The Spring of Islamic Fundamentalism by Georgy Gounev
Islam at the Olympics
“Rid the Streets of Evil”

by Shiraz Maher

ANDREW McCARTHY:“Islamic Democracy” Does Not Make Statesmen Out of Terrorists … Or Politics Out of Jihad The Obama administration will not explain how it came to issue a visa to Hani Nour Eldin, a known member of the Egyptian terrorist organization Ga’amat al-Islamia, the Islamic Group (IG). The explanation is not forthcoming because what it portends is even more sinister than this one infuriating incident. To call the IG a […]


Crime spree by non-deported illegal immigrants
The Washington Times
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday. Read more…

The Washington Times
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The Obama administration released illegal immigrants who went on to commit more crimes, including charges of 19 murders, 3 attempted murders and 142 sex crimes, the House Judiciary Committee said in a report Tuesday. Read more…
Morsi says letter to Peres for peace is fake
Israel National News
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi’s office has denied he sent a letter to President Shimon Peres indicating he wanted to work for peace in the Middle East. Read more…

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Reid spreads rumors about Romney taxes
Washington Free Beacon
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid alleged that Mitt Romney paid no taxes for more than a decade—and that his father, the long deceased George Romney, would be embarrassed by his own son. Read more…

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The full title of what most call Obamacare is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The irony is it neither protects patients nor is it affordable. In fact, PPACA is a misguided budget-buster that falls short of real health care reform, undermines state solvency and subverts individual liberty. For those reasons, Utah is in no rush to adopt any Medicaid expansion and will continue to pursue pragmatic, principle-based reforms, regardless of elections or Congress‘ partisan balance.

Of course, we care about better health and an improved system, but it’s breathtaking that in order to comply with the individual mandate for insurance, just covering Utahns presently eligible for Medicaid but not yet enrolled will cost the state $940 million the first decade and $1.88 billion the next decade. Then the Medicaid expansion tacks on an additional $240 million the first decade, and $480 million the next. In other words, even if Utah does nothing, Obamacare will completely unravel our state’s uniquely positive financial outlook.

Utah has defined a clear vision for health care: We will pioneer health care innovation and reform, harnessing the power of collective efforts and market principles as we become the healthiest people in the nation. Our efforts include solutions for low-income, uninsured and vulnerable populations.

But in contrast to federal solutions, the philosophical framework for Utah’s vision is personal responsibility. Reform must align incentives and empower people to make better choices — and reward them when they do. Most importantly, reform must reinforce basic principles of free markets — principles like flexibility and certainty. PPACA stifles both.

DAVID ‘SPENGLER’ GOLDMAN: HALF RIGHT ABOUT EQUITIES…SEE THE CHARTS Bill Gross is half right about equities By Spengler PIMCO managing director Bill Gross got the financial world’s undivided attention with his “stocks are dead” pronouncement July 31. There is some truth to the statement: expected returns are declining across all markets. But the market does not look at returns, but rather risk-adjusted returns. […]


The BBC isn’t sure whether Israel has a capital. White House Spokesperson Jay Carney refuses to name a capital. U.S. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney says the capital is Jerusalem. Most countries locate their embassies in Tel Aviv. Why so much fuss when international law is clear on the matter? A country’s capital is what the country says it is. In this case, Israeli law says Jerusalem is the capital; therefore, Jerusalem is the capital.

The BBC, in its website coverage of the London 2012 Olympics, has reconsidered its outright failure to list any city as a capital for Israel. The website features a profile of each state participating in the Olympics. Each state’s profile lists facts such as the state’s capital, population, land size, languages, and top medaled Olympic sports. Originally, the entire “capital” entry was missing from Israel’s page, and it was the only state (or non-state) allegedly without one.

After protest from the Israeli government and public outcry, the BBC has modified Israel’s page to state: “Seat of government: Jerusalem, though most foreign embassies are in Tel Aviv.” Israel continues to protest the “seat of government” designation.

On the other hand, the BBC initially listed “East Jerusalem” as the “capital of Palestine” on Palestine’s profile page. The modified version now states: “Intended seat of government: East Jerusalem. Ramallah serves as administrative capital.” A further clarification was added vis-à-vis Palestine’s lack of statehood: “Palestine is recognised as a competing country by the IOC [International Olympic Committee] but is not recognised as a modern state.” Palestine first competed in the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996.

GIULIO MEOTTI: CHRISTIANS WHO PROTECT ISRAEL Thousands of evangelical Christians descended on Washington for the annual Christians United for Israel conference. They showed enthusiastic support for the Jewish State, grounded in a deep attachment to the Bible. The horrific attacks of September 11 have reinforced their fatalistic sense of identification with the Israeli citizens. They are natural friends in a […]


The United States possesses the most powerful military on earth; by virtually any standard one can name, the U.S. armed forces rank at or near the top in capability, global presence, force projection, fighting power, technology and other measures. They are also combat-experienced after a decade of unrelenting operations. Despite the fact that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has closed the gap considerably in recent years, U.S. defense spending still dwarfs that of the PRC. Indeed, the annual U.S. defense budget is larger than the next ten nations combined; for fiscal year 2011, U.S. defense outlays totaled $739.3 billion USD, while the next ten nations spent slightly less than $500 billion USD. The next-largest military budget was that of China, which spent $89.8 billion dollars.

In addition to its structured military, the armed citizenry of the United States comprise one of the largest de facto militia forces on earth. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the architect of the Pearl Harbor attack, once observed (perhaps apocryphally) that it would be folly to invade the United States, “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.”

While Americans have just cause to be proud of their military and national security accomplishments, we should not become complacent. Sun Tzu, the ancient Chinese military theorist, once said, “So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.” Our adversaries, military and non-military alike, know that we are very strong militarily and thus prefer not to challenge us in this sphere of conflict. Instead, they will seek to attack us where we are weak, or where they are not expected. Therefore, in securing our nation, communities and homes, it is important that we should ask “Where are we weak?” It is also vital that we expect the unexpected, and at least attempt to see ourselves as our competitors and adversaries do. The following discussion concerns itself with one such weakness, a seam or loophole in our system of governance and national security.

BILL SIEGEL: HOW WHITE GUILT CRIPPLES ASSESSMENT OF OBAMA America was very proud of itself in November 2008 when it elected its first black (or at least half-black) president, Barack Obama. Liberal media outlets (excuse the redundancy) framed this event as one of our greatest national cathartic exercises of democracy. They worked directly with Obama and his media manipulators to elevate his presidency […]


Why Is the Pentagon Listening to Hamas-Linked CAIR? Our politically correct political establishment is surrendering to Islamic supremacists. Recently the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) asked the Defense Department to drop yet another counter-terror trainer: the Iranian ex-Muslim Reza Kahlili. Surprisingly enough in this hyper-politically correct age, when it seems as if the […]