Nashville Woman Accused of Making Terrorist Threats Toward Co-Workers:

A Nashville woman was charged with attempted terrorism Friday after investigators said she threatened to hurt co-workers at the South Nashville Dell facility last weekend.

The trouble began when a CEVA Logistics employee said his co-worker Amal Ahmed Abdullahi, 29, of Zermatt Avenue, approached him during his shift last Saturday.

According to a release from Metro police, Abdullahi told the employee that “her people were dying for Allah every day; that she was ready to die for Allah; that this whole country will be Muslim soon; that this country is full of non-believers and that this place (her work place) is full of non-believers; that all unbelievers should die; that her life starts after death; that her life is not here, nobody pays attention to her and she should pick up a gun and shoot all these people.”

CEVA Logistics signed the arrest warrant as the prosecutor against Abdullahi, accusing her of intimidating/coercing a civilian population.

Metro police spokesman Don Aaron said Friday that he was not immediately aware of anyone previously being charged with attempted terrorism in Nashville.

2012.09.07 (Rajma, Libya) – Three people are killed when Islamic fundamentalists attempt to blow up a rival shrine.
2012.09.07 (Kirkuk, Iraq) – Sunni bombers take out nine Shias near their mosque.
2012.09.07 (Sumisip, Philippines) – Seven Abu Sayyaf fire into a crowd of plantation workers on their lunch break, killing one.
2012.09.06 (Yobe, Nigeria) – Boko Haram Islamists murder sixteen people in a series of attacks.
2012.09.05 (Karachi, Pakistan) – A 75-year-old Shiite is murdered along with his 17-year-old grandson in a targeted shooting by Sunnis.
2012.09.05 (Kerala, India) – A Hindu activist dies from a stabbing attack by Muslim ‘activists’ at a university campus two months earlier.

MARK STEYN: CHOICE NOT PART OF THIS FUTURE….THE FLAKY RHETORIC OF FLUKE According to Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke, invited to address the Democratic convention and the nation, America faces a stark choice this November. “During this campaign, we’ve heard about two profoundly different futures that could await women in this country – and how one of those futures looks like an offensive, obsolete relic of […]

YOU CAN’T SPIN THESE NUMBERS ON JOBS….LUCIA MUTIKANI WASHINGTON — U.S. jobs growth slowed more than expected in August, setting the stage for the Federal Reserve to pump additional money into the sluggish economy next week and dealing a blow to President Obama as he seeks reelection in November. Nonfarm payrolls increased only 96,000 last month, the Labor Department said on Friday. […]


Education was the defining paradigm of the 20th Century model of social progress, particularly the scientific education distributed through cells and classes where trained educators teach from prepared texts imparting the same knowledge to every students through the same methods.
Our educational system is nothing if not extensive. We, collectively and individually, spend fortunes on it. The average cost of a four year degree is approaching 100,000 dollars and that isn’t counting textbooks (1,100 per year) and the astronomical rates of interest on student loans. Total student loan debt has doubled in the last seven years and is approaching 300 billion dollars. The average student under 30 owes around 20,000 dollars as education has become the new mortgage.


Go to for Related links: One of five Obama quotes that you may not hear in his speech tonight: ‘As we speak…cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic…’‘…shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic and bringing drought to farms from Kansas to Kenya’ — ‘Under my plan of […]


Iran is on the verge of nuclear capability. If they succeed, the ramifications will dramatically shift the balance of power both in the region and around the world.

“For over 3 decades, Iran has been exporting hatred and terrorism against the West. Now they are
on the brink of attaining nuclear weapons. Please watch and share this short film.”


Who We Are

Women United PAC speaks plainly: the Obama administration and the Democrat Party are waging war against women who care about the future of our country. They are hoping to distract women from the big issues, to focus on so-called “women’s issues,” thereby reducing women to mindless, sexual, reproductive vessels. This is not feminism; it is contempt.

We don’t buy it. We won’t have it. And we are tired of it.

Women United PAC knows that the devastating effects of Obamacare, the shrinking economy, the refusal to develop America’s energy resources, the overwhelming number of new regulations and penalties, the number of unemployed and underemployed, the uncertainty of small businesses, and the centralization of authority in Washington all represent a threat to our country’s future.

We know that women continue to serve our country proudly, having raised generations of good citizens and great Americans. Women have fought with paper and pen, waged campaigns, and organized civic institutions. Women have spoken up and demanded justice, our freedom, our right to vote, our jobs, our education and our equality, and are not about to permit the discussion about our country’s future decline into a discussion about paying for an individual’s contraception.

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