Liberal Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz told The Daily Caller that he finds the 2012 Democratic Party platform’s omissions on Hamas and Palestinian refugees “deeply troubling.”

“I think one shouldn’t give too much weight to platform pronouncements, but in this case, I think the omissions are troubling — particularly the omission about the Palestinian refugee issue and Hamas are, I think, deeply troubling,” he told The Daily Caller, responding to a report in the Washington Free Beacon demonstrating how this year’s Democratic Party platform is not as pro-Israel as in years past.

The Free Beacon report showed how while in 2004 and 2008 the Democratic Party platform called for Palestinian refugees to be settled in a future Palestinian state — and explicitly not in Israel — the 2012 platform makes no mention of the issue. Similarly, the 2012 platform doesn’t explicitly take a stand on dealing with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, which controls the Gaza strip, yet in 2008 the platform declared: “The United States and its Quartet partners should continue to isolate Hamas until it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and abides by past agreements.” The platform does, however, “insist that any Palestinian partner must recognize Israel’s right to exist, reject violence, and adhere to existing agreements.”*

On the issue of Jerusalem, this year’s Democratic platform doesn’t take the stand that the city is the capital of Israel, while in past platforms it was explicitly stated.

Dershowitz said he is concerned that this year’s Democratic Party platform will make Israel a partisan issue, something he thinks is not good for the U.S.-Israel relationship.

“My goal is always to keep support for Israel a bi-partisan issue and never make a national election any kind of referendum on Israel,” he said. “I don’t think it is a good thing that the Republican platform seems to be more pro-Israel than the Democratic platform.”

Dershowtiz said that this is not the last the Democratic Party has heard about the platform as he is personally going to get to the bottom of what happened.

“As soon as I hang up with you, I will call people I know in the White House and in the Democratic Party and find out what’s going on,” he said. ”But believe me this is not the last the Democrats will have heard about this issue. They will hear from me on this one.”


“The organizers of this event are on record praising Islamic Sharia law, placing Sharia above the U.S. Constitution, placing their loyalty to Islam above their loyalty to America…”


The first thing I learned from watching both conventions is how brilliant, oversized and glittering America’s teeth have become – between just Julian Castro and Michelle Obama there seemed to be enough choppers for several extra mouths and that’s before Barack Obama has had a chance to flash his trademark high-beam smile. The Romney/Ryan ticket has a tough fight ahead on this plane, proving that white privilege does not extend to the universal benefits of fluoride and dental bleach. The second thing I learned is that you can’t be a politician without a serious chronic disease to offer. For Ann Romney, it was a twofer of her own multiple sclerosis and breast cancer. While Michelle Obama has only her father’s MS card to play, she trumped with the description of a man who smilingly used a walker in order to get to work each day. It seems that every American who seeks national office must have a required background of poverty or lowly service. The Romneys began their married life in a basement apartment with an ironing board as a dining table but the Obamas had a car so rusty that the pavement was visible through the passenger door. Marco Rubio’s father was a banquet bartender and stood behind his bar so that Marco could one day stand behind the Republican Convention podium. That was nice but Julian Castro’s counterpunch was a grandmother who pushed a mop so that he could one day hold a microphone at the Democratic convention. Of course Ann Romeny’s Welsh gramps would have been happy to trade his miner’s cap for the comparative ease of an above-ground moop or a dimly-lit bar.

Speculation of German-Israeli Rift Berlin Silent on Report of U-Boat Sale to Egypt

A report that Germany plans to sell two submarines to Egypt has triggered speculation about a deterioration in German relations with Israel. The German government stressed on Monday that it remained committed to Israel’s security — but officials declined to comment on the report.

The German government on Monday reaffirmed its commitment to Israel after media reports said relations between the two countries had been damaged by an unconfirmed deal to supply Egypt with two German-made submarines.

A German government spokesman declined to comment on an article which appeared in the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram last Friday and cited the commander-in-chief of the Egyptian navy, Osama al-Gindi, as saying: “We have agreed to a deal with Germany to procure two submarines of the latest 209 Class.”

On Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman said only: “There has been no change in the German government’s position towards Israel, in the commitment the German government feels towards Israel’s security.”


* A A A

On this week’s Darwish Gang, Dwight Schultz, Amani Mustafa and Reza Safa gathered to discuss An Islamist at the DNC. Below is Part III of a three part series. To see Part I, click here. To see Part II, click here.
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Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Bishop Pervaiz Joseph, the Chairman of Charismatic Gospel Ministries located in Lahore, Pakistan. He also leads the Pastors’ Care Ministry and has been working on interfaith harmony and peace promotion for the last seven years. Due to certain recent developments, he had to leave his house and everything he owned. He is now in a hiding place with his family.

FP: Bishop Joseph, welcome to Frontpage Interview. I am very sorry about the horrible circumstances you and your family now find yourselves. Please know that you are in the hearts, minds and prayers of everyone here at Frontpage.

Let’s begin with your background and what led you and your family now having to hide in fear for your lives.

Joseph: Thank you Jamie.

This is how my persecution began: In a meeting on peace promotion and interfaith harmony with Sunni Tehreek in Lahore, on October 12, 2011, the misuse of Pakistan’s blasphemy law was also discussed. Apparently, this was not appreciated by Islamic leaders Rana Tahir Advocate, Nasreen Akhtar Advocate, Mohammad Sher Afghan and Moulana Mukhtar Ahmad Qadri.

The Muslim religious leaders, who were also working with me while I was discussing the misuse of blasphemy law, during an exchange of communications, claimed that I used derogatory remarks against the Muslim Holy Prophet Mohamed.

The International Peace Council for Interfaith Harmony leader Rana Tahir Rahmat, and Mulana Mukhtar Ahmad Qadri Zei, the Muslim leader of Ahlae Sunat wa Al Jamat( Suni Terreek) and other militant groups, started blackmailing and harassing me for carrying out Evangelism through Interfaith Harmony and Peace Promotion by uplifting the voice of the Christian community rights in Pakistan.

Rana Tahir Rahmat and his group then became angry and planned to destroy and kill me by accusing me of blasphemy. Advocate Nasreen Akhtar used her emotions and started propagating against me among a Muslim militants’ group located at 85 Mall Road, Lahore, Pakistan; and Rana Tahir Rehmat gave life threats to my wife through phone calls.

Islamic leaders announced the blasphemy case to be filed against me, and attacked my house twice along with the heavily armed Muslim Militants.

The Islamic militants even visited Bishop Council’s Chairman and said that they will cut me and my family into pieces and will distribute among all the clergymen working in United Bishop’s Council.

In Pakistan, when someone is condemned by the Blasphemy Law, the militants do not wait for the court to take action; they decide themselves whether they want to kill the person or not. And the fear of the recently murdered Federal Minister Shahbaz Bhatti and Governor Salman Taseer and the burnt Christian colonies was also there. The Christian Leadership of Pakistan also warned me of the upcoming threats and discrimination of the Muslim militants on me and my family.

Thank God none of my family members was in the house when it was attacked by the heavily armed militants. They persecuted me in many different ways. The situation was so strange and unbearable, and it was getting worse day by day so it caused me and my family to go into hiding.

FP: Tell us about the “misuse” of Pakistan’s blasphemy law. What do you mean “misuse.” Is there an actual legitimate way to “use” it? Or you just mean its oppressive and barbaric nature in general. Whatever the case, tell us about how it inflicts horror in Pakistan.


URL to article:

David Plouffe, Obama’s former campaign manager and current senior advisor, claimed this week that the Romney campaign is built “on a foundation of absolute lies.” Speaking of absolute lies, there is the lie being put out that the War in Afghanistan has been won by the Obama administration.

Under the category of “TAKING THE FIGHT TO AL-QAEDA,” the Obama campaign website boasts that Obama refocused efforts on defeating Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. This would have proven surprisingly easy as Al Qaeda in Afghanistan had already been defeated by the Bush Administration.

As documented in my Freedom Center pamphlet, “The Great Betrayal”, Obama’s campaign promise in the last election to go after Al Qaeda in Afghanistan was false because Al Qaeda had already shifted its operations away from there.

In 2009, General Petraeus, while serving as head of U.S. Central Command under Obama, said that Al Qaeda is no longer in Afghanistan. Intelligence estimates before that and afterward put the possible number of Al Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan at around 100. Obama’s surge of 100,000 troops was clearly not needed to fight 100 Al Qaeda terrorists at a ratio of 1,000 soldiers to each Al Qaeda terrorist.

The National Security page of the Obama campaign repeatedly talks about Al Qaeda, but it makes no mention of the Taliban at all. This is a strange omission as American soldiers have spent the past few years taking severe casualties fighting the Taliban, not Al Qaeda. Still it is natural for Obama not to want to talk about the Taliban because his goal of pushing them back with the Afghanistan Surge failed.

Obama is running on Bush’s successes in Afghanistan against Al Qaeda, while completely ignoring his own failures against the Taliban. It is as if Dewey had won the 1944 Presidential election and then taken office in 1945, after the liberation of Paris and the Battle of the Bulge, and insisted on taking credit for the defeat of Germany while ignoring the existence of the Japanese front.


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An Open Letter to Prime Minister David Cameron

In the wake of last Saturday’s fiasco in Walthamstow, Paul Weston, the Chairman of British Freedom, has written the following letter to Prime Minister David Cameron.

Dear Prime Minister,

I find it very disturbing that as a founding signatory of Unite Against Fascism (UAF), you are effectively endorsing totalitarianism and violence.

As you may be aware, the UAF were involved in large scale violence last Saturday in Walthamstow. Their objective was to ensure that Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Speech were denied to the English Defence League.

In a previous open letter to you — along with fellow Conservative MP Sir Peter Bottomley — I asked if you were aware the UAF had appointed as their Vice-Chair a Mr Azad Ali, a known al-Qaeda sympathiser and anti-Semite. You clearly felt this to be a matter of such little importance it did not warrant a reply.

No matter. I’m sure you have far more pressing matters of national importance to deal with than the trifling issue of Islamic supremacism, but could I ask that you watch the two videos embedded here? Having done so, perhaps you could answer the following questions:

* Do you think it is morally and politically acceptable for a British Prime Minister to publicly endorse the UAF, which as evidenced in the videos is both anti-democratic and violent?
* Whilst your views on the EDL are well known (you have called them “sick”) are you not horrified to see bricks, bottles and stones being thrown at a group of outnumbered people – including women – gathered together to exercise their democratic rights?
* You will notice the police are visibly shaken by the violence effectively carried out in your name. Were they under government orders to allow the situation to develop to the extent it became uncontrollable and therefore had to be closed down in the interests of public safety?
* You will also notice that not one of the people throwing potentially deadly projectiles was arrested. Why was this?
* Who gave the order that violent Muslims and Communists should be treated with kid-gloves?
* Were police commanders acting on their own initiative, or were they following government policy?
* Although the EDL refused to become involved in the violence initiated by the UAF, many were arrested on false grounds. Was this done in order that Freedom of Assembly becomes such a tortuous ordeal many people will simply give up?
* Do you consider the arrest policy to be within the law?
* If not, do you really think the police can behave unlawfully simply because they assume the working class men and women arrested are unlikely to have access to expensive barristers?
* Again, I imagine this is being carried in accordance with government policy. I must seek your assurance therefore that this is not the case and that you fully support the EDL’s democratic right to Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Speech?
* Are you really not aware that the UAF is a Communist organisation?
* Have you really accepted the left-wing propaganda which paints the EDL as a violent and racist movement?
* Has it not occurred to you that despite being rough around the edges the EDL exists only to stand up to the ever growing demands radical Islam places on our liberal democracy?
* Can you please explain why violent left-wingers and radical Muslims can behave as they did on Saturday and remain free, whilst peaceful EDL members were arrested and not allowed to exercise their democratic rights?
* Does this not suggest something is very rotten in Cameron’s Britain?
* Is it not a sign of a genuine Police State that such a blatant disregard for democracy and law not only took place, but that the government and media subsequently remained silent?
* Is this really your vision of a democratic country, or are you just intent on enjoying your time in office, which means cracking down on the group which is easier to crush, no matter that the EDL stand for pro-democracy, pro-British, pro-conservative values whilst their opponents most emphatically do not?

You must forgive my asking these questions, Prime Minister, but I value the democratic freedoms long associated with Great Britain — which I am ashamed to say now seem threatened under your leadership. These freedoms were bequeathed to us via the blood and sacrifice of our immediate ancestors. They are not something you can just casually cast aside.

What happened on Saturday in Walthamstow should never have happened in a country with a valid claim to democracy. It is essential, given the seriousness of the situation, that you find the time to answer the questions posed in this letter.

On a final note, I do hope you will consider dropping your official endorsement of the UAF. Surely you must realise that a British Prime Minister should distance himself from such a violent, anti-Semitic, anti-British and anti-democratic movement which the UAF so obviously is?

So, Prime Minister, what say you?


Paul Weston
Chairman, British Freedom Party