Decision Time by Yoel Meltzer

Ynet –,7340,L-4285909,00.html My blog –  With the Iranian issue coming to a head, it’s both ironic and a bit worrisome that the weight of the fateful decision is resting squarely on the soldiers of Benjamin Netanyahu. For despite his enormous potential – intelligent, charismatic, superb oratory skills, in-depth knowledge of economic issues – […]

Are Jewish Settlements Built on Arab Land? Posted By Rachel Neuwirth and John Landau ****

Is it really true, as much of the European and American press have been reporting for years, that Jewish “settlers” in the “West Bank” (more properly known as Judea and Samaria) are living on land that they have stolen from Palestinian Arabs?

This is in fact utterly impossible. Every time that the Israeli government has proposed or given tentative approval for the construction of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, it has first advertised its intentions in Arab newspapers, and invited any Arabs who have claims to the land to come forward with them. Only if no such claims were put forward for at least six months; or if, after such claims were made, the Israeli court system had ruled against them following a painstaking and thorough review of the facts, in which the courts bent over backwards to be fair to all Arab claimants, did the Israeli government actually authorize the construction of Jewish communities in this disputed area. Israeli courts have forbidden the Israel government from confiscating any Arab-owned land for Jewish settlement since 1980. And the Israel government has not authorized any new settlements since the Israeli-Palestinian “peace process” began in 1993.

Not even the so-called “unauthorized” or “illegal” Jewish settlements, those that the Israeli government has not fully and expressly authorized, are built on Arab-owned land. Both the authorized and unauthorized Jewish communities were all built on what had been completely unoccupied, uncultivated and uninhabited “waste land.” No Arab homes were destroyed, no Arab residents were expelled, and no Arab farmland was seized in creating any of these Jewish communities—whether their construction was fully authorized by the Israeli government or not. And under the land ownership laws of Judea and Samaria — which date to when these territories were under Turkish rule, and which have been respected by all subsequent governments, including the Israeli administration — nearly all uninhabited and completely undeveloped “waste land” belongs either to the state, not to any private owner. While such land could legally be purchased from the state, there were almost no instances in which Arabs actually did purchase such “waste land,” because they would have had to pay taxes on it while deriving no benefit for the foreseeable future. Whatever few purchases of such land were made, were made by Jewish philanthropists hoping to provide land for future Jewish refugees or immigrants.

P. DAVID HORNIK: NETANYAHU’S RED LINE At the start of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly on Thursday, he seemed less than fully focused, at times a little creaky in his delivery. The content of his words was unobjectionable. It had not been the easiest week for the Israeli Jewish people. The UN had picked […]

DAVID GOLDMAN: PALESTINIANS DITCHED….EGYPT NEXT? “No one cares about the Palestinians,” I wrote in this space two years ago [1], and since then the world has stopped funding them. As a result, the Palestine Authority is collapsing, comments Khalid Elgindy, a former PA adviser, on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations, about “the wave of Palestinian protests […]

If you think depraved school boards only exist in the United States, wait until you hear about Toronto, Canada’s. On the Toronto District School Board website there is a section that encourages children to not only experiment with sex toys but also instructs them to use vegetables for orgasmic pleasure.

Under the heading “Coalition for Positive Sexuality,” a link titled “Just Say Yes, pro sex” encourages kids to spice things up in the bedroom:

Most of us learn that our bodies, and our sex, are things to be ashamed of. Most of us learn that sex means a man on top of a woman, and that the only other choice is abstinence. But sex can be lots of things… women have sex with women, men have sex with men, women have sex with men — and sometimes the best sex is with yourself! There are lots of safe and fun ways to get off, which you probably won’t learn in school… don’t feel like you have to do everything on this page, but don’t feel like anything is automatically off limits either.

The link continues that a person could “could suck, kiss, touch, bite, fondle, nibble, squeeze and lick someone’s body, nipples, calves, toes, neck” and other areas. In addition, it mentions masturbation in front of the mirror, acting out fantasies and using sex toys.

AFGHAN CANADIAN STABS DAUGHTER FOR “HER OWN GOOD” GRAEME HAMILTON SHARIA FORM OF A “TIME OUT”??? RSK ‘It’s for your good. Let me finish’: Afghan-Canadian mother told police she stabbed her daughter with a kitchen knife MONTREAL – For months, Bahar Ebrahimi had been rebelling against her parents, complaining their Afghan culture and Muslim religion were suffocating her. “I want to enjoy my life. […]

ANDREW BOSTOM: NUPTIAL LAW IN EGYPT? SANCTIONING MARRAIGE TO NINE YEAR OLD GIRLS?!!! Muhammad’s Nuptial Example in To Be Law Egypt?—Constitution Writers Discuss Sanctioning Marriage of Nine-Year-Old Girls Muhammad depicted in a prominent frieze which adorns the U.S. Supreme Court Building, despite the efforts [2] of the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood offshoot [3] Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to have the sculpture removed in accord with Sharia […]


2012.09.27 (Mogadishu, Somalia) – A woman is killed when an Islamic terrorist throws a grenade into the street.
2012.09.26 (Quetta, Pakistan) – A Shiite professional is brutally gunned down outside his office by devout Sunnis
2012.09.26 (Barzeh, Syria) – Six women and three children are among sixteen Sunni civilians pulled from their homes and executed by Shia militia.
2012.09.25 (Karachi, Pakistan) – Suspected Sipah-e-Mohammad gunmen murder a man and his two sons for belonging to a rival Sunni sect.
2012.09.24 (Hit, Iraq) – Four schoolchildren are disassembled by a Holy Warrior with a car full of explosives.
2012.09.24 (Nankana Sahib, Pakistan) – A caretaker at a Shia shrine is assassinated by Sunni gunmen.


This observer thinks Israel is on its own and knows it. There may be cooperation from other nations who take the Iranian threat seriously, but whatever steps Israel must take to stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon, it will largely have to do while the diplomats and leaders of Western and other nations cower in their embassies, chancelleries, consulates, and seats of government in storied capitol cities.
Israel will be tasked to save the West because the West, once again, cannot find the courage to save itself, just like in 1936.

On June 20, 1936, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia addressed the League of Nations following the annexation of his nation by Italy the previous year, after Mussolini’s army had invaded. Both nations were members of the League. It condemned the invasion and had imposed economic sanctions that were weak and ignored by its members.

In the wake of having been driven from Ethiopia, Selassie warned the League’s assembled diplomats “It is us today. It will be you tomorrow.”

World War II would begin three years later when Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.

There are lessons to be drawn from history if one is inclined to learn history. On Thursday, September 27, just as he has for the last few years, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Natanyahu again addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations and again warned that time was running out for a confrontation with an Iran intent on producing its own nuclear weapons to fulfill its repeated threats to destroy Israel.

Disengaged President Takes the Wrong View by PETER BROOKES The high-flying rhetoric in his speech aside, the most troubling part of President Barack Obama’s visit to the United Nations yesterday was his decision to forego meetings with other heads of state gathering at the General Assembly meeting. What a missed opportunity for tackling a wide array of world problems. For instance, it was […]