SUCH GOOD FRIENDS: THE UK’S GUARDIAN AND THE DESPOTS OF NORTH KOREA….FRANK MANNING….SEE NOTE PLEASE “OCCUPIED” NORTH KOREA IS ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST HORRIFIC HELLHOLES….DESPITE THE CHARMING ENTREATIES AND SCOLDING OF MADELEINE ALBRIGHT, CONDI RICE AND HILLARY CLINTON….RSK The Guardian should apologise for publishing propaganda from a journalist who is either misinformed or promoting a despotic Communist regime that imprisons hundreds of thousands t is never surprising to […]


If you read the headlines, the biggest issue in Israel isn’t Iran’s nuclear program or Syria’s chemical weapons falling into the hands of Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood; it’s how to draft Haredim, widely referred to as Ultra-Orthodox Jews, into the army.
Until recently, the Israeli left was feverishly complaining about the surplus of Religious Nationalist Jews in the army and the threat of religious fanaticism. Now it’s back to complaining that there aren’t enough Ultra-Orthodox religious fanatics in the army, after spending last year complaining that the ones in the army were too fanatical and the ones on buses were even worse.

Religious Nationalists in the army are a problem, because many of them are patriots and not too enthusiastic about giving up land to terrorists. The Ultra-Orthodox don’t care about the country or how much land it has, which makes them ideal recruits from the left’s point of view. Unfortunately, they don’t actually want to join the army.

The left’s ideal recruit doesn’t care about the country and mechanically follows orders to ethnically cleanse Jewish towns and villages. But, unfortunately, that ideal recruit would rather be playing guitar in Tel Aviv or studying the Talmud in Jerusalem than patrolling the frontier and fighting terrorists. The leftist sons and daughters of the idle rich want to protest at checkpoints in between parties, not serve at them, and, while Haredim will mechanically follow orders, those orders won’t come from the military, its political generals or an activist Supreme Court.

RON RADOSH: ALEXANDER COCKBURN…THE LAST STALINIST….NO REST FOR THE WICKED You know that when hosannas of praise rise up for a journalist who died, simply described in the New York Times obituary [1] as a “left-wing writer,” that a great deal remains unsaid. The writer who passed away a few days ago is Alexander Cockburn, and the piece by Colin Moynihan says that he […]


Andy McCarthy has a long, fascinating, and depressing piece on the case of State Department aide Huma Abedin, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the “coziness” of many U.S. politicians with an ideology that is inveterately in opposition to democratic capitalism and the individual liberty on which it rests.

Who’s Huma? You remember:

Ms. Abedin has been an aide since she interned at the White House in 1996 and was assigned to the then–first lady’s staff. The family tie for which she is best known is her husband, Anthony Weiner, the New York Democrat who resigned from Congress in disgrace last year. But it is Ms. Abedin’s parents and brother who have drawn the attention of the five House GOP members [Michele Bachmann (Minn.), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Trent Franks (Ariz.), Tom Rooney (Fla.), and Lynn Westmorland (Ga.)]. They all have connections to the Muslim Brotherhood — the organization itself or prominent members thereof.

Raised eyebrow time? Not if you’re Senator “Maverick,” John I-Was-in-a-North-Vietnam-Prison-Camp McCain.

For pointing this out and merely asking the State Department’s inspector general to look into it and report back to Congress — which is part of the IG’s duties under the statute that created his position — McCain & Co. (i.e., his fans in the left-wing media and his admirers in the Republican establishment) are screaming “smear” and “McCarthyism.” McCain’s antipathy toward conservatives (except during election years) is an old story. And it is no secret that he has long been smitten by Mrs. Clinton, whose transnational-progressive leanings mirror his own.


Fresh off of handing a “diversity” award to outspoken Jew-hater Dawud Walid, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is moving on to a new outrage by launching an attack on the U.S. Constitution.

The current issue of ISNA’s bi-monthly magazine Islamic Horizons carries an article about ISNA’s demand for gun control.

Specifically, the article, with the unambiguous title “ISNA Seeks Gun Control,” cites the shooting of Trayvon Martin to explain their opposition to S. 2188, the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2012,” and S. 2213, the “Respecting States’ Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2012.”


Levy’s Bombshell: William Mehlman

From the Editor: Rael Jean Isaac

Nine Lives of Israel: A Nation’s History through the Lives of Its Foremost Leaders, by Jack L. Schwartzwald. Reviewed By Edward Alexander

Israel…A Peacetime War Or A Wartime Peace Daniel Greenfield

France’s Shame: Rita Kramer

Peres on ‘Tomorrow’ – Yesterday and Today: Martin Sherman

Daniel Gordis and the Prestige of Israel: Emmanuel Navon see note please

Emanuel Navon is running for Knesset on the Likud ticket, and donations to his campaign (via are welcome.

Let’s Have a Conversation About The Real Illegal Settlements: Ruth King


Today marks the 90th anniversary of the “Mandate for Palestine” – A legally binding document published by League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations.

Until the United Nations remembers and accepts its obligation under the Mandate for Palestine, a genuine peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors is likely to remain elusive.
Israelis and friends of the Jewish State alike are accustomed to the never-ending scorn the United Nations heaps on the Middle East’s only free democracy, never mind its desire for peace with all of its Arab neighbors. It may seem unfathomable that the very same institution was ultimately responsible for the creation of Israel nearly 65 years ago.

Today marks the 90th anniversary that the League of Nations, the forerunner of the UN, published the legally binding document “Mandate for Palestine.” The Mandate’s roots can be traced to the founding of modern Zionism in August 1897 and the Balfour Declaration of November 1917.

After witnessing the spread of anti-Semitism around the world, Theodor Herzl felt compelled to create a political movement with the goal of establishing a Jewish National Home in historic Palestine, and he assembled the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. During World War I, Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour simply expressed Great Britain’s view with favor for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.”

In contrast, the Mandate is the multilateral binding agreement which laid down the Jewish legal right to settle anywhere in the geographical area called Palestine, the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, an entitlement unaltered in international law.

The Mandate was not a naive vision briefly embraced by the international community. The entire League of Nations – 51 countries – unanimously declared on that July 24th, 1922: “Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”

Washington went a step further: in September of that year, President Warren Harding signed the Lodge-Fish Joint Resolution, which had passed both Houses of Congress without dissent, which read, “Favors the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people.”

The Mandate clearly differentiates between political rights referring to Jewish self-determination as an emerging polity—and civil and religious rights, referring to guarantees of equal personal freedoms to non-Jewish residents as individuals and within select communities. Not once are Arabs as a people mentioned in the Mandate for Palestine. Nowhere in the document is there any granting of political rights to Arabs.


“Daniel, why do you repeat the canard that without Israeli concessions, the “Palestinian problem” will never be resolved and the Arab-Israel conflict will continue ad infinitum? It’s like Hitler Big Lie. For the Islamic world everything Jewish is “illegal”. Everything is “stolen land”.”

Daniel Gordis of the Shalem Center signed the US “Jewish leaders” letter to the Prime Minister asking him not to act on the Levy Report which said that Israel is not an occupying power in Judea and Samaria. Meotti fis shocked and disappointed.
The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book “A New Shoah”, that researched the personal stories of Israel’s terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary.

Dear Daniel,

I felt the need to write you because we had a warm chat a while ago, I enjoyed your book “Saving Israel” and you reviewed my book, “A New Shoah”, positively.

But I read with deep sadness your open letter to Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, published in Haaretz newspaper and asking him to reject Justice Levy’s Report recommending Israel to legalize the Judea and Samaria outposts (the report’s revolution is in stating that the Jewish State is not an occupying power).

Unfortunately, the settler public has been marked with the scarlet letter of murder and expulsion and now, their ethnic cleansing has also received the imprimatur of influential Jewish rabbis and Israeli personalities like you.

“Settlers” are not only the Jews whom avant guarde, “enlightened” Westerners love to hate and the first target of the Palestinian Jihad. They are also the sacrifical lamb of Jewish suicidal temptations.

You know that the real issue in the Arab-Israel conflict is and always has been the ownership of the land.

That’s why Rome, in its effort to erase the Jews and their title to the holy land, renamed it “Palestine”. The Treaty of Sevres codified into international law the San Remo award of 98% of Turkey’s empire to Arab nations-to-be; the 2 percent called “Palestine” went, in Balfour terms, for the Jews.


Vandals threw religious objects and shattered windows at the synagogue of Noisy-le-Grand of the Seine-Saint-Denis district

A synagogue in Paris was vandalized for the third time in 10 days.

Vandals threw prayer books and tallis shawls to the floor and shattered windows at the synagogue of Noisy-le-Grand of the Seine-Saint-Denis district, according to The Algemeiner. The only items stolen were two vacuum cleaners, synagogue caretaker Maurice Zana told Anach Infos, a French-language Jewish news website, according to The Algemeiner.

“They must have been upset that there was nothing else to take,” he reportedly said.

After the incident, the French anti-Semitism watchdog group, the Bureau National de Vigilance Contr L’Antisemtisme (BNVCA), called for additional security measures to be implemented.

“Despite the measures taken, things persist, and I think that we need additional legislation, because the Jewish community is angered,” BNVCA president Sammy Ghozlan told The Algemeiner.


Rumble Over ObamaCare — on The Glazov Gang
Leftist activist Brandelynn Turner confronts Dwight Schultz and Rob Nelson on the U.S. health care system — and mayhem breaks out.