WSJ EDITORIAL; COMMANDERS IN CHIEF About 45 minutes into Monday night’s Presidential debate on foreign policy, we found ourselves asking which of the two men on stage in Boca Raton was the incumbent and which was the challenger. President Obama kept attacking Mitt Romney for various things he had said or claimed he had said, while the Republican mostly […]

Gen.Jack Keane: Al Qaeda Is Making a Comeback Across the Middle East and South Asia, the group isn’t dead or dying but on the rise. Gen. Keane, a former vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army, is chairman of the Institute for the Study of War. With Afghanistan the forgotten war this election season, many Americans might be wondering why we have 68,000 U.S. troops there at all. Sure, the Obama administration says they’ll be out “on schedule” […]

Rep. Peter King: President Obama Must Move Beyond Political Correctness to Fight Islamists by JIM KOURI While the Obama administration and many members of the elite news media appear confused as to the true nature of the national security threat posed by al-Qaeda, and its offshoots Al Shabaab, Boko Haram and al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula, Congressman Peter King (R-NY) appears to be the “go-to” lawmaker for all things involving […]

HERBERT LONDON: OBAMA’S SHIP OF STATE WITHOUT A HELMSMAN This presidential campaign season is a time for clarification. If campaigns have any value over and above the megaphone effect of why one candidate is more desirable than the other, it is the chance to use a campaign as an educational forum. From my perspective, even silence or ambiguity can be revealing. In this […]

U.S. Weather Service Hackers from Kosovo


Tangentially, I’m only now cluing into a news item about an American jihadist who was planning to blow up the Federal Reserve. Robert Spencer writes:According to former Detroit Public Schools Superintendent Eddie Green, Kifah Jayyousi was “a great guy, one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.” While Green was superintendent, Jayyousi oversaw the Detroit school district’s capital improvement program. Later, Jayyousi was charged, according to the Detroit Free Press, with “conspiring to kidnap, maim and murder by providing money, recruits and equipment for Islamic struggles in Bosnia, Kosovo and Chechnya from 1993 to 2001.”

Kosovo group claims hack of US weather service (AFP, Oct. 19)

WASHINGTON — The US National Weather Service computer network was hacked this week, with a group from Kosovo claiming credit and posting sensitive data, security experts said Friday.Data released by the Kosovo Hackers Security group includes directory structures, sensitive files of the Web server and other data that could enable later access, according to Chrysostomos Daniel of the security firm Acunetix. “The hacker group stated that the attack is a protest against the US policies that target Muslim countries,” Daniel said.

“Moreover, the attack was a payback for hacker attacks against nuclear plants in Muslim countries, according to a member of the hacking group who said, ‘They hack our nuclear plants using STUXNET and FLAME-like malwares, they are bombing us 27*7, we can’t sit silent — hack to payback them.”

Paul Roberts, writing on the Sophos Naked Security blog, said the leaked information includes a listing of administrative account names, which could open the hacked servers to subsequent “brute force attacks.”

“Little is known about the group claiming responsibility for the attack,” he said.

STEVE EMERSON AND JOHN ROSSOMANDO: RED CARPET FOR RADICALS AT THE WHITE HOUSE A year-long investigation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found that scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration officials. Court documents and other records have identified many of these visitors as belonging to groups serving as fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood, […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: ABOUT IRAN…IT’S THE REGIME NOT THE NUKES My friend Michael Ledeen is right, of course, that the “October Surprise” trial balloon floated by the Times over the weekend — the suggestion of a “grand deal” between Obama and the mullah’s over Iran’s nuclear program — is much ado about nothing new. What would be new is to try the only approach […]


Yesterday, in what was a pleasant chat with a liberal friend, we agreed to eschew all talk of politics. However, like an itch that one has to scratch, I could see how uncomfortable and irritated she was becoming, so I said…”out with it….just say what’s on your mind….”

She responded: “How can any woman vote for Romney? He is so hostile to women’s issues….to birth control, to legal abortion, and he’s a war monger. How can you live with yourself by supporting that man?”

I shifted the conversation because facts only confuse ideologues…so I simply said…” You obviously think that foreign policy, support for Israel, a looming debt crisis, a deficit, millions on welfare and food stamps, immigration policies that are out of control, energy independence, and an economy choked with specious regulations, the threat of terrorism, and nukes in the hands of Islamic lunatics are all men’s issues.”

“So…..just call me mister.”

DAVID GOLDMAN: WHY INTELLIGENT DESIGN SUBVERTS FAITH Page 1 of 2 SPENGLER Why ‘Intelligent Design’ subverts faith By Spengler I hate it when the bad guys are right. But it happens sometimes, and when it does, we should own up to it. The bad guy who drove a wedge between faith and science was the 18th-century skeptic Voltaire, who did more […]

JED BABBIN: TONIGHT’S DEBATE The death yesterday of George McGovern, the Democrats’ peace candidate in 1972, creates the context for tonight’s debate on foreign policy. McGovern’s defeat was the last time that foreign policy — the conduct of a war — was determinative in a national election. This year, despite the setbacks we’re suffering daily in every region […]