ROBERT SPENCER: HUMA ABEDIN, THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD: BACHMANN VS. McCAIN Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood: Bachmann vs. McCain Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is at the center of a firestorm over her request that the State, Homeland Security, Defense and Justice Departments, investigate potential “policies and activities that appear to be the result of influence operations conducted by individuals and organizations associated with the […]

Jabotinsky’s Place in History – July 19, 2012 Marks the 72nd Anniversary of His Death By Daniel Tauber – Jerusalem Post –

The next Herzl, the next Dostoyevsky, the Jewish Garibaldi, the Jewish Churchill, the prisoner of Acre, the Defender of Jerusalem, the Father of the Revolt, and the Father of the IDF. He wrote books, poems and articles. He founded armies and organizations. He was the voice of the downtrodden and was considered by some to be a modern day prophet, travelling around the world warning the people of impending destruction but never doubting their ultimate redemption. Yet, most Jews don’t know much about him or understand his impact on Jewish history.

In much of the Zionist literature, Ze’ev Jabotinsky and his Revisionist-Zionist movement are treated as an afterthought. Where discussed at all, they are often mentioned as a fringe faction, which happened to be correct on a number of issues. In Walter Laquer’s History of Zionism, Jabotinsky gets one chapter.

In Howard Sachar’s tome, Jabotinsky is mentioned in a few scattered instances. True, Jabotinsky’s legacy gets a boost every now and then with the election of a Likud prime minister or the death of a Revisionist- Zionist figure, such as Benzion Netanyahu or Yitzhak Shamir.

But the occasional spatter of articles don’t do justice to the lasting impact of Jabotinsky’s words and deeds.

Jabotinsky wasn’t just the head of a fringe faction, an influence on two or three prime ministers, or the spiritual father of the leading party in Israel. Every chapter of Zionist history after Herzl’s death was colored by Jabotinsky’s personality. He stands among Herzl, Ben-Gurion and Weizmann as one of the founding fathers of the Jewish State.

JABOTINSKY FOUNDED the Jewish Legion and the Hagana and renewed the Jewish military tradition which was and remains essential to Jewish statehood. His concept of the “Iron Wall,” with its implications for Jewish military strength, defeating violent Arab opposition to Zionism and achieving peace with our
neighbors, has become embedded in Israeli society.


Exclusive (link is at: Times 247

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, with Cold Case Posse lead investigator Michael Zullo next to him, announces the preliminary findings of his investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate on March 1 in Phoenix. During a press conference Tuesday, July 17, Sheriff Arpaio called on Congress to look into the matter. Photo Credit:AP/Ralph Freso

At the conclusion of a press conference led by Cold Case Posse chief investigator Michael Zullo that detailed the reasons the long-form birth certificate of President Barack Obama is a forgery, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said it’s time for a higher authority to investigate the issue.

Mr. Arpaio said he would like Congress … “someone” … to look at the material his investigative team had gathered. As he had told WND earlier: “Although I am having a difficult time deciding who to forward this information to given the fact that the obvious choices report directly to the president, I cannot stand by and hold on to information that threatens to weaken national security.”

The press conference held Tuesday clarified some of the issues discussed in an earlier press conference held in Phoenix on March 1, at which the Cold Case Posse presented its initial findings of a six-month-long investigation into the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. “I cannot in good faith report to you that these documents are authentic,” Mr. Arpaio said at the time.

Tuesday’s press conference added weight to the Cold Case Posse’s earlier findings. In addition to the electronic evidence that the president’s long-form birth certificate had been altered, the investigators introduced supporting evidence related to a box titled “Race of Father.” In it was written the word “African.” Not only was “African” not used as a race identifier until 1989, 28 years after Obama’s birth, but the box is also coded with a number nine. Nine signifies that no information was provided, meaning the box should have been empty. The fact that there is information in the box suggests someone had tampered with the birth certificate, investigators say.

The press conference also discussed the recent trip to Hawaii by lead investigator Michael Zullo and others to further investigate the anomalies associated with the president’s birth certificate. Mr. Zullo and his team received a cold reception and most doors were closed to them. Hawaiian officials also tended to over-react to their presence. In at least one case, local police were called.

ANDREW McCARTHY: YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT…OH YEAH? One of the many great things about Paul Johnson’s magisterial A History of the American People is that he begins that history in the Sixteenth Century. There was an identifiable, culturally distinguishable American People long before there was a Revolutionary War, a Constitution, or a central government. The American People, by their industry and […]


He was having trouble getting up from the platform and into the cattle
car. After all, he was only twelve years old and there was no ramp
leading inside. An SS thug saw him “dawdling” in front of the car and
aimed a boot at the boy’s posterior. The boy jumped out of the way
just in time and the SS man fell to his face from the violence of his
own kick.

Fearing the German would take his fury out on him, the boy scampered
into the train. He hid himself from the Nazi inside a crowded, filthy
car until the train pulled out of Budapest’s Nyugati station.

And thus began David Kohn’s participation in what many regard as the
most dramatic and controversial train journey in history. For this was
the train organized by Dr. Rudolf Kastner, head of the Hungarian
Judenrat, on which 1,685 Jews rode to safety.


3 dead from explosion on Israeli bus in Bulgaria Many injured after bomb explodes aboard Israeli tour bus at the Burgas airport in Bulgaria; Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov in touch with Liberman, headed to site. Three Israelis were killed and many injured when a bomb exploded on an Israeli tourist bus at the […]




Today the Akin campaign released a new ad entitled “Don’t Be Fooled.” Governor Mike Huckabee doubled-down in his support of true conservative Todd Akin in the Senate primary. The ad reminds voters of Akin’s staunch conservative voting record opposing bailouts, stimulus, and the horrible Obamacare bill. It also points to his work creating legislation that balances the budget and caps the size of Federal government.

“Missourians won’t be fooled by false information or insulted by weeks of negative campaigning. This is a primary, and candidates must prove they can stand on their own merit and platform, “ said Akin spokesman Ryan Hite. “Governor Huckabee has chosen to re-affirm his public support of Mr. Akin because of his proven conservative track record. This election stands as one of the most important in our lifetime, and attacks and lies will not win the hearts of Missouri primary voters.”

RAYN MAURO ON THE FILM “LOSING OUR SONS” **** On June 1, 2009, William “Andy” Long was murdered at an Army recruiting center in Little Rock, Arkansas by an Islamist terrorist named Carlos Bledsoe. In a new, heart-wrenching and jaw-dropping film titled Losing Our Sons by Americans for Peace and Tolerance, you see the real story of how this happened. The bottom line […]

Just when you thought the government was finished scheduling your life and mapping out how you can become an exemplar of gung-ho “giving back” citizenship, another Pulitzer Prize winner concocts still another scheme to best exploit your life, time, and energies. One couldn’t imagine a better way to complement the passage of Obamacare and the Supreme Court’s upholding it on the notion that penalties are taxes and taxes are penalties than by proposing a new, improved, and eminently fair and cost-saving draft. After all, if we are now all officially wards of the state, why not? If doctors and other medical professionals can be de facto drafted to serve as serfs, why not your children?

Brought to my attention by Daniel Greenfield in his July 14th Sultan Knish column was Thomas R. Ricks’s New York Times opinion piece of July 9th, “Let’s Draft Our Kids.” Greenfield handily dismisses most of Ricks’s proposals as the ravings of an ignoramus and lunatic, but I saw something else in Ricks’s article that beggared comment. What Ricks is proposing is a scheme for indentured servitude that makes the old Roosevelt era Civilian Conservation Corps look like a Boy Scout jamboree.


Perry: Holder comment incites ‘racial tension’ Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) accused At… Read more… Report: Venezuela tramples rights under Chavez Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez con… Read more… Read more: Obama record of cronyism facing fresh scrutiny Washington Free Beacon Wednesday, July 18, 2012 News President Obama’s record of rewarding political donors with taxpayer […]