The Naked Truth

Shall we pretend that when the Sunday Times Arts Section blasts us with a review of dancers inserting dildos in their anuses, their reviewer is simply commenting on what is out there in the zeitgeist? Alistair Macaulay cites this along with several other examples of choreographed anal sex as examples of “exposed flesh in dance…opening up new areas of thought and feeling.” They are included in a critique entitled “Nakedness in Dance, Taken to Extremes” that was the lead article with accompanying photographs in the Aug 19th Sunday Times. Another dance cited had the male dancer bend over from the waist exposing the inner portion of his backside and a rear view of his genitals to the captive audience. As if to prove that this attempt to epater le bourgeois and to simultaneously under-react to the politics of gay choreography is just one of many phenomena in the dance world, Macaulay ends with a discussion of the cataclysmic effect of removing ballerina’s tights from classical ballet: “the look of the bare leg drastically changes the entire aesthetics of the form. Muscular details of thigh, knee, calf become suddenly distracting.” Hmmm – that bare ballerina leg becomes a game changer while the graphic depiction of uncommon sexual acts doesn’t raise the critic’s temperature: “Even for those of us who have now seen a great many naked bodies onstage, the bent-over rear view of Mr. Weinert in “Gobbledygook” was something new. It was not, however, a problem. Though I didn’t much admire the work as a whole, that use of nakedness made Mr. Weinert memorably vulnerable.”

Dear friends,
A video translated from Arabic by MEMRI [we blogged about it yesterday] shows a July 2012 interview with Ahlam Tamimi, the woman who murdered our daughter and many other people’s children.
In it, she speaks clearly, deliberately, openly, in front of the camera and to the obvious delight of the interviewer who cannot restrain his smiles and pleasure.
No one who sees this can possibly be in any doubt about this woman’s feelings about terrorism: she believes Hamas-style terrorism should grow bigger, should become more murderous.
She regrets she did not kill more children. She says it.
She says a large portion of the people living here in this city, Jerusalem, where my family and I live, agree with her. I don’t know if she is right. But I am horrified that she believes she is, and that – as far as I know – no one
on the Arab side is disputing it.


Today’s New York Times print edition, front page, lead story headline:


How about this, circa 1997, for a headline?



But still I wonder, particularly in the churning wake of efforts to deep-six the candidacy of muddled Mr. Akin: Do the names Juannita Broddrick, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, etc., ring any bells anywhere? They weren’t hurt by “remarks” but by Bill Clinton himself. Then again, how about trading secret missile technology to China for illegal campaign contributions?


Missed that, too.

Nope, it’s all good with Democrats, Republicans too. Democrats have even selected Bill Clinton to nominate Barack Obama formally as part of Clinton’s center-stage “marquee role” at the upcoming Democratic National Convention. Republicans won’t be saying a word against this public disgrace, either (but that Akin guy…).

Better put some ice on that, too.

Dems Draw in Muslims With ‘Jumah At The DNC’ : BREEANA HOWE

Starting at the end of this month the Democratic National Convention will open with a focus on Islam; 20,000 Muslims are expected to attend, according to the Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs, the national Muslim American non-profit coordinating the two days of events they claim are non-political.

”Jumah at the DNC” begins August 29 and will start with a Friday afternoon jummah prayer followed by other unnamed programs and events, leading up to the Islamic Regal Banquet. The following day will be an all day Islamic Cultural and Fun Fest which will include discussions on the topics of Islamaphobia, Anti-Shariah, Middle Eastern Crisis, Patriot Act, National Defense Authorization Act and more.

The purpose, according to BIMA, is to attract national and international attention to the plight of American Muslims and to hold political parties accountable for issues that affect them.

DAVID GOLDMAN: GERMAN CIRCUMCISION FOES WILL FIGHT ALL THE WAY TO THE SUPREME COURT If Germany’s political leadership brings legislation to protect the right of Jews and Muslim to circumcise boys, opponents of the rite will fight all the way to the country’s Constitutional Court, the equivalent of America’s Supreme Court, Thomas Pany reports in the German news site Telepolis reports. Opponents of circumcision instigated a legal precedent […]

TABITHA KOROL: THE LOURDES MYOPIC (on Jewish Indy) The Lourdes myopic By Tabitha Korol   If National Public Radio (NPR) were a garment manufacturer, US consumers en masse would be clamoring to return their merchandise for refund, citing shoddy workmanship and poor quality. Not so with this media, and certainly not when the news concerns Israel. NPR’s product, Lourdes […]


Calling for the murder of Jews falls under freedom of speech. Unlike bacon which is a hate crime. The NYPD is busy investigating bombs in synagogues, not bacon, because there really is a disturbing trend of anti-Semitic hate crimes. There aren’t actually any bias crimes against Muslims to be found.

The NYPD is taking a break from investigating multiple shootings in four of New York City’s boroughs, including the attempted murder of an NYPD Sergeant, to head down to the city’s much overlooked fifth borough, Staten Island, to investigate a case of littering.

Muslims arriving at the New Dorp football field, a few blocks away from the New Dorp High School, discovered some bacon lying on the ground. The field is usually home to the New Dorp Central Cougars and the Staten Island Tech Seagulls, but that day instead of boys and girls running around joyfully in the sun, robed men had come to attend a Ramadan event. The media and police were quickly summoned and now the NYPD is investigating the bacon as a hate crime.

The Ramadan event had been organized by a local chapter of the Muslim American Society. The Muslim American Society is a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, and some of its chapters have called for the murder of Jews. Calling for the murder of Jews however falls under freedom of speech. Unlike bacon which is a hate crime.

Staten Island had 226 robberies, 342 felonious assaults, 380 burglaries and 1,129 misdemeanor assaults last year. The figures are probably even worse this year and the NYPD has better things to do than train bacon-sniffing dogs to track down litterers. But the case of the lost bacon is not New York’s most absurd Islamophobia witch-hunt to date.

Last year Osman Daramy, an 11-year-old boy, was charged with a hate crime for trying to pull off a girl’s hijab in school. Osman had a long history of violent misbehavior but no real disciplinary action was taken against him until he went too far and pulled off a hijab. Newspapers, which generally avoid printing photos of children being arrested unless they murdered someone, gleefully ran pictures of him being led away in handcuffs and leg irons.


The death of the Village Voice has drawn out a coterie of mourners bowing their heads over the venerable radical rag, but their orations at its funeral are completely wasted. The death of the Voice is not due to mismanagement, the right wing or its complicity in human trafficking. After all, its former competitor, the New York Press, which forced it to go free instead of charging a buck fifty, died fairly recently. The end of the Village Voice has to be seen in the context of the death of alternative media.
The passing of the Village Voice, its thick greasy pages smudged with desperate cries for attention in between glossy cigarette ads and phone sex ads, also coincides with the passing of the bohemian nature of the East Village, now little more than tall glowering condos and coffee shops. To those residents who showed up there in the 70’s and 80’s bearing art school portfolios and a burning desire to be part of the “Scene”, it’s one more triumph of the capitalist running dogs over the “People”.

But the real reason that the Village Voice is dead is because the alternative media is dead and the alternative media is dead because there is nothing for it to be an alternative to. New Yorkers can just as easily read shrill rants about the NYPD in the Daily News, pretentious movie reviews for artsy films at The Onion and leftist denunciations of the War on Terror in the New York Times.

BETSY McCAUGHEY: THE DEMS MEDICARE LIE….WHY GRANNY SHOULD BE AFRAID Dems’ Medicare lie—Why granny should be afraid Betsy McCaughey, President Obama is criss-crossing the country, warning that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would “end Medicare as we know it.” Attention, New York’s 3 million seniors: Don’t be fooled. It’s the Obama health law that destroyed Medicare, though the impact will not be felt […]

PC Kills American troops: More than 100 unarmed already murdered by Muslim ‘friends’

As I said in a previous column, one could be forgiven for believing that political correctness is only one step removed from insanity. Unfortunately, as the latest report from Afghanistan reveals, it can also be deadly.

Last week, in a move the Obama administration would undoubtedly like their useful idiot buddies in the media to ignore as much as possible, a long-standing order was reversed: U.S. troops are now required to carry loaded weapons at all times while on base.

In other words, prior to this new directive, troops were required to remove the magazines from their weapons while quartered at bases with Afghans they were training to become policemen and soldiers. Policemen and soldiers who will allegedly pick up the slack and defend their country after U.S. forces withdraw in 2014–as they are currently scheduled to do.

Why the change? Apparently it took more than 100 deaths for a military brass neck-deep in the PC swamp to figure out that the presence of armed Afghan trainees in the presence of unarmed American trainers gave our so-called “trusted Afghan partners” a decided tactical advantage. One they deployed with Islamist gusto on several occasions. In 2012 alone, 32 attacks resulting in 40 deaths have occurred–topping the 21 attacks that took place last year.

That means the 21 attacks a year ago was apparently deemed insufficient to abandon this particular plank of our so-called counter-insurgency strategy, more familiarly known as the attempt to “win the hearts and minds” of the Afghan people. “If the people are against us, we cannot be successful. If the people view us as occupiers and the enemy, we can’t be successful and our casualties will go up dramatically,” Gen. Stanley McChrystal told CBS’s “60 Minutes” back in 2009.