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The 12-Step Guide for the Recovering Obama Voter by Craig S. Karpel (Aug 7, 2012)

Hispanics gain prominent slots at GOP convention
Two days after the Republican Nation…

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Greendoggle: Nevada spends $1.3b for 288 jobs
Solar subsidies are actually worse t…
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30 million to remain uninsured under Obamacare
A new Congressional Budget Office re…
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Saudi vows to intercept aircraft en route to Iran
Ynet News
Thursday, August 9, 2012

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Saudi Arabia has informed Israel that it would intercept any Air Force aircraft crossing its airspace en route to Iran. Read more.

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Rep. Allen West (R-FL)Steve King (IA), Dan Lungren (CA), Mike Fitzpatrick (PA), Joe Walsh(IL), Frank Guinta (NH), Sean Duffy (WI), and Chip Cravaack (MN)

A well-funded leftist group is targeting 10 Tea Party-backed congressmen because they believe in the Constitution, limited government, and fiscal responsibility and oppose President Obama’s socialist juggernaut.

But Becky Bond, president of Credo Super PAC, puts it another way.

“They are anti-woman. They are anti-science. They are hypocritical, bigoted, and have said and done things that are downright crazy,” says Bond, a Saul Alinsky-inspired community organizer.

What exactly have these Republican lawmakers done to stir up this kind of hatred among leftists? Answer: they’ve acted like conservatives.

Rep. Allen West (R-FL) is being targeted because he’s unapologetically pro-Israel and pro-life, positions that got him labeled “racist” and “sexist” by Bond’s group. Because West backed Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) very modest budget-balancing proposal Credo has falsely accused him of voting “to abolish Medicare.”

An Iraq war veteran, West calls Islam “a totalitarian theocratic political ideology.”

Pretty crazy, huh?

Credo is especially afraid of West because he’s “a national rising star in the Tea Party,” who “is going to start to define” what the Republican Party stands for.

“And he’s a freshman,” Bond said June 18 at the Campaign for America’s Future’s Take Back the American Dream conference in Washington, D.C. “If we don’t take him down now, he’s raising millions of dollars, and he’s going to set what the new normal is for the Republican Party.”

Credo Super PAC was created by Credo Mobile, the wireless reseller that donates part of its profits to left-wing groups such as the George Soros-funded Media Matters for America, ACORN-affiliated Project Vote, Color of Change, and the Sierra Club Foundation.

Credo Mobile president Michael Kieschnick, a member of George Soros’s Democracy Alliance, boasts that his company’s activist network has given upwards of $70 million to left-wing groups since 1985. Credo Super PAC has raked in nearly $2 million so far, according to the Federal Election Commission database. Patricia Richardson of TV’s “Home Improvement” and movie actress Stockard Channing have given the PAC $1,000 and $750, respectively.


This week, Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner’s Magnet Releasing revealed that they had purchased the rights to Occupy Unmasked, a Citizens United production, also produced by Andrew Breitbart, and created by Stephen K. Bannon. About a month ago, I had the opportunity to pre-screen the film along with the attendees of the Right Online conference.

Full disclosure: I’m editor-at-large of Breitbart News; I was a close friend of Andrew’s; I’m a Shillman Journalism Fellow with the Freedom Center. Leaving all that aside, Occupy Unmasked is a thought-provoking and powerful piece of work that will make you worry for your country.

The film itself explores the deep, dark crevices of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Where did it come from? What are its ideological and philosophical roots? And what was the goal of the movement?

Occupy Unmasked uncovers the answers through exclusive footage of the Occupy movement – footage that will leave your skin crawling and your stomach writhing. This was not a peaceful, hippie movement of the 1960s, with thousands of grassroots turning out for drug-induced love-ins. This was a top-down, insidiously planned movement with a set of very real goals: chaos, political pressure, undermining the existing constitutional order. Occupy was dangerous, and it was purposefully designed to be dangerous.

Through all of this, Andrew Breitbart acts as guide. Andrew was a larger-than-life figure – a passionate advocate for what he believed, and a deep believer in the great hope that is America. And you can see the fire in his eyes when he describes the shameful dreams and tactics of Occupy. The rapes, the assaults, the property damage; the smear campaigns; the media complicity. It’s all there.

When we get to the ideological roots of the movement, David Horowitz takes the fore. As a former leftist radical, Horowitz understands the motives of the thwarted ‘60s radicals standing behind the Occupy movement. He understands the underpinnings of an astroturfed operation, and he details how Occupy stole the Marxist philosophy of the 1930s radicals, combined them with the sit-in politics of the 1960s radicals, and then added a patina of legitimacy provided by a compliant mainstream media. There is a history to Occupy. It did not spring from the mind of Zeus, full-blown. It sprang from a hundred-year history of class and race discontent; it was fruit of the poisonous tree. Horowitz explains all that, and he also explains how so many Americans were duped into believing that Occupy was simply an innocent movement frustrated with the workings of the political machinery.

The film isn’t just commentary. It features undercover work by video journalists including Brandon Darby, Lee Stranahan, Pam Keys, and Mandy Nagy. It allows viewers to enter deep into the heart of a movement that wasn’t a joke, no matter how much it may seem so in retrospect.

And today, that is the true danger of Occupy: that we will take it too lightly, pretend that it meant nothing. In truth, it meant everything to the left. That’s why the Obama administration defended it. This week, Judicial Watch announced that it had obtained access to Obama administration Department of Homeland Security documents showing that the General Services Administration told law enforcement to “stand down” and allow Occupy Portland protesters to violate the law. As Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch said, “These documents clearly show that federal agencies colluded with the Obama White House to allow the Occupy Wall Street protestors to violate the law with impunity. These documents tell us that the GSA and DHS can’t be relied upon to protect federal workers or property.”

Occupy may not be the first radical movement to seize the imaginations of millions of Americans. And it won’t be the last. But it may have been the first fully produced mass movement in American history – a movement created in back rooms, to specific ends. Occupy Unmasked documents the evolution of the Occupy movement in all its horrific detail.

And you can guarantee that we haven’t seen the last of Occupy. Not yet.

CONRAD BLACK: ISRAEL CONFRONTS IRAN The recent visits of Republican presidential candidate W. M. Romney (I am still having a problem calling a possible president Mitt; Millard Fillmore almost creates a precedent for Willard M. Romney) and defense secretary Leon Panetta to the Middle East have raised to a height of attention the perennial problem of a nuclear Iran. […]


Extra! Extra! Romney’s Backbone Discovered!

ROMNEY’S COMMENT:Mitt Romney declined to speak out against Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and four other House Republicans on Friday for seeking to investigate whether Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.Following a campaign event in Reno, Nev., a reporter asked the presumptive Republican presidential nominee for his reaction to both Bachmann’s allegations against Abedin and a controversy surrounding Chick-Fil-A and gay marriage.“I’m not going to tell other people what things to talk about,” Romney responded. “Those are not things that are part of my campaign.”
Now this is news: an intact spinal column believed to be the property of Willard Mitt Romney has been discovered by anthropologists! As I write, the former governor of Massachusetts and U.S. presidential hopeful is being examined by surgeons and the American electorate to determine whether the missing anatomical structure can be successfully reinserted.

A critical test comes later today when the Muslim Public Affairs Council holds an inquisition, er, “press briefing” to demand that Romney denounce Rep. Michele Bachmann for telling the truth about members of the Muslim Brotherhood exerting influence at the highest ranks of the U.S. government.

Exhibit A in Rep. Bachmann’s brief is Huma Abedin, chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a woman with deep and extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood — ties, by the way, that include not only her immediate family (father, brother, mother) but Ms. Abedin herself, who from 1996 to 2008 worked as a editor at the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. The journal was founded in the 1970s by Abdullah Omar Naseef, head of the Muslim World League, which (as Andy McCarthy explained) is a “Saudi-financed global propagation enterprise by which the Muslim Brotherhood’s virulently anti-Western brand of Islamist ideology is seeded throughout the world, very much including in the United States.”



The Levy Report: A Welcome Advance By Avi Bell and The Levy Report: A Note of Caution By JHH Weiler and Yaffa Zilbershats

BELL: In mid-July, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was presented with the report of the Commission to Examine the Status of Building in Judea and Samaria, headed by former Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy. The report has drawn a flurry of overwrought criticism due to its inclusion of a section concerning the lawfulness of Israeli settlement activity.

In contrast with the misinformed and sometimes outright disingenuous criticism, the report’s discussion of the lawfulness of settlements is surprisingly modest in substance. The report does little more than endorse the traditional official Israeli position that the Fourth Geneva Convention does not apply de jure to the West Bank, and in any event does not bar Israeli settlements. While the report’s analysis is far from comprehensive, it is more detailed and more persuasive than that usually offered by anti-settlement activists.

The Levy report adduces one of two fairly compelling reasons for concluding that the laws of belligerent occupation do not apply de jure to Israel’s presence in the West Bank. One of the sine quibus non of belligerent occupation, as reaffirmed recently in an expert conference organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross, is that the occupation take place on foreign territory. While recent years have seen some debate on the meaning of foreign territory, considerable state practice supports the traditional view that captured territory is “foreign” only when another state has sovereignty. The Levy commission is on solid ground in observing that neither Jordan nor any other foreign state had territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in 1967 and that the territory cannot therefore be “foreign” for purposes of the law of belligerent occupation. Indeed, had the Levy commission chosen to so argue, it could have argued cogently that Israel itself was already the lawful sovereign over the West Bank in 1967.

Unmentioned by the report, Israel’s peace agreement with Jordan constitutes a second reason for questioning the de jure application of the laws of belligerent occupation to the West Bank. As Yoram Dinstein wrote some time ago, the rules of belligerent occupation cannot be applied to Israel’s presence in the West Bank “in light of the combined effect of . . . the Jordanian-Israeli Treaty of Peace of 1994 and the series of agreements with the Palestinians. There is simply no room for belligerent occupation in the absence of belligerence, namely, war.” While Dinstein qualified his observation by holding several idiosyncratic views regarding the definition of occupation and the status of the Palestinians, as well as by joining a small group of legal scholars who believe in a “post-belligerent occupation” that shares many of the rules of belligerent occupation, the majority position is still clearly that the rules of belligerent occupation do not apply to an agreed-upon peacetime presence.

On settlements, the Levy report likewise adduces several strong arguments to the effect that even if the laws of belligerent occupation applied to Israel’s presence in the West Bank, the Fourth Geneva Convention poses no bar to the kinds of actions that are subsumed under the term “settlement activities.”

The Fourth Geneva Convention forbids “transfers” and “deportations” by the occupying state of parts of its population into occupied territory, but not “settlements.” Officials of the state of Israel have provided services to settlers and sometimes encouraged them, but the state of Israel has not transferred any Israeli to the West Bank against his or her will. In fact, as even anti-settlement activists like Talia Sasson acknowledge, “there was never a considered, ordered decision by the state of Israel, by any Israeli government” on settlements. While some governments of Israel have favored the physical expansion of settlements or the increase of their population, settlement growth has been driven by the preferences of private citizens not by official Israeli population transfers. There is no precedent for any other state being adjudged to have violated the Fourth Geneva Convention simply on the basis of permitting or facilitating private preferences in the way Israel has done. Indeed, this is the reason that the Arab states sought to redefine the bar on “transfers” in international law by including a crime of “indirect” transfers in the Rome Statute creating the International Criminal Court. However, Israel is not a party to the Rome Statute and it is therefore not bound by the alternative, more restrictive standard.

The Levy commission notes that even if facilitating private Jewish residential preferences in th


America’s grass-roots voter rebellion continued on Tuesday, most notably in Kansas, where at least nine incumbent Republicans in the state Senate lost their primary re-election bids to conservative challengers.

One big winner is Governor Sam Brownback, who campaigned in 2010 promising a tax cut to make the slow-growth Kansas economy more competitive. But his plan to reduce tax rates and close loopholes ran into trouble in the Senate, which has been controlled by GOP moderates led by President Steve Morris. The Governor managed to pass his tax cut, but Mr. Morris and his coalition refused to cut loopholes, which was part of a strategy of deliberately increasing a budget deficit in order to undermine public support for the rate cuts.

Mr. Brownback now has a conservative majority and a voter mandate to finish the job of simplifying the Kansas tax code and maybe phasing out the income tax. Conservatives for the first time in decades next year will have a governing majority with at least 26 of the 40 Senate seats. “This is all about making Kansas a more competitive place to do business,” he says. Voters agreed.

The spin in the national media is that this Kansas earthquake was bought by Charles Koch, the CEO of Koch Industries in Wichita. Mr. Koch and groups like the Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Koch-supported Americans for Prosperity certainly spent large sums to defeat the incumbents.

But the liberal Republicans spent roughly as much by forging alliances with labor unions, government contractors such as road construction companies, and such interest groups as the Realtors that wanted to preserve their tax breaks. Unions even formed a Super PAC to help the Republican incumbents.


Equatorial Guinea brutalizes its people like North Korea and Syria. So why is a prominent U.S. foundation cozying up to its dictator?

In the campaign for human rights and justice in apartheid South Africa, black American civil rights leaders were instrumental. One was Leon H. Sullivan, who enunciated the “Sullivan Principles” guiding multinational firms toward treating blacks fairly while doing business in South Africa. Why, then, is the Leon H. Sullivan Foundation today celebrating the exploits of a brutal African tyrant?

On Aug. 20, a plane-load of lobbyists, civil rights leaders, entertainers and former government officials will land in the West African nation of Equatorial Guinea for the Sullivan Summit IX. The summit’s stated objective is to “create an atmosphere of open dialogue about the state of human rights and the interconnected issues of modern Africa.” Seldom has so much dishonesty fit into one sentence.

Equatorial Guinea is home to Africa’s longest-ruling dictator, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, who seized power in a military coup by executing his uncle 33 years ago. Freedom House ranks the country among the “worst of the worst” human-rights abusers, along with North Korea, Syria and Somalia. Yet the Sullivan Foundation is celebrating its Obiang-hosted summit as a milestone for human rights, part of its “unwavering commitment to democratic ideals.”

According to the agenda posted online, summit attendees will lounge at a five-star resort for a week discussing human rights and economic development, all between black-tie dinners and champagne. They may toast to the petroleum-rich country’s staggering per capita income of $36,515 (according to the World Bank), but outside the resort the people of Equatorial Guinea will continue to toil in poverty. Sixty percent live on less than $1 a day, the majority don’t have access to clean water or electricity, and nearly one in eight children die before their fifth birthday.


The whispering over Mitt Romney’s choice of a running mate is getting louder, and along with it we are being treated to the sotto voce angst of the GOP establishment: Whatever else Mitt does, he wouldn’t dare pick Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, would he?

Too risky, goes the Beltway chorus. His selection would make Medicare and the House budget the issue, not the economy. The 42-year-old is too young, too wonky, too, you know, serious. Beneath it all you can hear the murmurs of the ultimate Washington insult—that Mr. Ryan is too dangerous because he thinks politics is about things that matter. That dude really believes in something, and we certainly can’t have that.

All of which highly recommend him for the job.

We have nothing against the other men Mr. Romney is said to be still closely considering. Tim Pawlenty twice won the governorship of Minnesota, the second time in the horrible GOP year of 2006. His working-class roots and middle American values would counter the stereotype of Mr. Romney as too rich and disconnected to average concerns. The media would say he’s another middle-aged white male, just like Mitt, but he’d certainly be a safe, mature choice.