Biden Administration’s Manipulated Energy Policy Demonstrates Ignorance of History We could end up being heavily dependent on China, which of course, like Russia, would absolutely use energy policy for leverage.By Ned Ryun

Consumed, as they have been, with the work of pushing revisionist woke ideology in the schools, it seems the Left missed the lesson that those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. They’ve learned nothing from the past, not even the recent past. 

Yet here we are, looking at the possibility we could repeat the same mistakes Europe made in the late 90s and early 2000s when they failed to realize the real motivations behind the green energy propaganda they were being spoon fed as truth.  

Back in the early 2000s, Russia did a phenomenal job with a disinformation campaign pushing anti-fracking in Europe. We know this because NATO admitted that this “green energy” advocacy was funded by the very people who stood to gain from the enacted policies: Anders Fogh Rasmussen, secretary-general of the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) announced in 2014 that “I have met with allies who can report that Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-government organizations—environmental organizations working against shale gas—to maintain European dependence on imported Russian [natural] gas.”

The result was many European nations, like Germany, buying environmental propaganda—hook, line, and sinker—and committing to a fool’s errand of net zero and renewables. Since 2000, Germany will have spent several decades and almost $600 billion on what they have termed Energiewende, which is a complete and utter failure on every front.

Now the Germans, and other Europeans, are heavily dependent on Russian fossil fuels that are being used as a weapon against them. With winter quickly approaching, it’s guaranteed they’re not laughing anymore at Trump’s warnings about being dependent on Russian energy. They are, in fact, staring at the horrifying results of being played by Putin when they could have been energy independent if only they had made the right decisions just a few decades ago. But they didn’t and here they are being hit upside the head by the 2×4 of reality.

Kamala’s Pernicious Plan for Hurricane Relief Distribute relief based on race and class, not solely on the basis of need by Joseph Klein

Hurricane Ian caused untold damage to Floridians. It destroyed virtually everything in its path after coming ashore in the Fort Meyers area as a Category 4 hurricane. Lives were lost. Homes were destroyed. Hundreds of thousands of people are still without electricity. The hurricane did not discriminate by race, ethnicity, or gender. Everyone in its path was affected.

Nevertheless, Vice President Kamala Harris proclaimed, in the name of “equity,” that “communities of color” and low-income communities should be given priority in receiving hurricane relief.

“I know we are all thinking about the families in Florida and Puerto Rico with [Hurricane] Fiona and what we need to do to help them in terms of an immediate response and aid,” Vice President Harris said at the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum on September 30th. “We have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity. Understanding not everyone starts out at the same place, and if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities.”

Sadanand Dhume, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, delivered this derisive retort: “If a hurricane hits a state, we should expect the government to help all those affected: black, brown white, purple, green. And there’s no such thing as ‘communities of color.’ Real people don’t talk like this.”

The Biden administration talks just like this. Indeed, Vice President Harris’s referral to “equity” as the guiding policy directing hurricane relief assistance follows President Biden’s Executive Order 13985 that he issued on his first day in office, entitled “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.”

Never Let a Devastating Natural Disaster Go To Waste The exploitation will never stop. by David Harsanyi

Be prepared for Democrats to exploit the devastation of Hurricane Ian to peddle de-modernization. And because there is no conclusive way for anyone to prove that global warming isn’t triggering every natural disaster — and because nature offers a continuous flow of these terrifying events and always will — the exploitation will never stop.

The effort began in earnest after 2005’s Hurricane Katrina, a Category 3 hurricane that devastated an unprepared New Orleans. There was Al Gore, with his grade-school “science” charts and cartoonish satellite images (water, the color of fire!), emotionally manipulating audiences with images of destruction and suffering. The problem was that “An Inconvenient Truth” suggested — among numerous other dire predictions that would never come to pass — that climate change had not only caused Katrina, despite negligible warming, but that it portended the dawn of an age of shocking and intense hurricanes.

After 2005, Florida didn’t get hit with another hurricane until 2016 and Louisiana didn’t see a major one until 2020 (also the fault of climate change.) It is debatable that storms that do make landfall do so with more intensity or that Category 3-plus hurricanes are increasing. Overall, the frequency of hurricanes has slightly declined since 1900. From 1851-1860, 19 hurricanes made landfall in the United States. From 2011-2020, 19 hurricanes made landfall in the United States. The average per decade between 1860-2011 is about 18. In the decade of 1941-1950, 10 major hurricanes hit the United States.

“Hurricane Ian gets nasty quickly, turbocharged by warm water,” explains the Associated Press, which has been true since the first hurricane formed. More “climate havoc,” says The New York Times, as Ian threatens to hit the same exact places that storms have always hit. Today’s media simply can’t report on any flood or tornado or hurricane or brain-eating amoeba without making it about their favorite policy hobby horse. It just feels like things are worse, you know?

Biden and team shrug after Stacey Abrams’ Georgia election lawsuit over ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ rejected by judge President Biden supported Stacey Abrams and derided Georgia’s election law as ‘Jim Crow on steroids.’ But it’s been crickets since the judge’s ruling: Jonathan Turley

“Jim Eagle” has landed… with a thud. President Joe Biden famously (and somewhat bizarrely) used the name “Jim Eagle” to characterize the Georgia election law. 

It was not enough to call it “Jim Crow on steroids” and “sick,” President Biden wanted the public to know that the law was flagrantly unconstitutional. Some of us disagreed, but the view that counted was that of U.S. District Judge Steve Jones, an Obama appointee who heard the challenge to the law. This week, Jones found the law to be entirely constitutional. 

After being declared the “new confederacy” and subjected to a costly boycott, Georgians could be forgiven if they view Biden’s claim as more foul and fowl.

Given the exhausting media coverage and condemnations of the law, one would expect the legion of legal experts out in force on a judge upholding the allegedly “modern Jim Crow law.”  Instead, it has been crickets . . . almost as if the earlier coverage was knowingly exaggerated for public consumption.

Georgia Democratic candidate for governor Stacey Abrams tweeted  “It’s Jim Crow in a suit + tie.” Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., called the laws “anti-American, racist, and a betrayal of our Constitution.” Democratic attorney Marc Elias (who allegedly hid the Clinton campaigns funding of the infamous Steele dossier) said in an interview that “democracy was assaulted with a pen” in the new law. Liberal publications like Vanity Fair called it “a broad, profoundly undemocratic assault on voting rights.”

Now that such claims were actually subjected to judicial review and rejected, there is little discussion of Jim Crow. The group that lost before the district court is closely associated with Abrams, who previously refused to concede the election of Gov. Brian Kemp in the last election.

The Outrageous, Republic-Distorting Census Error You’ve Heard Nothing About Ben Weingarten

Not content with the U.S. Supreme Court’s perverse ruling blocking the Trump administration from reinstating a plainly constitutional citizenship question in the 2020 U.S. census, and the Census Bureau’s apparent insubordination under Trump, House Democrats recently passed legislation making it still more difficult for a future administration to reinstate the citizenship question, and further insulating the Bureau from accountability to any president.

While the “Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act” will do nothing of the sort, it does represent an inadvertent admission of failure in the last census—one of mammoth proportions, and with massive political implications, that you likely have not heard about.

The fact that such a failure has garnered minimal coverage and therefore public attention, while manifesting itself in the corruption of our republican system, demonstrates the disingenuousness of our ruling regime’s otherwise-hysterical “democracy defenders.”

The failure lies in the census count itself, which according to the Census Bureau’s own research was grossly inaccurate, and therefore grossly unfair to the American people.

While the Bureau, in conducting its Post-Enumeration Survey, only found a relatively small net undercount in the total U.S. population of 0.24%—or approximately 780,000 people—it also found major overcount/undercount errors when it comes to the 50 states.

And strikingly, it appears one party seems to have overwhelmingly benefited from the errors. You can probably guess which.

The Climate Crisis … Of 536 AD

Earth’s climate is always changing. But despite the warming hysterics’ wild claims, it’s not changing at an alarming rate. Remember, when they cite United Nations reports warning of soaring temperatures and rising sea levels, the projections cover many decades, not just a few years. Of course there was a moment when the climate did change rapidly. It was so long ago, though, none of us can remember it.

Yet it happened. Many centuries before the first oil well was drilled. Almost 1,500 years ago. 

The foundation of the global warming obsession on the left is largely based on U.N. predictions that assign significant but unrealistic increases in global temperatures and sea level due to increasing levels of CO2 in our atmosphere.

For instance, the U.N. has said the global temperature could increase over a range from 4.5 degrees Celsius to 6 degrees Celsius some time between 2081 to 2100. It has also said sea levels could rise 2 meters by 2100. Neither is possible, says H. Sterling Burnett, director of the Heartland Institute’s climate and environment center. Both would require us “to burn every molecule of fossil fuel and more” than can be found on Earth.

Not only are these worst-case-scenario estimates that will never unfold, the disasters predicted are far into the future, meaning the numbers so easily tossed around are useful for only one thing: scaring the public and ramming through expensive and worthless green legislation.

Without Any Demonstration Project Or Feasibility Study  Francis Menton

Essentially the entire developed part of the world is currently embarked on a crash program to eliminate fossil fuels from the energy system of the economy. The program has two main parts: first the suppression of the production and distribution of fossil fuels; and second the construction of large numbers of wind and solar generation facilities to replace them. Both parts of the program are currently underway simultaneously in all advanced countries, as a matter of what we are told is the highest moral urgency.

But will the coming fossil-fuel-free system actually work to provide the energy we need to run our modern economies? There are very substantial reasons to think that big problems are inevitable, the main one being that wind and solar generators don’t produce anything most of the time, and can’t be ramped up on demand at a time of need.

So surely, there must be multiple small to medium-scale demonstration projects around the world showing exactly how this fossil-fuel-free future system can be accomplished, and how much it will cost.

Actually, and incredibly, no. There is no such thing anywhere in the world as a functioning demonstration project that provides full energy to an economy of any size without reliance on fossil fuels, and using only carbon-emissions-free sources like wind, solar, hydro and/or storage. There isn’t even a demonstration project that supplies just the electricity sector of any economy (typically about 25-35% of final energy usage) with the energy it needs free of fossil fuels. Indeed, there isn’t anything remotely close.

It is very instructive to compare how important technological advances happen in the real world to how the advance to a fossil-fuel-free future energy system is supposed to occur in the fantasy world of the climate cult.

Dems’ role in today’s lawlessness boom Deroy Murdock

Democrats promised that defunding the police would yield utopia. Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D — New York) predicted that America would look “like a suburb.”

AOC did not mention that this posh village would include hoodlums breaking into mansions, residents getting robbed beside white-picket fences, and neighbors seeing BMWs carjacked at gunpoint.

This horror show is the result of deliberate Democrat policies:

• Defund the police

• Demonize the police

• Demoralize the police

• Pro-criminal “prosecutors” who defend punks

• Decriminalize shoplifting.

When Californians swipe less than $950 worth of goods per instance, this barely enforced misdemeanor becomes a 100 percent discount. Businesses cannot survive by donating their merchandise. Violent criminals watch this lawlessness and think: “Our time is now.”

Were Nord Stream Explosions really a Military Accident? Shoshana Bryen and Stephen Bryen •

The Baltic Sea’s floor is littered with WWII-era munitions and weapons.

On September 27, two explosions severely damaged Russia’s Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines near the Danish island of Bornholm, setting off wild speculation about possible sabotage.

Another two breaks in the pipeline, a tad to the north in Sweden’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), were later identified but no explosions were reported.  According to news sources citing Danish officials, each explosion was equivalent to 500 kilograms of TNT, the size of very large anti-shipping mines.

Not only the US Navy (together with its NATO allies) but also the Russian Navy conduct naval exercises in the Baltic Sea and many believe either the Russians or Americans are clandestinely responsible for the two blasts. Predictably enough, the two sides have blamed each other in loud and emphatic terms – without corroborating or credible evidence.

Unmentioned amid the incendiary speculation is the explosive condition of the Baltic seabed, which is loaded with dumped artillery shells, chemical weapons including Tabun nerve gas and mines. Under an agreement reached at the Potsdam Conference in 1945, Britain and the Soviet Union dumped approximately 69,000 tons of Germany’s chemical weapons stockpile into the Baltic Sea in 1947-48.

When anger undermines atonement By Ruthie Blum

 As always in the lead-up to Yom Kippur, Israelis have been wishing one another an “easy fast” and a “good signing” in the Book of Life. It’s a customary greeting, which slips off the tongue without a moment’s thought for the actual process of penitence and prayer that is supposed to accompany the 25-hour fast.

The print and broadcast media also tend to focus on the more superficial aspect of the high holy day, with tips on how best to get through the round-the-clock abstinence from food and drink. These include warnings about caffeine withdrawal and dehydration, the latter being of particular concern during what always turns out to be a heavy-duty heat wave.

Taking for granted the serious business of atonement for sins against God—after spending the nine days beforehand asking forgiveness from the people around us whom we have hurt or wronged in some way—is a function of familiarity with the ritual, even on the part of those who don’t practice it. Ironically, the casualness of this period of deep religiosity contributes to the secular Jewish state’s unique character and beauty.

The climate surrounding the upcoming national election has been putting a bit of a damper on this year’s Days of Awe, however. Though there’s nothing new about the mutual hostility of politicians in competing camps, the fact that Nov. 1 will constitute the fifth time in three and a half years that the public is called to the ballot box—amid a cynical game of musical Knesset chairs—has caused an almost contradictory societal mixture of apathy and anger. Naturally, neither of these is conducive to self-reflection and remorse on the path to purification and renewal.

Indeed, it’s hard to imagine that when the Israeli airwaves go dark on Tuesday at sundown and remain so until Wednesday night, campaign rivalries will really be set aside for a higher purpose. In fairness to both lawmakers and voters, there’s a lot more at stake than merely the identity of the candidates or the parties they represent.