US MUST UPDATE ITS STRATEGIC NUCLEAR DOCTRINE By LOUIS RENÉ BERES During the 1950s, America first began to codify various rudimentary doctrines of nuclear deterrence. At that time, the world was clearly bipolar, and the conspicuous enemy was the Soviet Union. Thoroughly tempered by a shared knowledge of the carnage that had overwhelmed the planet from 1939 to 1945, it was, at least strategically, a […]


Trying to figure out Democratic party theology has never been easy. Is it atheism, Islam, New Age globalism, or some weird mishmash of all of the above?

Thankfully, the Democratic National Convention has answered all of our questions. On Wednesday, the All Mighty was inserted back into the party platform to a chorus of loud boos.

So there is a God. And Democrats hate Him.

Delighted to help clear that up.


J’Accuse!…the words of Emile Zola who inspired the Dreyfusards in the notorious Dreyfus Affair (1894 until 1906) in which an innocent Jewish officer was set up and accused of high treason. Dersh is no Zola. He has these burps of selective outrage….but continues his slavish praise and support for Obama. Shame on Dersh….no hero at all…..rsk

Why do countries with long histories of anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry seem to care more about the so-called rights of young children not to be circumcised than do other countries in the world with far better histories of concern for human rights? The same rhetorical question can be asked of countries, such as Norway, that care so much about the rights of animals not to be slaughtered according to Jewish ritual. These questions are entirely rhetorical because every thinking person knows the answer. It’s not because Germans or Norwegians are better people and care more about children and animals than do Americans. It is because they care less about Jews. Or more precisely they care a lot about Jews. They just don’t like them very much and don’t care if they are forced to leave the country because they cannot practice their religion there.

So let no one praise a nation that murdered a million Jewish babies and children for shedding crocodile tears over the plight of the poor little baby boy who, following a many thousand year old tradition, is circumcised 8 days after birth. Every good person should condemn Germany for what really lies at the heart of efforts to ban circumcision—old-fashioned anti-Semitism, a term coined by Germans for Germans and against Jews.

History is not irrelevant in assessing current policies. The history of Germany (and Norway) in prohibiting Jews from practicing their traditional rituals goes back to a time when overt anti-Semitism was not only acceptable, it was de rigeur. Today, new words replace discredited old ones. Anti-Zionism instead of anti-Semitism. The welfare of children instead of the banning of religious rituals. But it’s all the same. Anyone who falls for the new pseudo-scientific nonsense about the evils of circumcision or ritual slaughter is as naïve or bigoted as those who fell for the old pseudo-scientific racial claims of Nazism.


During an interview with WWBT-TV, President Barack Obama said he regrets the “syntax” of his now-infamous “You Didn’t Build That” speech — but not the content.

“Obviously, I have regrets for my syntax,” said President Obama. ”But not for the point, because everyone who was there watching knows exactly what I was saying.”

Syntax, according to, deals with the “formation of grammatical sentences in a language.” So in other words, Obama regrets they way he said it, but not what he said.

The president also said America is much, much better off than it was four years ago.

“We are absolutely better off than we were when I was sworn in and we were losing 800,000 jobs in a month,” he said, adding that there is “much more to do.”

Half of Military Bases Lack Voting Facility!!!!! Shaun Waterman Half of all U.S. military bases around the world lack legally required facilities where troops can register to vote and get absentee ballots, according to a report from the Pentagon’s inspector general. Advocacy groups said the report shows the military has let down its service members by failing to implement the 2009 Military and […]

Clinton speech: Long on words, short on facts
Big Government
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Clinton speech: Long on words, short on facts
Tonight, former President Bill Clinton took to the floor of the Democratic National Convention to deliver a long, meandering speech light on rhetoric, long on word count, and short on facts. Read more…
Americans like Obama but find him poor president
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Americans like Obama but find him poor president
As President Obama prepares to accept the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination for a second time, his personal favorability ratings remain above the 50 percent mark, while his job approval ratings are below that, as they have been for most of the last two years. The 50 percent mark makes his re-election prospects uncertain. Read more…
Clinton speech full of mischaracterizations
Associated Press
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Clinton speech full of mischaracterizations
When Bill Clinton took the stage at the Democratic convention, he portrayed President Obama as a pragmatic compromiser who has been stymied by Republicans. There was no mention of the role that the president and the Democrats have played in grinding compromise to a halt. Read more…

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Anarchists at Occupy Ohio admit guilt in bomb plot
NBC News
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Three self-described anarchists pleaded guilty on Wednesday in an Ohio federal court to plotting to blow up a four-lane highway bridge near Cleveland in April, authorities said. Read more…

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Stanley Kurtz’s book “Radical in Chief” is still the best guide to the radical policies of Obama. It goes where none of the movies or videos have gone.,css.print/pub_detail.asp
His new book is:
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Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities by Stanley Kurtz (Aug 2, 2012)

This year’s controversy over the inclusion of God in a Democratic platform is not unprecedented. In 1992, the Democratic party pointedly rejected an effort by Senator Joseph Lieberman to include a reference to God in the platform. As a sop to Lieberman, language was included noting that Americans have a personal responsibility “for the religious faiths they follow.” That move may be the origin of the faith references Dems have pointed to this year when challenged on the issue of God in the platform.

While a spokesman for Lieberman allowed in 1992 that the senator was “satisfied” with the addition of the new faith language instead of a direct invocation of God, the same spokesman bitingly added that “many Democrats almost seem embarrassed to make reference to God” and further noted that the 1992 platform’s approach to religion had made “a broad break from the past.” Forrest McDonald, a historian of American politics, said at the time, “I think the Democrats are crazy for taking [the word God] out. This is a very religious country.”

Even in 1988, the Republican platform mentioned the American people’s “faith in God,” while the Democratic platform merely spoke instead of America as a “spiritually stronger” nation.

You can find a brief account of the 1992 controversy over the Democratic platform’s rejection of God in the July 4, 1992 edition of The Washington Times (available via Nexis).

It’s true that until this evening’s contested vote, the 2012 Democratic platform had made a shift from previous usage in omitting any reference to God. Yet the reference to God in the previous platform was more of an aside than the sort of deliberate invocation Senator Lieberman had asked for in 1992.

NRO EDITORS: THE DEMOCRATS ISRAEL PROBLEM This is an exceptionally dangerous time for Israel. Iran is driving toward a nuclear bomb, and has pledged to wipe Israel off the map. The Muslim Brotherhood has taken power in Egypt. The new president, Mohamed Morsi, cannot bring himself to utter the word “Israel.” The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, signed in 1979, is in […]


Do you see the words “Hamas” and “Hezbollah” in here? Me neither.

Of course, there’s a difference. The omission of God and Jerusalem from the Democratic party’s 2012 platform was quite intentionally meant as a demotion, very much in keeping with Obama administration policy. The jihadists, by contrast, are moving up in the world.

As for God, there’s not room in this universe for two The Ones. In cases of conflict, the president has made it abundantly clear that his pieties control, and the pious better get with the program: Domestically, abortion-on-demand and wealth-redistribution to assure free contraceptives for thirty-something co-eds; internationally, close cooperation and billions in U.S. aid for regimes that abet the persecution of Christians, Jews and other religious minorities.

On Jerusalem, administration mouth-pieces and apologists remain as tongue-tied as they were before The One completed his “evolution” on gay marriage. And for precisely the same reason: their grudging public position — Jerusalem is sorta Israel’s capital, but we’re mulling that one, so get back to us, say, November 7 or so — is miles apart from their private conviction — Jerusalem (or as Obama’s counterterrorism czar, John Brennan, puts it, “al-Quds”) is a “final status” issue that we can’t prejudge because our Muslim friends consider it theirs.

And about those Muslim friends … my friends at the Center for Security Policy remind us of what the Democrats’ 2008 platform had to say about Hamas and Hezbollah:

Our … commitment [to Israel], which requires us to ensure that Israel retains a qualitative edge for its national security and its right to self-defense, is all the more important as we contend with growing threats in the region – a strengthened Iran, a chaotic Iraq, the resurgence of Al Qaeda, the reinvigoration of Hamas and Hezbollah…. [W]e must help Israel identify and strengthen those partners who are truly committed to peace, while isolating those who seek conflict and instability, and stand with Israel against those who seek its destruction. The United States and its Quartet partners should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and abides by past agreements.

DIANA WEST: NO “DISCERNABLE PATTERN” TO ISLAMIC MURDERS OF WESTERN TROOPS? REALLY? From the Stars and Stripes: WASHINGTON – The United States will help the Afghan government recheck the entire 352,000-member Afghan security force in the wake of an upsurge of attacks against international troops by Afghans in uniform, the No. 2 U.S. general in the country said Wednesday. LTG James Terry:”The closer you are in […]