http://acdemocracy.org/economic-warfare-institute.cfm http://www.wnd.com/2012/09/will-financial-markets-suffer-next-attack/ Will financial markets suffer next attack? Exclusive: Rachel Ehrenfeld warns such an assault would cripple U.S. economy Successive U.S. administrations’ failure to stop al-Qaida helped facilitate the 9/11 attacks. Targeting the World Trade Center, the symbol of U.S. financial might, bin Laden intended to destroy the U.S. financial markets and its economy. He […]



It is difficult to say what’s harder to believe: that is has been 11 years since the 9/11 atrocities, or that national security has become an irrelevant issue in the most consequential presidential election in decades.

The first observation reminds us that today is a day of remembrance: of the loss of nearly 3000 of our fellow citizens; of the bravery of those who willingly gave their lives to save others; and of the heroism of the men and women who put on the line all that they have. That includes the love and well-being of their families, on whom the burden of American national security has been imposed while the rest of us go on with our lives — too often, without giving them a first thought, never mind a second.

No matter which political party has been in power since 9/11, there has been a great deal of bloviating about “the rule of law.” It is as if we had evolved beyond anything so crude and benighted as armed force and national interest — especially national defense. Let’s remember today that we have the luxury of living under something resembling the rule of law only because dedicated Americans sacrifice themselves to confront evil — in this case, the adherents of an evil ideology, Islamic supremacism, that is closer to the law of the jungle. The rule of law has precious little to do with why we have gotten through 11 years without a reprise of 9/11. A better explanation is that terrorists who have been captured or killed cannot commit more terrorism.



Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11; the “Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century.” On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists, well educated young men – Saudi, Egyptian, and Yemeni nationals – hijacked four airliners (American Airlines Flight 11 and United Flight 175 from Boston’s Logan airport, American Airlines Flight 77 from Dulles airport and United Airlines Flight 93 from Newark Airport). With captive passengers aboard, they flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan and the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. Brave actions of the 40 passengers and crew aboard Flight 93 led to the first counter-attack within thirty minutes of the sky-jacking. The Flight 93 heroes overcame the Islamic terrorists and diverted the aircraft from its ultimate target the Capital building in Washington, crashing into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania instead. All told 19 Jihadi hijackers and more than 2,977 innocent victims including the 246 air passengers on the four planes seized were killed as a result of the murderous jihad airborne attacks in lower Manhattan, northern Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania.

Nearly 3000 innocent victims perished in a Jihadic holocaust masterminded by the late Osama Bin Laden. Bin laden, who founded Al Qaeda, was killed by US Navy Seal team six on May 2, 2011 in a raid on a compound in Abbattobad, Pakistan, virtually within sight of the Pakistani Military Academy. The special operations, known as Operation Neptune Spear, is chronicled in a new book, No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama bin Laden, published today, by one of the Seal team commanders, who adopted the nom de plume Mark Owens. As the author said on a CBS 60 Minutes interview, “we were just doing our job” in an operation long in the planning stages and fraught with daunting difficulties, including the crash of one the stealth Black Hawk helicopters. According to the author’s account, the operations yielded a treasure trove of intelligence in the long war against Islamic Jihadism. This despite Pentagon accusations that No Easy Day may have violated Pentagon security reviews, although the author insists that no real secrets were revealed.

Within days of arrival of Seal team Six back in the US, a tableau was organized by President Obama at Fort Campbell Kentucky, home of the famed Screaming Eagles, the 101st Airborne to celebrate this victory in the counterterrorism war against Al Qaeda, the murder of Bin Laden, the creator of an Islamic terror enterprise that has morphed into a global jihadist network. The Seal Team Six team involved was flown to Fort Campbell in an old C-130 aircraft that survived the failed attempt during the Carter Administration to rescue the 44 hostages taken by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards at the US Embassy in 1980. President Obama congratulated the Seal Team Six raiders at the Fort Campbell event and, according to No Easy Day author Owens, asked who pulled the trigger that killed Bin Laden. As Owens said during the 60 Minutes interview, no one stepped forward, because they viewed these successful special operations as a team effort.

President Obama has promoted the view that the death of Bin Laden marked the end of the war against Al Qaeda after years of intelligence gathering and a lucky break that identified the Al Qaeda courier that lead to the Seal Team Six raid on the Abbattobad compound. He has always maintained that the US counterterrorism effort following 9/11 was not a war on Islam. Both he and former President Bush propounded the catechism that the US was engaged in a war against Al Qaeda and not against Islam, “a religion of peace.” The Obama Administration in cooperation with Muslim Brotherhood affiliates in America undertook a thorough purging of Islamic jihad doctrine underpinning of the credo of Al Qaeda as exemplified by the radical Sunni ideologue Sayyid Qutb in his book Milestones. Qutb helped foster an unrelenting violent Jihad war against unbelievers so as to impose a world Islamic Caliphate governed under Sharia law.

The Obama counterterrorism doctrine led to a selective drone war involving targeted assassinations of Al Qaeda leaders of affiliates across the Muslim Ummah in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen. The Administration finds itself in a quandary, while trying to foster a peace deal with former Afghan enemy the Taliban, the State Department ponders designation of the Haqqani network in neighboring Pakistan as a foreign terrorist group. Haqqani is allegedly supported by Jihadist cadres of the nefarious Inter-Service Intelligence agency.

The Pentagon has unfortunately denied the realities of homegrown Muslim terrorists within the US Military. We have Maj. Nidal Hasan, whose court martial trial is about to begin at Fort Hood Texas on charges of committing a murderous Jihad massacre of soldiers and civilians at a deployment processing center in November 2009. Then there was AWOL 101st Airborne Pvt. Naser Jason Abdo who was tried and convicted at a federal court in Killeen, Texas on charges of planning another attack at Fort Hood to avenge US military combat against his Muslim brothers in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the 9/11 Iran Links trial in the Federal District Court in Manhattan, we learned that the Islamic Republic of Iran was deeply involved in facilitating training and transportation of the 9/11 perpetrators. The Islamic Republic now threatens a super version of 9/11 via a possible nuclear holocaust or Electronic Magnetic Pulse (EMP) attack against the US and its ally, the Jewish State of Israel with nuclear weapons and other forms of WMD. An Islamic Republic whose Supreme Leader and Revolutionary Guard earnestly believe that such apocalyptic acts will make the Imam Mahdi re-appear to lead an Islamic Army to conquer the world.

In commemoration of 11th anniversary of 9/11, we solicited essays in response to a question: “Is the War Against Islamic Terrorism Over? And if not, what remains to be done?”

What follows are selected essays submitted by a diverse group of scholars and experts. From these respondents we selected essays by Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein, noted theologian, former university president and author of Jihad and Genocide, Professor Paul Eidelberg is President of the Israel – American Renaissance Institute, Daniel Mandel, is a Fellow in History of the University of Melbourne, Director of the Zionists of America Center for Middle East Policy, Shoshana Bryan, Director of the Washington, DC based Jewish Policy Center, and Reza Kahlili former CIA-agent who did undercover work inside Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. We appreciate all of the submissions made.


Obama and Our 9/11 Trauma

http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/../2011/09/obama_and_our_911_trauma.html at September 11, 2012 – 10:31:42 AM CDT
Where did the idea of Obama come from? Let’s examine an obvious, yet overlooked source: the rubble of the Twin Towers. 9/11 was the most traumatic day in American history, and its horrors left deep gashes in our national soul. We stumbled around in pain and confusion for years, groping for a magical salve to heal our wounds — and there, suddenly, was Barack Hussein Obama.
As we turn our gaze from our current Obama-induced agonies to remember the terror attacks ten years ago, let’s do ourselves the favor of honesty and admit how tightly the two are connected.

On that fatal Tuesday, as the World Trade Center and Pentagon lay in ruins, President George Bush spoke to the American people, with simple words that pierced the heart of our new situation: “Freedom itself was attacked this morning… And freedom will be defended.”

But as it turned out, millions of Americans were not ready to defend freedom. Despite the “United We Stand” posters plastered everywhere, Americans almost immediately divided into two irreconcilable camps: those willing to understand the nature of our enemy and those who wanted to deny it, at all cost.

Within days of the attacks, a friend coolly informed me, “the people in the Twin Towers deserved it.” Still reeling from that shock, I almost lost it when another friend admiringly compared bin Laden to George Washington. Soon thereafter, a well-known academic in my circle complained that the sudden outpouring of patriotism made her sick.

This utter madness, which I thought would be confined to the fringe, rapidly spread to every corner of elite society. The more we learned about the savagery of the Islamist world, the more our moral and cultural superiors turned their wrath on us, instead of the enemy.

As headlines blared the almost surrealistic brutality of Al Qaeda, Senator Patty Murray told a group of high school honor students that Osama bin Laden was popular in poor countries because he paid for day care centers. “We haven’t done that,” Murray said. “How would they look at us today if we had been there helping them with some of that rather than just being the people who are going to bomb in Iraq and go to Afghanistan?”

While patriotic Americans were learning that Saddam Hussein used poison gas on his own people and gave his psychotic sons “rape rooms,” American college students were learning enemy propaganda. On the eve of the Iraq war, Professor Nicholas de Genova of Columbia University convened an anti-war teach-in and proclaimed to the students, “The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military. I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus.” Despite his public yearning for the mutilation of the American soldiers who’d volunteered to defend his worthless derriere, de Genova went on to a distinguished career at Columbia and the University of Chicago.


http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/sep/10/the-world-is-not-better-off-obama-policies-encoura/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS Eleven years after Sept. 11, President Obama would have us believe that, at least with respect to our national security, we are better off than we were when he came to office. Specifically, he now claims that al Qaeda — the terrorist organization that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on that terrible day — is […]


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=2542 On Sunday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave an interview to Bloomberg Radio, in which she reiterated Washington’s position on how to best prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Negotiations, she said, are “by far the best approach.” This should not have come as a surprise to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: Remember the 9/11 Jihad Terror Attacks…and the ~20,000 Deadly Jihad Terror Attacks Since

http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/09/11/remember-the-911-jihad-terror-attacks-and-the-20000-deadly-jihad-terror-attacks-since/ The late southern Sudanese leader John Garang, in 1999, posed [2] the following dual-part existential question for our era:Is the call for jihad against a particular people a religious right of those calling for it, or is it a human rights violation against the people upon whom jihad is declared and waged? As nearly […]




Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts.The victims were in airplanes or in their offices — secretaries, businessmen and women, military and federal workers. Moms and dads. Friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong. A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve………..read it all…

Alas, since 9/11 they have dented the steel of American resolve. “They” are our enemy…those that Bush pledged would be brought to justice at a time of our choosing. Instead political correctness and the incoherent fear of some mythical Islamophobia has made it impolitic and impolite to even state the obvious. As a result of our appeasement and blindness Islam has exploded its inherent rage across the entire Moslem world. The march for the Caliphate is on, full speed ahead, and in our own nation radical Moslems have infiltrated our courts, our government, our academies and our media.

And, once again in the horrific history of the Jewish people….they and Israel are offered up as bribes to an insatiable enemy.


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/davidhornik/israel%e2%80%99s-rightward-drift/ Which way America will turn in November—Democrat or Republican, left or right—is still very up in the air. Israel, for its part, is in a clear rightward drift that only appears to be accelerating. It turns out this week that the Israeli daily Maariv is getting bought out by Makor Rishon, a small right-wing […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/daniel-greenfield/the-still-unnamed-enemy/ As the sun sets over Manhattan, the cladding on the crown of the Chrysler building bursts into a reddish flame that quickly dies out. Lights wink on across the panorama of office buildings and condominiums to the north of the island. In the south there is an island within the island, a space of […]