed Tawel, a 33-year-old teacher. “Hamas has won a new victory today and (Abbas) lost.”

The emir was received by Gaza’s Hamas prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, who said the visit sent a powerful message.


Gaza rockets draw Israeli strikes; 2 Gazans die By AMY TEIBEL

JERUSALEM (AP) — Dozens of rockets and mortars from the Gaza Strip pummeled southern Israel early Wednesday and an Israeli airstrike killed a Palestinian militant, in a sharp escalation of violence following a landmark visit to Gaza by Qatar’s leader. Another Gaza man died Wednesday of wounds sustained in an Israeli air attack the night before, a health official said. The deaths bring to four the number of Palestinians who have died in strikes on Gaza in the past two days.

Several foreign workers in Israel were wounded in the rocket fire Wednesday, and a number of militants were injured in the Israeli air attacks, Israeli and Palestinian health officials said. Hamas security forces were ordered to evacuate their facilities for fear they would become targets of Israeli airstrikes, and some schools in southern Israel and Gaza canceled classes.

Crossings between Gaza and Israel were shut down following the exchanges of fire.

Hostilities have been simmering for weeks, and Israel’s defense minister vowed that his country would not reconcile itself to attacks from Gaza.