Charge: Facebook Pages Spew Blood Libels, Attack Jews and Aborigines, Mock Anne Frank
Is there anything Facebook has determined to be sufficiently offensive that it will be removed?
By: Lori Lowenthal Marcus
Published: September 11th, 2012
The Jewish Press

There is no scientific equation to determine what is hatred, but a Facebook picture of a smiling Anne Frank surrounded by the caption, “What’s that burning? Oh it’s my family” is an easy one. So is a Facebook picture of a baby on a scale emblazoned with a Jewish Star, where the bottom of the scale is a meat grinder with raw ground meat (presumably, a baby’s) oozing out.

Is there any doubt in your mind that those images constitute hate speech (one of the official categories for removal under Facebook’s Terms of Service) and should be removed from Facebook? That was the basis for the complaints filed by the Online Hate Prevention Institute last month.

Facebook disagreed. The pictures remain up.


U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others

ANDREW MCCARTHY: OBAMA, OBAMA…THERE ARE STILL A BILLION OSAMAS Nina is exactly right that the appalling statement issued by the Obama State Department, apparently prior to the storming of the U.S. embassy in Cairo today, betrays the president’s agenda to impose on Americans sharia speech-suppression standards in blatant violation of the First Amendment. That, however, is far from the most egregious part of […]


NCJA Calls on Obama to Meet with Netanyahu

For Immediate Release

September 11, 2012 — On the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America, the National Conference on Jewish Affairs (NCJA) has condemned President Obama’s shocking decision to decline Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request to meet in New York at the end of September during a U.N. conference.

It is NCJA’s understanding that Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office requested the meeting, and said that Netanyahu was even willing to travel to Washington, D.C. for such a meeting.

NCJA calls on President Obama to reverse this decision and to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu as requested. NCJA states:

“This latest decision is a new low in Obama’s treatment of Israel and Prime Minister Netanyau. Given the situation in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East, the violence against an American Embassy in Libya, the assault on the American Embassy in Cairo and the burning of the American flag there today, and the rise of radical Islamists throughout the Middle East, a meeting with the leader of Israel, America’s best friend and ally in the region, is not only desirable but a necessity for American national security as well as that of the Jewish State.”


Democrats vs. Israel — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Dwight Schultz, Tommi Trudeau and Leon Weinstein look back at the DNC horror show.

Unrecorded Muslim Marriages, Bigamy, and Polygamy Karen Lugo The claim of bigamy, that his wife had never been correctly divorced, would provide the second husband with an escape strategy from child and spousal support obligations. The wife, however, rarely has access to the resources required to contest the divorce terms or to appeal an erroneous determination. The same week that Republican convention […]


As far as Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are concerned, it all started when Israel fired back. And they want the rest of the world to adopt this line. Sadly, there is no shortage of naïve people in the West who share this argument. These terrorists are causing more harm to the Palestinians than anyone else. But the two parties would like to see the terror attacks continue so that they can have an excuse to denounce Israel whenever the IDF fires back.

The Palestinians’ two illegitimate governments have once again denounced Israeli “aggression” against the “helpless” residents of the Gaza Strip.

Such denunciations always come after the Israel Defense Forces succeed in foiling a terror attack from the Gaza Strip or fire back at terrorists who launch rockets and missiles at Israeli targets.

The Hamas government, which sometimes turns a blind eye to anti-Israel terror attacks, is usually the first to condemn Israel whenever the IDF fires back or takes action to thwart the firing of rockets and missiles.

In some instances, Hamas members are directly involved in the attacks against Israel. Yet this does not stop the Hamas government from demanding international intervention to halt Israeli “aggression.”

The Hamas government is now using the IDF’s anti-terror operations to drive a wedge between Israel and Egypt. This week, for example, when the IDF killed six Palestinians who tried to carry out terror attacks against Israel, Hamas leaders complained to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President, Mohamed Morsi.

Hamas is hoping that Morsi would endorse a more hardline stance toward Israel. The Palestinian Islamist movement would like to see Morsi cut off Egypt’s diplomatic relations with Israel under the pretext that the Israelis are killing “innocent” Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, for its part, has always been exploiting Israel’s military operations against terrorists to incite the international community against Israel.

Each time the IDF strikes back at terrorists, Palestinian Authority leaders and spokesmen accuse Israel of escalating tensions and killing innocent people as part of an effort to “sabotage” the peace process.

Both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority do not have the guts to condemn the terrorists who fire rockets and missiles at kindergartens and other civilian targets inside Israel. That is because they are either afraid of the terrorists or fully sympathize with their attempts to kill Israeli civilians.

As far as Hamas and the Palestinian Authority are concerned, it all started when Israel fired back. And they want the rest of the world to adopt this line. Sadly, there is no shortage of naïve people in the West who share this argument.

I must confess that until 9/11 the terrorists that most preoccupied me were the Palestine Liberation Organization, Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Fatah and the associated groups with a history of hijacking airlines and wanton murders which targeted institutions, cafes, markets, buses, disabled cruise passengers schools and civilians in Israel. There surely were warnings of a sinister and larger affiliation. However, the words Al Qaeda, jihad, sharia and their association with doctrinal Islam rather than radical politics were unknown to me. I had read everything I could find in support of Israel, but none of the authors mentioned or even hinted at the faith driven nature of the unrelenting Arab/Moslem hatred of Jews and all infidels.

I decided to school myself more thoroughly in the history, the locus, the aims, the nature, and the real intent of “the fringe” not just towards Israel and Jews but also toward all “infidels” in the West. I was appalled and frightened by our lack of reactions to events which might have thwarted the tragedy of 9/11.

Too often terrorists have been excused on the basis of “root causes” and presented as a victimized group with a legitimate grudge against the West. Israel’s leaders, in particular, with rare exceptions, failed to recognize the international Jihad movement toward a caliphate in the Middle East without an inch of room for Israel.

Why were the previous threats and incidents of jihad ignored?

The signs were there during the Clinton administration.

In the magazine Vanity Fair (August 2002) Mansoor Ijaz an American of Pakistani origin and former U.S. ambassador to Sudan Timothy Karney disclosed that the government of Sudan had offered to turn intelligence on Osama bin Laden to the Clinton administration in 1996 which included passport numbers, accounts and communications on terrorists taken to Sudan by Bin Laden. Clinton and Madeleine Albright turned it down.

After an initial denial, Clinton admitted and then again denied this lapse in judgment, however, in 2003 his former National Security Adviser Samuel “stocking stuffer” Berger admitted it and blamed the FBI.

And that, by the way, was after the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center by operatives of al Qaeda. The Clinton administration treated it as a law enforcement matter, but fortunately the prosecution was successfully handled by Judge Michael Mukasey and Andrew McCarthy who wrote:

“In 1993, the United States Department of Justice was not merely the point of America’s counterterrorist spear. It was the spear. Period. The enemy was at war. Jihadists made that exquisitely clear, in word as well as deed. Our response was to call not the Marines, but the prosecutors.’ (Willful Blindness: A Memoir of the Jihad by Andrew McCarthy)

On November 13, 1995, after a bomb exploded in front of an American military training center in Riyadh, killing five Americans Saudi authorities arrested four Saudi nationals and convicted and beheaded them but U.S. officials were denied permission to investigate. Again, on June 25, 1996, a truck loaded with 5,000 pounds of explosives blew up outside of an apartment complex (Khobar Towers) in Dharan, Saudi Arabia which housed U.S. military personnel, killing nineteen and wounding several hundred American personnel. Once again, the Saudis impeded any U.S. investigation.

Where was Bill Clinton?

Then there were the near simultaneous bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania on August 7, 1998. Those attacks killed hundreds of personnel and wounded thousands. A former sergeant, Ali A. Mohamed, who served in one of the Army’s most sensitive units at Fort Bragg, N.C., in the 1980s was implicated in that bombing. Apparently the FBI knew about Ali after the first World Trade Center bombing.

Where was Bill Clinton?

On August 21st, he bombed a “paramilitary training camp” in Afghanistan and declared it a beginning salvo in the war on terrorism, and he bombed a pharmaceutical company in Sudan and killed and destroyed a cell of terrorist aspirins in Khartoum.

By the time of the Al Qaeda bombing of the S.S. Cole in October 2000, President Clinton has one foot out the door of the white House.

His successor President Bush in his first magisterial address to the nation, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 took pains to reassure us that Al Qaeda was a fringe group that hijacked a noble religion of peace. They were, we were told again and again, “enemies of peace” and we were assured that they would be brought to justice at a “time and place of our choosing.”

President Bush kept repeating the silly mantra that these terrorists were enemies of freedom. His reassurances grated, particularly, when I learned that his administration engaged the Saudis in meetings with high officials on September 19 and 20 of 2001, and this was followed by talks in Riyadh conducted by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld In October and with Vice President Dick Cheney later that year. What is so risible is the fact that these chummy meetings – ostensibly to gain support in combating terror- were conducted with the Kings of a repressive and brutal Islamic regime that enabled and trained, and funded the 9/11 terror.

DIANA WEST: DID BUSH IGNORE WAARNINGS OF AN AL QAEDA STRIKE? Kurt Eichenwald examines recently declassified documents regarding multiple warnings President Bush received prior to 9/11 and comes to an “inescapable conclusion,” as he writes in today’s New York Times. “The administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed.” Why […]

Mexico Extradites San Jose Mosque Imam Accused of Hezbollah Membership :Media Ignores…..Lori Lowenthal Marcus
The news of the arrest was a major story in Mexico, but had little coverage on American or Israeli media sites. It should have.

Over the weeked, three suspected members of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, a proxy group for Iran, were arrested in the capital city of the Yucatan Province, Mexico.

One of the three, Rafic Mohamad Labboun Allaboun, 44, is a Lebanese American. According to Benito Rosell Isaac, head of the Mexican National Migration Institute (INM) in Yucatan, Labboun had a warrant out for his arrest from Houston, Texas, and he was deported there within hours of his arrest. He had a court appearance on Monday morning, September 10, and then was returned to the San Jose division of the Northern District Court of California.

The news of the arrest was a major story in Mexico, but had little coverage on American or Israeli media sites.

It should have.

Rafic Labboun is a naturalized American citizen, born in Lebanon, who immigrated to the United States in 1986. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a degree in mathematics. Although born a Sunni Muslim, he converted to the Shia faith and became an energetic and charismatic promoter of Islam. Labboun served as an imam for the Shiite Association Bay Area (SABA) Mosque in San Jose, California. The SABA Mosque is considered by some experts in the counter-terrorism world to be strong supporters of both the Khomeinist regime and of the Hezbollah terrorist organization. Labboun was the spiritual leader at SABA until he “suddenly” returned to live in a southern neighborhood of Beirut, Lebanon, in 2002. Until that time it is believed that Labboun was the highest ranking Hezbollah member in the San Francisco Bay area.

Labboun returned several times to the SABA mosque, ostensibly to preach, for short periods, but was arrested at the San Francisco International Airport on his way back to Lebanon on January 12, 2009. Labboun was convicted by a jury on July 19, 2010, on seven counts of bank fraud. The fraud involved the creation of false lines of credit between several US banks. Credit cards and checks from those lines were then used to obtain more than $100,000 in gold from Saudi Arabia. The money is believed to have ended up in Lebanon, and was allegedly used to finance terrorist activities by Hezbollah. The money was never recovered.

After the verdicts were entered, Labboun was sentenced by Judge Ronald M. Whyte of the United States District Court of the Northern District Court of California, to 27 months in custody, followed by three years supervised release. In addition to his prison sentence, Labboun was ordered to repay the stolen funds to the defrauded banks.