All these frenzied polls would cross a rabbi’s eyes. When the dust settles and more fact checks come out we will see the trend for Romney versus Pharaobama who perseverated “that’s not true.”

As for Benghazi, Obama and Clinton actually made a video which is on the record….apologizing to Pakistan for the video on Mohammed….long before he called the attack “terrorism” to say nothing about his speech to the United Nations…..Furthermore his claims on oil, domestic drilling, the jobless numbers and the deficit don’t add up….simply put “that’s not true.”
The media is devious but the American public is smarter.

BRUCE BAWER: MEET SARAH SCHULMAN THE “PALESTINIAN ACTIVIST” A glimpse into the psychopathology of Israel-hatred. It’s been almost a year since I wrote here about Sarah Schulman’s inane New York Times op-ed on “pinkwashing.” Schulman, a longtime “queer” (gay-left) activist, argued that Israel cynically uses its positive record on gay rights to put a human face on its brutal treatment of Palestinians – who, moreover, she maintains, aren’t as […]

MATTHEW VADUM: CANDY CROWLY’S BENGHAZI LIFELINE TO OBAMA In an outrage destined for the history books, the moderator of last night’s hotly contested presidential debate uttered an untruth about President Obama’s deadly bungling in Libya after Obama overtly asked her on live television to support his dishonest version of it. It was truly unprecedented and could only have happened in the Age […]


Thanks, Candy Crowley. Now I Hate the Mainstream Media More than Ever.

During the second presidential debate, President Obama uttered a line so full of ignorance that, if he were a Republican, it would be all anyone talked about afterward. Mitt Romney noted that gas prices are roughly double now what they were when Obama took office. Obama replied that gas prices were so low because the U.S. economy was about to go into collapse.

Obama never mentioned the effect of supply or demand on the price. He never mentioned the effect that Middle East instability has on the price of gas. He never mentioned that the mere possibility of an energy giant like the U.S. making the public decision to get serious about energy independence can bring prices down. He never allowed that his own energy policies have had any detrimental effect.

He blamed a collapse that had not happened yet for prices that had been lower for years than they are now.
What an economic buffoon.

But he is not being called out for that remark. The moderator just let it slide.


The American presidency came to an end on October 15, 1992 during a Town Hall debate between Bush I, Ross Perot and Bill Clinton. The stage of the Town Hall seemed more like a place for Phil Donahue or Sally Jesse Raphael to strut around, biting their lips, and dragging out tawdry tales for audience applause, than for three presidential candidates to discuss the future of the country.
The audience had more in common with the one that usually showed up to cheer or boo Sally or Phil’s guests, and the high point of the evening and the end of the country came when one of those guests rose and with the distinctive painstakingly slurred pronunciation of the semi-literate demanded that the candidates tell her how the “National Debt” had affected them personally.

Bush I stumblingly tried to turn her stupidity into some kind of policy question, but the WW2 vet was completely out of his depth on Phil Donahue’s talk show stage. The moderatrix however demanded that he answer how it had affected him personally. Forget the country or the consequences, feelings mattered more than policy. It was a Phil Donahue moment and the Donahue candidate stepped into the spotlight.

Bill Clinton understood that the Sally Jesse Raphael audience member did not have a clue what the National Debt is or anything about the economy. But he also knew that it didn’t matter. This wasn’t about the facts, this was an “I Feel” moment. The questioner did not want to know how a problem would be solved, she only wanted to know that the people on top “cared” about her, and Clinton did what he did best– he told her that he really cared.

The draft dodging hippie who had boasted of his drug use and gone to Moscow to defame his country, a man who was at the time every bit the extreme impossible candidate that Obama would become 16 years later, went on to the White House. And the American presidency ended.

Bush II made sure that he would never repeat his father’s mistake. He ran as the “Compassionate Conservative” and the “Uniter, Not the Divider”. He ran as the man who could never be caught flat-footed by an “I Feel” question. Bush II always felt things and insisted on sharing them with us.

LEAKS, LIES AND LIBYA….HOW NOT TO INFORM A NATION: LARRY BAILEY While the current administration has strayed far from Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign promise that it would be the most transparent government in history, nothing so points to its failure to keep that promise as have events of the past two years. Starting with the killing of Osama bin Laden in May 2011, the Obama […]

ROMNEY DEBATED OBAMA AND CANDY CROWLY….AND STILL WON: JANICE SHAW CROUSE Not only did President Obama come into the second presidential debate more aggressive and prepared, but he brought a secret weapon — the moderator, Candy Crowley. At two pivotal moments, Ms. Crowley, typically a relatively fair reporter, showed her bias and changed the course of the debate. First, she backed up Mr. Obama’s assertion […]

Electric Car Crash Obama’s Green Energy Industrial Policy Turns up in Chapter 11.see note please

When asked about high gasoline prices President Obama cooed about the future cars that will get 75 miles an hour on his hot air effusions….. Here is another big flop ….. rsk

Mitt Romney quipped in the first Presidential debate that the problem with the Obama Administration’s green energy investing isn’t that it tried to pick winners and losers, but that “you pick the losers.” He was being generous. Another big green Administration favorite went belly-up on Tuesday with the Chapter 11 filing by battery-maker A123 Systems Inc.

Massachusetts-based A123 is—or was—part of President Obama’s grand design to build a U.S. electric-car industry more or less from scratch. The company was founded by entrepreneurs in 2001 to make lithium ion phosphate batteries and attracted private investment from the likes of Sequoia Capital and GE. Then Washington picked up the green energy fad.

As Mr. Obama put it in August 2009, the government would create an “infrastructure of innovation” by doling out “$2.4 billion in highly competitive grants to develop the next generation of fuel-efficient cars and trucks, powered by the next generation of battery technologies, all made right here in the U.S. of A.”

In a September 2010 congratulatory phone call to A123’s Livonia, Michigan plant, Mr. Obama called it “the birth of an entire new industry in America.”

Democrats were explicit that this was an attempt to rehabilitate the idea that government could nurture new industries. As Michigan Senator Carl Levin said in a 2011 speech, A123’s factories “are a forceful rebuttal to those who argue against public investment in this field, people who label this ‘industrial policy.’ In the not too distant past, that label—’industrial policy’—was the kiss of death for any proposal. That’s an ideological hang-up that we’ve now overcome.”

One not-so-ideological hang-up: The technology and market for such an industry didn’t and still doesn’t exist for commercially profitable levels of production. Electric-battery storage in particular has bedeviled technologists for decades. But rather than fund basic research—arguably a role for government—Mr. Obama and his green friends decided to play venture capitalist and industrial planner. With your money.

A PRESIDENT WITHOUT A PLAN President Obama bounced off the canvas with a more spirited debate at Hofstra University on Tuesday night, as everyone expected he would. He was animated and on the attack. The question we kept asking as the evening wore on, however, is what does he want to do for the next four years? At least […]

CNN’s Crowley: Romney ‘Right’ on Libya, He Just ‘Picked Wrong Word’ By: David A. Patten

CNN’s Crowley: Romney ‘Right’ on Libya, He Just ‘Picked Wrong Word’ By: David A. Patten A sharp debate exchange between Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama over Libya ignited a firestorm on political blogs Tuesday night, after moderator Candy Crowley stepped into the fray to seemingly “correct” Romney on a key point. U.S. ambassador […]