JED BABBIN: INTRUDING REALITIES Under the Unleader, America is creating power vacuums that liberal vanity won’t fill. Reality has a way of intruding, interfering with political hopes and ambitions. The realities of the past week in Egypt and Libya are so clear that they have propelled at least a few European liberals to what they surely regard as […]


“President Obama and his men (and particularly his women) are having a tough time standing upright in the fierce wind blowing from the east. The troops are leaderless and the leader is rudderless. Their strategy, unique in American history, is making a wish for the barbarians to be nice. The news from Libya gets darker, and the worst of the bad news for the president is that if everybody at the White House is “on message” it’s because everyone gets to make up his (or her) own message for nobody to believe.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who obviously needs a good night’s sleep, got in a war of adjectives with some of the caliphs of the Arabian knights. She fired the first volley of adjectives at the infamous video about the Prophet Mohammed, which the White House, against all available evidence, insists is the sole cause of the deadly riots. The video is “disgusting and reprehensible,” she said, “and it appears to have a deeply cynical purpose: to denigrate a great religion and provoke rage.”

BRETT DECKER:QUESTIONS FOR GEERT WILDERS Geert Wilders has been a member of the Dutch Parliament for 14 years and is the founder and head of Holland’s Party for Freedom (PVV). He is known across Europe for his staunch defense of individual liberties in the face of increasingly strict speech codes and other politically correct legislation. His party is fighting […]

YORAM ETTINGER: ISLAMIC TERROR AND THE AMERICAN STORY Islamic terrorism has been part of the American story, since the first(1801-1805) and the second (1815) U.S. wars against Libya, Tunisia and Algeria-based Muslim pirates. Anti-U.S. Islamic terrorism has been fueled by Islam’s imperialistic vision, inflamed by core American values — irrespective of American national security policy — systematically and deliberately targeting innocent Americans […]

DERSHOWITZ: A FOOL IN HIS OWN WORDS ‘I’m always happy to mediate between Obama and Netanyahu’ YONI HIRSH “What Israel needs to do is say this to the Palestinians: ‘The moment you sit down at the negotiating table and begin negotiations, that is the moment we will freeze construction in the settlements,’” says Alan Dershowitz. “Yes, we have failed in the past, but this is a moral argument, and I […]


Instapundit heads the piece “Why Barack Obama Should Resign [1].” That’s a good title. The column might also be titled, “Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.” I remember a line from the philosopher David Hume that Hayek used as an epigraph to The Road to Serfdom. “It is seldom,” said Hume, “that liberty of any kind is lost all at once.” There’s the innocent seeming accommodation here, the turning a blind eye to official violations of the law there, and, bang, before you can say Saul Alinsky, people are being rounded up at midnight by brownshirted men for making a movie that embarrasses El Presidente.

In case you think that is a baseless exaggeration by a knuckle-dragging, right-wing hater, take a look at the photo:


By way of explication, Glenn Reynolds quotes the L.A. Times: “Just after midnight Saturday morning, authorities descended on the Cerritos home of the man believed to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Muslim movie that has sparked protests and rioting in the Muslim world.”

Got that? The chap made a movie. (He may also have violated probation, but that herring is red, Comrade.) As Glenn observes, “By sending — literally — brownshirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated that oath. . . . It is a betrayal of his duties as President, and a disgrace.”

Yep. And he should resign. And, as Glenn further observes, he surely won’t. But the people of the United States, Democrat as well as Republican, should turn him out of office ignominiously in November.


“…..Bold statements like this (which were naturally condemned by the left-wing media) increase my confidence. As Andy put it in his comments on Romney’s statement, “It will be remembered as the moment the race for president finally became about the real job of a president. It will be remembered as the moment Romney won.”

When the motor of history gets revved up (as it surely is now), it becomes more than commonly difficult to discriminate between the mere static of events rubbing against one another and that appoggiatura that announces the main theme of the moment. You’d have to be pretty thick not to sense that something big is happening in the world. Just yesterday, the Evening Standard published a column of mine in which I reprised James Carville’s famous taunt, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

Carville was right, except when he wasn’t, e.g., at about 10:00 a.m. on September 11, 2001, or, as we see all about us, in the aftermath of September 11, 2012, when some representatives of the “Arab Spring” stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other diplomats.

What was the most extraordinary statement to come out of that outrage, or the successive and still unfolding attacks on U.S. and other Western interests by Islamists across the world?

First prize for naïveté must surely go to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who had this to say about the murder of those four Americans:

Today, many Americans are asking – indeed, I asked myself – how could this happen? How could this happen in a country we helped liberate, in a city we helped save from destruction? This question reflects just how complicated and, at times, how confounding the world can be.

I have to say, those were not among the questions I asked myself. Leave aside the laughable trope that what we did in Libya was liberate the country. What we really did was exchange one malign dictator for the dictatorship of a malign, freedom-denying ideology, radical Islam. What I chiefly wanted to know was, Why was security so lax at our consulate, especially on the anniversary of the terrorists attacks of 9/11?

First prize for cringe-making appeasement also goes to the State Department, even if it wasn’t issued by HRC herself. Six hours before an Islamist mob stormed our embassy in Cairo, the embassy condemned “the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.”

It’s perfectly OK to “hurt the religious feelings” of anyone else — just ask Terrence McNally, whose play Corpus Christie depicts Jesus having sex with Judas Iscariot. Perhaps you do not like Corpus Christie. I think it a loathsome work, but I do not propose to burn down and embassy or murder anyone because of it. But Muslims apparently deserve a special dispensation. The First Amendment protects Mr. McNally. But does it protect the author of The Innocence of Muslims, the silly 13-minute anti-Muslim film by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (not, as was first reported, “Sam Bacile”)? We’ll see. Mr. Nakoula has been detained for questioning by federal probation agents. What do you bet he is found to have violated probation?


Teen arrested in Chicago car-bomb attempt
Fox News
Saturday, September 15, 2012
The FBI has charged 18-year-old Adel Daoud, of Hillside, Ill., for allegedly trying to detonate a car bomb outside a Chicago bar, federal prosecutors said Saturday. Read more…
Read more:
Obama’s excuse for Mideast riots masks failure
Washington Examiner
Friday, September 14, 2012
Obama’s excuse for Mideast riots masks failure
The White House insists that deadly attacks on U.S. diplomats in Libya and violent protests targeting U.S. facilities in Egypt are entirely the result of an anti-Islamic video. Why would the White House heap blame on the movie — indeed, insist that it is the sole cause of the violence — when officials don’t actually know that to be true? Read more…

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White House makes case for ‘indefinite detention’
The Blaze
Saturday, September 15, 2012
White House makes case for ‘indefinite detention’
Less than 24 hours after a federal judge in New York ruled the federal government could not indefinitely detain “suspected” terrorists, the Obama administration asked a court to suspend the ruling. Read more…

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Mideast chaos, gas prices spark recession fears
Big Peace
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Turmoil in the Middle East, the Federal Reserve’s decision to devalue the U.S. dollar through a third round of “quantitative easing,” and rising oil prices could send the global economy into recession. Read more…
‘Insider’ Afghan shooting slays two NATO soldiers
Los Angeles Times
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Two more NATO service members died Saturday in an “insider” shooting at the hands of a member of a problem-plagued Afghan village militia, the Western military said. Read more…

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DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE ANTI AMERICAN SAVAGES The past week has shown us what a Post-American world looks like and it isn’t a batch of treaties that lead to men and women from around the world meeting to decide how to feed the hungry, clothed the naked and take everyone’s guns away to banish violence from the world. It’s mobs of […]


Four American diplomats murdered, the Ambassador reportedly raped before being slaughtered and dragged through the street.America comes under widespread siege–and not only in the Middle East.

This time, the excuse is a film which Muslims find offensive. That those same Muslims preach, teach, publish, and produce oodles of cartoons, articles, sermons, and films which insult other peoples and faiths does not even enter into the equation…

And amid all of the above, who gets the blame?

Why, of course…who else?

It’s the Jews, of course!

I was listening to Fox News’ O’Reilly the other night. He gave a fairly accurate Talking Points segment but later asked two guests why they thought all of this was happening now. Greg Gutfeld gave a reasonable response. But the other, Bernard McGuirk, injected the Jew factor into the rest of his answer…

“We’re there to protect the state of Israel and that’s the way it should be…”

And O’Reilly agreed.

Beyond sad…

I mean the violence which erupted on September 11th couldn’t (wink, wink) have been related to the 11th anniversary of the Jihadis’ murder of some three thousand other Americans, now could it?

Oh, I see–that too was due to the Jews…

Still, what a coincidence!

McGuirk sounded like so many others who like to claim that America went to war against Hitler to save the Jews–and other fantasies like it.