ROGER SIMON: BARACK OBAMA-SEGREGATIONIST I have never been able to put my finger on exactly what it was that I so disliked about Barack Obama. As a former sixties civil rights worker, I should have been attracted to, or at least inspired by, the first black presidential candidate and president, but I never was. Sure, I didn’t care […]

One of modern history’s most important questions is how so many intelligent, privileged people could be seduced by a political ideology so intellectually incoherent and bloody in practice as communism. An illuminating approach for understanding this phenomenon can be found in the memoirs and biographies of true believers who awoke from their dogmatic Marxist slumbers and wrote about both their sleep and their waking. In its focus on how leftist ideology warps the lives and characters of those who embrace it, David Horowitz’s Radicals. Portratis of a Destructive Passion (Regnery, $27.95) is a book that can be ranked with such classics of this genre as The God That Failed and Paul Hollander’s The End of Commitment. But unlike those other studies, Horowitz in his new book analyzes radicals who never had the “second thoughts” that lead to conversion, but instead maintained their faith in the radical progressive creed until the bitter end.

Horowitz, of course, was once one of the true believers, a leading light of the New Left that arose in the ’60s and whose baleful influence has seeped throughout the culture and poisoned the Democratic Party. His 1997 memoir Radical Son can stand alongside The God That Failed in its brutally honest examination of the seductive power of left-wing ideology and the price one pays for rejecting it. Radicals, with its penetrating portraits of six modern radicals, takes a different tack, exploring the psychological forces, failures of character, and moral idiocy that blocked the sort of awakening to self-knowledge and truth that Horowitz experienced himself.

Darrell Issa Does the Work American Reporters Won’t Do John Hinderaker Ever since the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, the Obama administration has been stalling, obfuscating and outright lying in order to avoid taking responsibility for the deaths of four Americans, including our ambassador. To a considerable degree, they have gotten away with that strategy. But Darrell Issa, Chairman of the […]

THE MUSLIM INNOCENCE FILM; A PREMEDITATED PROVOCATION FOR ISLAMIC TERROR? JAMES SIMPSON With every new bit of information surfacing about the “Innocence of Muslims” movie trailer and its shady producer, it is looking more and more like the movie was part of an Islamist provocation, in which the film was produced to provide a pretext for widespread attacks against our embassies throughout the Middle East. It […]

PETER HUESSEY: AN INVESTMENT STRATEGY FOR THE FUTURE In 2008, Senator Obama said the Bush administration cut household income by $2000 and increased the debt by $4 trillion in eight years. Understandably, he declared its time for a change. What happened? In the past 4 years, household income dropped $4500 or 8%. The debt increased $6 trillion. Over twice the income drop. […]


Featured, Obama keeping it real with a Saturday Night Live quality “Street” voice, shout outs to Jeremiah Wright for providing him with the material and the fake accent. No wonder Wright was angry about being dumped by Obama. Obama’s entire image, pre-election, was a prolonged imitation of Wright, complete with divisive race-baiting.

Disturbing moments. The crowd cheers September 11. Not anything Obama says, just the very mention of September 11 brings a rousing cheer. This really is the Jeremiah Wright crowd.

When Obama isn’t ripping off Jeremiah Wright, he’s ripping off Kanye “Bush don’t care about black people” West.

Obama says Wright introduced him to Jesus. Before that was Obama homies with Mohammed, the way Wright has claimed? And then he easily switches, with the same weight of fake gravitas and passion from talking about religion to talking about highway construction.

What this tape really shows is that there is no Barack Obama. The Obama we see is as fake and artificial as the one on the tape. Neither of them is the real Obama and the odds are that we haven’t seen the real Obama yet. What we can see on both tapes is a consummate con artist who learns his lines and manipulates audiences by projecting what they want to see, whether it’s an angry militant or black JFK.

THAT TAPE: THE OBAMA RACIST RANT At 9pm Eastern Time on Tuesday 2nd October, the website The Daily Caller aired a tape of Obama which has never been seen before. The tape makes its first airing on a UK outlet right here at The Commentator. During the 40 minute rant, Obama, who was still a Senator when this speech was […]

FIRST THEY’LL TAKE KHARTOUM AND THEN THEY’LL TAKE GERMANY: By Nir Boms and Abdellatif Abdelrahman The tide of anti-American demonstrations continues to swell as fervent protests spread throughout countries in the Middle East, Africa, and South East Asia. Just recently, protesters in Egypt breached the walls of the U.S. embassy in Cairo, and in Libya protesters attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, killing U.S. Ambassador John Christopher Stevens and […]

RUTHIE BLUM: POSTER WARS ****×90&entity=625136&site_code=0000815900&section_code=728x90_85#shine 3

Two ad campaigns, one in New York City and the other in Portland, Oregon, are causing quite a controversy these days.

The first was created by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, the brainchild of Pamela Geller, best known for her blog “Atlas Shrugs.” What the group did was to purchase 30 days’ worth of billboard space in the New York City subway system for a poster that reads: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”

Though this would bring in $36,000 in revenue, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority did not want to agree to the deal, due to what it called the “demeaning language” of the poster. But Geller filed a federal lawsuit citing freedom of speech, and won. So up went the poster, and out came police reinforcements in the MTA. After all, it appears, everyone took the text to be offensive to Muslims — and nobody feels safe when Muslims are mad.

Immediately, Jews began to express outrage along with and on behalf of those Muslims. Articles featuring a photo of a young woman in a headscarf standing next to the poster began to circulate on the Web, making it appear as though the text was explicitly directed at innocent Muslims.

According to the photo caption: “Javerea Khan … called this advertisement and others like it ‘a slap in the face to all Muslims.’” But in fact the poster doesn’t mention Islam at all. It is an indictment of the “savage” practice of holy war against the Jews. Why, I would like to ask Ms. Khan, is that a “slap in the face to all Muslims”? Is she asserting that all Muslims are jihadists? And if so, why is it that whenever non-Muslims dare to make such a suggestion, they are accused of racism? Shouldn’t she and all the other “millions of moderate Muslims” out there be joining the likes of Geller in the campaign against genocide?

Meanwhile, across the country, Portland’s TriMet buses and trains are now decorated with a poster of three maps, depicting Israel as having been a land thief since its declaration as a state. Next to the maps, there is text that reads: “4.7 million Palestinians are classified by the U.N. as refugees.”

This campaign, also scheduled to run for an entire month, was paid for by three pro-Palestinian groups, among them the Jewish Voice for Peace.

Iran, Jihad and “End Times”: Part II PROFESSOR LOUIS RENÉ BERES The primary point of Israel’s nuclear forces must always be deterrence ex ante, not preemption or reprisal ex post. If, however, nuclear weapons should ever be introduced into a conflict between Israel and one or more of the several states that still wish to destroy it, some form of nuclear war fighting could ensue. […]