GERALD WALPIN: RACE AND THE LAW AT THE SUPREME COURT **** On Oct. 10, the Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of granting racial preferences to African-American and Hispanic college applicants over whites and Asian-Americans. The defendant is the University of Texas at Austin. The plaintiff, Abigail Fisher, a white woman, was denied admission in 2008 and filed suit (along with another plaintiff who has […]


Petros Karadjias/The Associated Press filesGreta Berlin of Free Gaza said her tweet was only supposed to be posted to her private Facebook account.

The Free Gaza Movement, a U.S.-based activist group known for provisioning ships to run the Israeli-Egyptian blockade of Gaza, was hit with charges of anti-Semitism on Wednesday after posting a tweet claiming that Jews were responsible for the Holocaust.“Zionists operated the concentration camps and helped murder millions of innocent Jews,” read a tweet posted Sunday to @freegazaorg, the official Twitter feed of the group, which includes Canadian author Naomi Klein and Bishop Desmond Tutu on its board of advisors.

An embedded link led to a video of a speech by known conspiracy theorist Eustace Mullins claiming that the word Nazi is an amalgam of the words “National socialism” and “Zionist.”

“[Hitler] allied with the Zionist Party, and the mission of the Nazis was to force the anti-Zionist Jews to accept Zionism — and this is what the concentration camps were about,” said Mr. Mullins, who died of a stroke in 2010.

Although the tweet was eventually deleted, it was picked up on Monday by Avi Mayer, head of social media with the Jewish Agency for Israel. In a Wednesday blog post, Mr. Mayer posted a screenshot of the post along with a link to the video, which he claimed revealed Free Gaza as “the lowest anti-Semites.”

Within hours, the American founder of the movement, Greta Berlin, tweeted that she had intended only to publish the link to her private Facebook account, but it was accidentally redirected to the Free Gaza Twitter feed.

“I shared it without watching it. I am sorry that I just sent it forward without looking at it. It won’t happen again,” read a tweet from the Free Gaza Movement account, posted Wednesday afternoon.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s legal term in office expired nearly four years ago. But his supporters don’t care. In Israel, Washington and throughout the world, Abbas’s supporters extol the authoritarian leader as a great moderate. In 2002, desperately searching for a face for the Palestinians that wasn’t Yasser Arafat’s face, the Left pushed Abbas out from behind Arafat’s shadow. Abbas, who served as Arafat’s deputy for 39 years, was upheld as a great moderate and placed in the invented position of Palestinian prime minister.

The fact that Abbas was an inveterate Jew-hater who spent four decades in the senior leadership of a terrorist organization and whose doctoral dissertation was a long denial of the Holocaust, was brushed aside.

His leftist supporters don’t care that he says Israel has no right to exist. They are untroubled by his 2008 rejection of then-prime minister Ehud Olmert’s unprecedentedly generous offer of peace and Palestinian statehood. They don’t mind that Abbas has refused to negotiate peace with Israel for the past four years. They don’t care that he has signed two unity government deals with Hamas or that he seeks to gain sovereignty for a Palestinian state through the UN and so establish a Palestinian state in a formal state of war with Israel.

They don’t care. But most Israelis do. Due to their recognition of his hatred for Israel and due to the terrorism Abbas has condoned and financed for decades, the vast majority of Israelis do not consider him a potential partner for peace. They do not believe that either Abbas or the Palestinians as a whole are remotely interested in being appeased by Israel.

As a consequence, most Israelis greeted Abbas’s speech at the UN General Assembly last week with indifference. In that speech, Abbas made clear – yet again – that he remains Arafat’s loyal deputy. The majority of Abbas’s speech involved a litany of libels against Israel, which he accused of everything from terrorism to apartheid, colonialism, racism, murder, theft, etc., etc., etc.

Then he moved on to his demands. In addition to reinstating his demand that Israel agree to every Palestinian demand as a precondition for negotiations, Abbas demanded that Israel release all Palestinian terrorists from its prisons.

Deadly Peril Outside the Media Bubble By Wes Pruden Now we’ll see how much debates really matter. Often they don’t matter much. But the presidential debate Wednesday night might matter a great deal, not because of what the candidates said, but what the debate told us about who the candidates really are. Barack Obama was revealed to be the empty suit with a […]

The Character Test in the 2012 Election Posted By David P. Goldman The Romney the world saw at last night’s debate — confident, enthusiastic about his ideas, hopeful and articulate — is no stranger to those fortunate enough to have heard him speak in person during the past year. I reported in this space on a primary campaign breakfast in November 2011 where Romney won me […]


Homemade tragedy The country’s Arab parliamentarians managed this week to surpass even their own most strident incitement against the state that bankrolls them and guarantees their rights to subvert it. Speaking in Sakhnin at the 12th memorial to the 13 Arabs shot dead during the October 2000 riots, MKs Ahmed Tibi and Taleb a-Sanaa in […]

RUTHIE BLUM: CHANGING THE DEBATE Changing the debate I have not made a secret of the fact that I would vote for Bozo the Clown or Donald Duck — or even a box of cornflakes — before ever casting a ballot for Barack Obama. Not only because of his disastrous foreign policy, which directly affects me as an Israeli, […]



Last Night the Façade Crumbled

The debate was stunning – not for Romney’s performance but for the disappearance of Obama’s aura.

For all of these years, we were told about Obama’s coolness, his oratory skills, his brilliance, and his ability to solve problems with a few wags of his golden tongue. Last night, we saw the real Obama, the one without the teleprompter, without the fawning media and the adoring crowds.

What we saw was a fearful, insecure man, a man having to perform solo. He was not up to the task. He is not up to the task and he won’t be up to the task. We saw the real Obama.

We have been conned and we know that we have been conned. We have an actor playing President reading scripts written by others, some open but most hidden in the shadows.

After watching his sad performance during the debate, we can understand why he did not meet with Benyamin Netanyahu and other world leaders. What could he say to Netanyahu? Could he say, “With my Golden Tongue I will get the Ayatollahs to be your good friends”? Could he even say “I will get them to stop the bomb project”?

Now we can understand why he ran off to Vegas after the attacks on the consulate in Benghazi. When a person doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know what to say he runs to a familiar, comfortable place. To Obama that place is campaigning in front of an adoring audience with Teleprompters telling him what to say. That doesn’t work on the international stage, when you have to deal with not-so-friendly world leaders.

We have heard the stories about the night Bin Laden was executed, where Valerie Jarret didn’t want bin Laden executed and Leon Panetta and/or Hilary Clinton gave the go-ahead. The man does not make decisions. Those are made by others and he just presents them and takes credit for them. On stage last night, he had no one to make decisions, to tell him what to say. He had to reach inside himself and recall the mighty phrases of his past performances. They weren’t so might on stage.

There is no returning from the personal disaster that we saw last night. There is no covering up the real Obama. It is only going to get worse for him. What is he going to say about Libya? What can he say?

What can he say about his running to the campaign trail instead of dealing with these problems?

Frank Luntz had a focus group of 25 to 30 undecided voters. After the debate, only two supported re-electing Obama.

Obama is finished.

JOHN PODHORETZ: A SLAUGHTER Slaughter. It was a slaughter. Mitt Romney put on the most commanding presidential debate performance of the insta-commentary era. One could literally watch, on Facebook and Twitter, hundreds of people on both sides of the political divide react in real time as the debate went on. Their reactions were identical, though their moods were […]


In the annals of moral idiocy, the Marxist British historian Eric Hobsbawm, who died yesterday at 95, will ever enjoy a conspicuous place. A gifted and prolific writer, the Egyptian-born Hobsbawm was utterly absorbed by the ideology that fired his youthful dreams of utopia. How he must have savored the fact that he was born in 1917, the year of the Bolshevist revolution in Russia which ushered in so much poverty, misery, terror, and freedom-blighting totalitarian oppression. “The dream of the October Revolution is still there somewhere inside me,” Hobsbawm wrote in his memoir Interesting Times in 2002, “I have abandoned, nay, rejected it, but it has not been obliterated. To this day, I notice myself treating the memory and tradition of the USSR with an indulgence and tenderness.”

Indeed. Hobsbawm was adulated by an academic establishment inured to celebrating partisans of totalitarian regimes so long as they are identifiably left-wing totalitarian regimes. Although he claimed to have been victim of a “weaker McCarthyism” that retard advancement of leftists in the UK, Hobsbawm enjoyed a stellar career replete with official honors, preferments, and perquisites. He was showered with honors and academic appointments at home and abroad. His books won all manner of awards. In 1998 he was appointed to the Order of the Companions of Honor. But the central fact about Hobsbawm, as about so many doctrinaire leftists, was his willingness to barter real people for imaginary social progress. If he “abandoned, nay rejected” the “dream” of the October Revolution, he never abandoned its animating core: an almost reflexive willingness to sacrifice innocent lives for the sake of a spurious ideal.

The philosopher David Stove once identified “bloodthirstyness” as the motivating force of Communism and its offshoots. Scratch a socialist and you discover a fondness for the gulag. This describes Hobsbawm to a T. In 1994, the venerable historian discussed the former Soviet Union with a television interviewer. What Hobsbawm’s position comes down to, the interviewer suggested, “is saying that had the radiant tomorrow actually been created, the loss of fifteen, twenty million people might have been justified?” Hobsbawm: “Yes.”

I think that says us all we need to know about this repellent figure who has at last gone to his reward.