Egypt’s economy appears to be running on fumes. Public health clinics are out of vaccine for infants, importers are running out of stockpiles of basic food items, and the government is $3 billion in the hole to oil suppliers in the midst of a paralyzing fuel shortage. And it doesn’t look like anyone is […]
His secretary of state and his ambassador both skipped Netanyahu’s speech.
At last week’s grand gathering of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, one of the Obama administration’s worst fumbles was largely unreported by the U.S. media. It came during Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Thursday speech to the assembly.
In the face of Iran’s advancing nuclear program and repeated threats to annihilate Israel, Netanyahu was presenting an urgent case for drawing a red line against Iran’s ability to make nuclear weapons. “The relevant question,” he said, “is not when Iran will get the bomb. The relevant question is at what stage can we no longer stop Iran from getting the bomb.”
The prime minister presented this essential declaration to a U.N. chamber dominated by member states whose governments are for the most part hostile to Israel. More than half of them belong to the Non-Aligned Movement, now chaired by Iran. Meanwhile, the most important diplomat to whom Netanyahu should be able to look for support, the U.S.’s ambassador to the U.N., was not there.
Amid the theater of U.N. summit speeches, where symbolism matters, Ambassador Susan Rice should have been right there in the chamber — not only to listen to America’s embattled ally, but to be witnessed by the world, and especially by other delegations to the U.N., heeding every word and applauding at the end. If Rice absolutely could not be present, Secretary of State Clinton, also in New York for meetings, should have been there.
Univision has done some outstanding investigative reporting on Operation Fast and Furious, the ill-conceived and disastrously executed gun-smuggling operation that was designed to identify the kingpins of a Mexican firearms-trafficking network but resulted in the transfer of approximately 2,000 high-powered weapons into the hands of dangerous thugs connected with the drug cartels. A recently issued report from the Justice Department’s inspector general criticizes the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona, and senior DOJ officials for their roles in this botched investigation. The report cites “a series of misguided strategies, tactics, errors in judgment, and management failures that permeated ATF Headquarters and the Phoenix Field Division, as well as the U.S. Attorney’s Office.”
President Obama remains in denial about Fast and Furious. When asked about it two weeks ago, he responded: “Well, first of all, I think it’s important to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program, begun under the previous administration. When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it.” This is wrong on two counts. First, Operation Fast and Furious began in the fall of 2009, under the current administration. Second, it ended on December 15, 2010, the day it was discovered that two Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene where U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered. That was two full months before Attorney General Eric Holder claims to have known about the operation.
Did you all catch this phrase in Obama tape?
“We don’t need to build more highways out in the suburbs. We should be investing in minority-owned business, in our neighborhoods”?
In his new book “Spreading the Wealth- How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities” Kurtz cogently argues, again with meticulous research and detail, that “regionalism” a redistributive agenda which would meld suburbs including their schools, utilities and essential services and taxes into cities, is already in place ready for implementation in a second Obama administration.
This is not a new idea and has its roots in the community organizers who trained our President with the argument that rich and essentially white people fled to the suburbs leaving the inner cities to struggle with blight, crime ,poverty, homelessness and poor and failing schools.
To correct this, it was argued, required a major redistribution and “equalization’ of wealth.
The suburbs, leafy retreats from asphalt and congestion, have been depicted in movies and books as stultifying, middle class, prejudiced, boring and ” bourgeois.” For community organizers they represented what Kurtz calls “a defect in American structure.”
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Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities by Stanley Kurtz (Aug 2, 2012 I have never been able to put my finger on exactly what it was that I so disliked about Barack Obama. As a former sixties civil rights worker, I should have been attracted to, or at least inspired by, the first black presidential candidate and president, but I never was. Sure, I didn’t care […]
One of modern history’s most important questions is how so many intelligent, privileged people could be seduced by a political ideology so intellectually incoherent and bloody in practice as communism. An illuminating approach for understanding this phenomenon can be found in the memoirs and biographies of true believers who awoke from their dogmatic Marxist slumbers and wrote about both their sleep and their waking. In its focus on how leftist ideology warps the lives and characters of those who embrace it, David Horowitz’s Radicals. Portratis of a Destructive Passion (Regnery, $27.95) is a book that can be ranked with such classics of this genre as The God That Failed and Paul Hollander’s The End of Commitment. But unlike those other studies, Horowitz in his new book analyzes radicals who never had the “second thoughts” that lead to conversion, but instead maintained their faith in the radical progressive creed until the bitter end.
Horowitz, of course, was once one of the true believers, a leading light of the New Left that arose in the ’60s and whose baleful influence has seeped throughout the culture and poisoned the Democratic Party. His 1997 memoir Radical Son can stand alongside The God That Failed in its brutally honest examination of the seductive power of left-wing ideology and the price one pays for rejecting it. Radicals, with its penetrating portraits of six modern radicals, takes a different tack, exploring the psychological forces, failures of character, and moral idiocy that blocked the sort of awakening to self-knowledge and truth that Horowitz experienced himself. Ever since the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, the Obama administration has been stalling, obfuscating and outright lying in order to avoid taking responsibility for the deaths of four Americans, including our ambassador. To a considerable degree, they have gotten away with that strategy. But Darrell Issa, Chairman of the […] With every new bit of information surfacing about the “Innocence of Muslims” movie trailer and its shady producer, it is looking more and more like the movie was part of an Islamist provocation, in which the film was produced to provide a pretext for widespread attacks against our embassies throughout the Middle East. It […] In 2008, Senator Obama said the Bush administration cut household income by $2000 and increased the debt by $4 trillion in eight years. Understandably, he declared its time for a change. What happened? In the past 4 years, household income dropped $4500 or 8%. The debt increased $6 trillion. Over twice the income drop. […]
Featured, Obama keeping it real with a Saturday Night Live quality “Street” voice, shout outs to Jeremiah Wright for providing him with the material and the fake accent. No wonder Wright was angry about being dumped by Obama. Obama’s entire image, pre-election, was a prolonged imitation of Wright, complete with divisive race-baiting.
Disturbing moments. The crowd cheers September 11. Not anything Obama says, just the very mention of September 11 brings a rousing cheer. This really is the Jeremiah Wright crowd.
When Obama isn’t ripping off Jeremiah Wright, he’s ripping off Kanye “Bush don’t care about black people” West.
Obama says Wright introduced him to Jesus. Before that was Obama homies with Mohammed, the way Wright has claimed? And then he easily switches, with the same weight of fake gravitas and passion from talking about religion to talking about highway construction.
What this tape really shows is that there is no Barack Obama. The Obama we see is as fake and artificial as the one on the tape. Neither of them is the real Obama and the odds are that we haven’t seen the real Obama yet. What we can see on both tapes is a consummate con artist who learns his lines and manipulates audiences by projecting what they want to see, whether it’s an angry militant or black JFK.