The Tip of the Iceberg of Christian Persecution by Raymond Ibrahim Two Christians living in the Islamic world under arrest and awaiting execution—the one charged with apostasy, the other with blasphemy—were just released. According to a September 8 report on CNN, “A Christian pastor sentenced to death in Iran for apostasy was reunited with his family Saturday after a trial court acquitted him… Pastor Youcef […]

The “Offense Against the Prophet” Wars by Douglas Murray Politicians in the world’s most powerful nation are trying to outdo themselves in showing they feel more offense even than those people who claim to be most offended. If a film flops in the middle of the internet and nobody hears it, can it still be “offensive?” “Anti-Muslim film” is by now probably one […]

Peter Martino: Kick Me: European Union Backs Iran’s Hezbollah These measures indicate that Western Governments are aware of the threat Hezbollah poses to Western security. Nevertheless for reasons of appeasement, they refuse to declare the organization a terrorist group — a classification which would allow the blocking of Hezbollah funds and the seizure of its assets. The Lebanon-based Islamic organization Hezbollah is one […]

STELLA PAUL: OBAMA HURT MY FEELINGS WHEN HE DESTROYED THE CONSTITUTION No, you weren’t dreaming when you read the statement of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, as homicidal mobs raged outside its doors on 9/11. “The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers […]

DAVID GOLDMAN: LIVING WITHOUT SOLUTIONS IN SAMARIA SAMARIA – I am in Samaria, the northern half of the West Bank, inside a cement shed in a drab industrial park loaded with high-tech equipment, hearing a harangue by a fiftyish fellow wearing a knit skullcap , a torn t-shirt, shorts and sandals. His name is Amichai Lourie, and he points to a […]

JED BABBIN: AS THE WORLD BURNS…YEAR FOUR OF THE OBAMA SOAP OPERA For the last week, the election debate has been focused on the existential question of how much impact will result from Mitt Romney’s “47%” remark. The campaign suffers from a malaise that can only be cured by a real crisis such as Obama replacing Joe Biden with Paris Hilton or Dave Letterman. In that […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: TEAM OBAMA’S MENDACITY For the last two weeks, the American people have been encouraged by Team Obama – both official spokesmen for the administration, its champions in the press and other partisans – to believe a number of national security calumnies that can only be described as surrealistically epic lies and dangerous deceptions. Far more than the […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE GREAT MEDIA NOISE MACHINE According to the media, the Romney campaign is struggling to recover from a terrible week after an even worse week and the man himself has no hope of winning the election. Also according to the media, the murderers running wild in the streets belong to a religion of peace and the world is in […]


Michelle equates voting turnout to civil rights era….OH PULEEZ!!!
First lady Michelle Obama likened ci…
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GOP hits Obama on snubbing foreign leaders
USA Today
Sunday, September 23, 2012

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Obama’s Mideast favor fell before protests
Monday, September 24, 2012
Approval of U.S. leadership in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region was already slipping before the recent wave of anti-U.S. protests across the region. An average of 20 percent of adults across 12 countries Gallup surveyed between January and May approved of the job performance of U.S. leadership. Read more…

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Egypt warns Israel over Sinai military threats
Ynet News
Monday, September 24, 2012
Egypt is threatening to “cut the arm off any foreign or domestic aggressor” following Israeli calls for a military operation in Sinai in the wake of a terrorist attack that claimed the life of Corporal Netanel Yahalomi on Friday. Read more…

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Gitmo release list includes Osama bodyguard
Daily Caller
Sunday, September 23, 2012
President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have approved one of Osama bin Laden’s personal bodyguards for release or transfer from the Guantanamo Bay detention center to another country. Read more…

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Will Geert Wilders Be Denied a Visa to Australia? Posted By Bruce Bawer It’s been hard to keep track of all the rioting that’s taken place around the world lately, purportedly in response to the film The Innocence of Muslims, so it would be thoroughly understandable if you missed the news about the protests in Sydney on Saturday, September 15, at which participants carried signs reading “Behead […]