This lazy August morning while many Americans are on vacation blissfully detached from current events, one of President’s Obama’s most radical transformations of the American landscape takes hold. A lawless, unlegislated illegal alien amnesty becomes reality today as the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) begins to officially accept applications (no personal interview required) from almost 2 million illegal aliens seeking “deferred action.”

Americans won’t like the amnesty and they won’t like how it was done, but they’re not to blame. Only Congress has the power to act against a president who throws the constitutional system into chaos by nullifying the laws Congress has enacted and governs by imperial edicts. Congress is out of town now, but frankly, even when they were in town they were out of touch and unwilling to challenge President Obama’s usurpation of their exclusive plenary authority over immigration policy.

Today’s amnesty is the dénouement of the backdoor tactics this president has been peddling since taking office and should have been no surprise to Congress.

Congress needs to wake up, show up, stand up and remind itself that they rejected the DREAM Act as recently as December 2010.

HERBERT LONDON: FROM SOCIAL SECURITY TO FEDERAL BENEFIT In the parlance of Orwellian newspeak words often mean the opposite of their seeming intent. The Internal Revenue Service is anything but a service. Now we have yet another government inspired contradiction. Social Security has been transformed into the “Federal Benefits Payment.” One might well ask how an insurance arrangement in which the recipient […]



Those who doubt the Islamic sympathies of Barack Obama should pay attention to the meal breaking the fast of Ramadan that he hosted at the White House last Friday night.
Were invited all the ambassadors of member countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference in Washington, without exception, the two Muslim congressmen, Andre Carson (I do not know his Muslim name, taken from his conversion) and Keith Ellison, all Muslim members of the Obama administration (and there are some numbers, starting with Dalia Mogahed, “head of religious dialogue with Obama, a fervent supporter of sharia, crafter of rapprochement between the U.S. State Department and the Muslim Brotherhood, and Huma Abeidin, first assistant of the same Hillary Clinton State Department, former Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs, the organization itself linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and co-led by Omar Abdullah and she Nasseef, former President of the Muslim World League, Rabita Trust’s founder, dissolved after it was discovered by U.S. law that funded jihadist terrorism).


Three Israeli universities among world’s 100 best universities
Hebrew University, Technion and Weizmann Institute all make it into the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities’ Top 100
Israeli institutions fair even better in scientific study, with four institutions considered among the best places in the world for higher education.

Three of Israel’s seven universities have made it into the Academic Ranking of World Universities list of the world’s top 100 academic institutions.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem came in at 53rd place, with the Technion — Israel Institute of Technology listed in the 78th slot and the Weizmann Institute of Science in 93rd place.

The ranking, commonly known as the Shanghai ranking, was the first world university ranking to be published, and has been compiled since 2003 and updated annually.

Israel performs even better when it comes to scientific studies, with four institutions among the leading 100 institutions. The Hebrew University is ranked 38th, the Technion 39th, Tel Aviv University 51st and the Weizmann Institute comes in 75th place. The Hebrew University is also considered the 16th best institution globally to study mathematics.

Over 50 voters registered in one California household
Veteran activist John Mancino, who once campaigned for Robert F. Kennedy, decried voter fraud aided and abetted by the Democratic Party.

Pennsylvania Commonwealth Judge Robert Simpson ruled on August 15 that a law requiring voters to present identification at the polls could be implemented on Election Day. This came despite objections from some sectors that had argued that the law had not met the burden of proof that it did not violate the state constitution. Judge Simpson said that voters who currently have not identification still have time to obtain it. The state is providing identification free of charge to those who need it.

Those objecting to the law, which was passed by the Pennsylvania legislature, claimed that it was an attempt by Republicans to derail President Obama’s chances of carrying the Keystone State this fall. They claimed that possibly thousands of citizens could effectively be disenfranchised because of the voter I.D. law.

Judge Simpson’s finding said, “Petitioners did not establish . . . that disenfranchisement was immediate or inevitable,” adding, “I was convinced that Act 18 will be implemented by Commonwealth agencies in a nonpartisan, evenhanded manner.” The 70-page opinion written by the veteran judge makes it likely that Pennsylvanians will be required to show specific forms of photo ID. Other states already require photo identification at the polls. Michigan, for example, requires I.D. but also allows voters to sign an affidavit in lieu of identification. The Pennsylvania decision will be appealed to the state’s supreme court. Since one of the high court’s members is currently suspended, there are now six members on the bench. A tie vote would uphold Judge Simpson’s finding. The bench is currently divided equally between Democrats and Republicans.


This document contains Walid’s extensive translations and analysis of original Arabic sources. He explains how the Abedin’s IMMA (Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs) has links beyond the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda directly to the Wahhabist House of Saud. Walid shows how the IMMA/Wahhabists have seized control of our government. It should be NO surprise that Obama bowed to Saudi King Abdullah. Thanks Janet L…..

I thought I had it all fgured out [here], that Huma Abedin and her family, for years, were

only working for Muslim Brotherhood interests. After all, I spent a week re-sifting through
scores of Arabic sources, which confrmed that Huma’s mother Saleha was not simply a
member, but a leader in Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood’s Sisterhood branch. The Abedins
were for decades affliated with an al-Qaeda fnancier named Abdullah Omar Naseef,
who had appointed the Abedins to start the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA),
not that working with this man was not problematic enough, but still, who was behind
Naseef and what were the goals of this IMMA establishment?
Other issues just weren’t adding up; these fsh were looking larger by the day –
much larger than I had previously thought. I watched politicians who sided with Huma,
none of whom spent a nickel trying to refute McCarthy’s court-style presentation [here];
they responded with familiar one-line rebuttals that lacked the acknowledgment of facts.
There is also something terribly wrong when fve members of congress are being muzzled
as ordained by the highest powers in both that establishment and in the State
Department. Newt Gingrich and a few other patriots had the common sense to fnally
come out of the closet, but not without ridicule.
Was Huma a big fsh to have the might of some American politicians come to her
defense or is there some other player in the mix that the American people are not aware
of ? Even President Barack Obama felt it necessary to pay tribute and voice strong
support for Huma Abedin during a Muslim Iftar dinner on August 10th, saying that the
top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been “nothing less than extraordinary
in representing our country and the democratic values that we hold dear.”
Just who are all of these elite and powerful bowing to? The only powerful man
that a United States president would bow to was when Obama bowed to the King of
Saudi Arabia treating him as if he was the King of Kings. Could it be possible that this
far-away place holds the power to make the kings of the earth bow?



Rank: 6th

Health Grade: 85.97%

Total Health Score: 91.97%

Health Risk Penalty: 6.00%

Defense budget cuts? Yes, But Let’s Be Realistic Jed Babbin The Audit the Pentagon bill introduced last week by Sens. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., described in last Thursday’s Examiner editorial, is rightly aimed at reforming Pentagon budget processes so that the Defense Department can be held to the standards of fiscal accountability that are required of all other executive branch agencies. […]

Media would rather get Arpaio than vet Obama
When Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio and the lead investigator of his Cold Case Posse, Michael Zullo, presented evidence they say proves that President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate is a forgery, they were attacked by reporters who appeared to be more interested in the investigators than the results of their investigation. One thing that was not discussed was their evidence, which ranges from digital forensics to old-school detective work.

The investigation’s technical analysis relied on the work of Mara Zebest, an author and tech editor, who was enlisted by the Cold Case Posse to look at the documents. She concluded in a report that: “Obama’s PDF file can no longer be referred to as a ‘document,’ since that term implies it existed and started in paper form. Obama’s PDF must be referred to as a ‘digital file’ because that is all it has ever been. …”

Ms. Zebest says Obama’s long-form birth certificate is not even a good forgery. “Poor is an understatement. It’s horrific,” she said. “When it was released, I still expected a file that would be difficult to determine as fraudulent, but when I opened it up, within seconds it was clear it was an obvious fake.” In order to make sure she wasn’t seeing things, she says she called a friend who was also familiar with computer programming. He downloaded it from the White House website and had the same reaction. “Oh my God, somebody has been very sloppy here,” he said, according to Zebest.

For Ms. Zebest, the foremost sign that the document has been tampered with is the existence of layers. “Layers are a very damning part of why this is a forgery,” she said. Layers appear when a document is opened in a graphics program, like Adobe Illustrator. These layers contain elements from the document, but not the whole document. One layer may contain the background color. Another layer may contain only black text. The information that appears on each layer depends on how the document was originally created.

For those more familiar with a non-digital era, think of layers as transparencies used with a slide projector. Multiple transparencies may make up a single image. In this case, the transparencies are stacked one on top of the other to create a composite of Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate.

Ms. Zebest says there should be no layers in Mr. Obama’s birth certificate. “If you take a birth certificate and scan it into a computer, you’re going to end up with a flat document. You’re not going to have anything with layers. The fact that it has multiple layers in itself means manipulation,” she said.

Obama’s long-form birth certificate contains nine layers. Those who defend the document’s legitimacy say automated computer software could have created the layers. They have suggested two types of processes specifically: Optical Character Recognition, or OCR, and optimization.

The argument for Optical Character Recognition is easily debunked, Ms. Zebest says. OCR scans a document for text and converts it so that it can be selected, edited, copied or pasted. Put another way, OCR software takes text that the computer only recognizes as an image and processes it so that the computer understands it to be text. According to Ms. Zebest, the trouble with the theory that Mr. Obama’s document went through the OCR process is that the words are still “treated as an image in the picture. If OCR were applied, you’d be able to search for a word and it would be recognized within the document, but that doesn’t happen.”

The second argument against forgery put forward by those who dismiss claims the document was manipulated is optimization. The purpose of optimization is to reduce a document’s file size. This makes the file easier to use. Think faster downloads on the web. The way optimization compresses a file is by segmenting the document into separate layers in order to compress it more thoroughly.

Garrett Papit, a computer professional who works for a Fortune 500 company and holds a degree in Computer Information Systems from DeVry University and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management, looked at the optimization argument. He approached Mr. Arpaio’s team with his findings. What he found was that optimization doesn’t explain the pattern of layers found in Mr. Obama’s long-form birth certificate.

An automated process of optimization will always create only one single transparent text layer, Papit says. That text layer is always 1-bit monochrome. But Obama’s birth certificate has many 1-bit layers. “It violates the basic characteristics of an optimized file,” Papit said. “What I found through months of testing is that in every case there’s only one single 1-bit layer. I’m 100 percent sure the file had to be manipulated in some way other than optimization.”


Well, when you’ve got totalitarian ambitions, and you’ve already started locking up dissenting journalists, what’s the next logical step? If you’re the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi, newly minted president of Egypt, it is obvious: start banning books.

Morsi’s government has reportedly banned importation of A History of the Modern Middle East, a well-known textbook by William L. Cleveland (who died in 2006) and Martin P. Bunton. The Egyptian daily, Al-Ahram, says no reason was given for the ban. The reason, however, is patent to anyone familiar with the Muslim Brotherhood.

One of the highest Brotherhood priorities is the “Islamization of knowledge.” That, as I’ve noted elsewhere, is the explicit purpose of the International Institute of Islamic Thought, a think-tank in Virginia that the Brotherhood founded in the early 1980s. IIIT’s mission is to forge “a new synthesis of all knowledge in an Islamic epistemological framework” — to borrow the fitting description found in an important 2009 study, “The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” written by Steven Merley for the Hudson Institute’s Center on Islam, Democracy, and the Future of the Muslim World.